I mostly trailer my boat, though this year I wanted to try a dry slip to avoid the lines of the ramp and compel myself to go out more as I spent more money for it. As I wasn't going to a public launch, I thought I would avoid most of the memorial day craziness. Though I was wrong, it felt like there were even more boats than usual on the lake and I was suprised and annoyed at how many people were throwing out a huge wake as they plowed at lowerspeeds through the water. There were two Natique boats that looked like they forgot their wake boarders a couple miles back as they put out huge wakes w/o towing anyone. I had to throw in the towel early as my kiddo got sea sick and ended up tossing her cookies. I think I am done with holiday boating, as there are a lot more newbies on the lake with no concern about how big their wake is and how close they are to shore. Feels like the increased popularity in boating has a double edge sword.
I have a 19' boat and hope that going to something like a 23' might be a little more stable, when it comes to boating traffic.
I have a 19' boat and hope that going to something like a 23' might be a little more stable, when it comes to boating traffic.