I apologize if this isn't the right place to post. Picked up a '94 BlueWater 19' open bow with 4.3L mercruiser and alpha one lower. Changed oil in both and took it out for a test run. Everything was fine - planed off, ran well and no funky sounds or vibrations. So I puttered around for awhile, opening it up every now and then, and decided to head back in. Was running great at 3K RPM's - not sure how fast because speedo doesn't work. So pushed it to 3K again, trim down and I couldn't get 10 mph out of it and no where close to planing off, even when I pushed it to 4K RPM's. My first thought was lower unit, but couldn't see/hear any issues and reservoir tank under engine was still at full. Limped in to launch and then noticed shift linkage wasn't acting right. Thought I had it in neutral, but was in reverse. Same going forward. Did finally get it in neutral, but made me wonder if there could be a problem that way. Any ideas where I should start? Thanks in advance.