Lost Catch Bag....


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 12, 2003
Lost: Yellow Catch bag full of lobsters... just off of Graves Lighthouse - Boston Harbor.


The story:
Out diving with the dive club (South Shore Neptunes). First dive in about 30-50 feet along the reef. Caught around 8-10 lobsters...my personal best. When I got back to the boat...tied off catch bag to rope hanging off the side...went to remove fins and noticed the bag decending into the depths (made a grab for it...and tried to dive after it..but tank didn't have enough left in it to trust it)....I guess I should have checked the knot better :'( . I put on a new tank and dove for 20 minutes looking for it...but it probably got caught in the tide current and was nowhere nearby. The good news for the lobsters...the clip on the bag opening was broke so they may have made it out.

Oh well, ya win some and ya lose some. The problem is, now I REALLY have a hankering for some fresh lobster.



Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 29, 2004
What luck!!

What luck!!

so here I am diving around Graves point around 30 feet and this bag FULL of lobster falls on my head! WOW I couldn't believe my luck!

oh umm... I think it was a different day than when Will was there


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 12, 2003
Re: Lost Catch Bag....


Egg...when WAS the last time you actually went diving?

I think we need to get a dive date set up. Boatgrunts contacted me a couple weeks ago about doing Brant Rock. Maybe we should see if there are any other New England divers on iboats.



Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 6, 2006
Re: Lost Catch Bag....

I haven't dove New england waters since I was in the Navy. But, I do have experience with losing catch.

On a night dive in the Persian Gulf I shot a good size Hamour (Grouper) which I tied to my 8 foot long catch-line.
All of a sudden I felt this very strong tug on my weight belt and was then pulled some distance.
It seems a 7 foot Bull Shark decided he wanted my catch and swallowed it whole. Of course he didn't want to just stay there and took off; with me attached.

Can you guess what I did?
Right; cut the line away.

I also have a story about spearing a Sea Wrass in the Red Sea off the "Wall" in Jeddah.

But that is another story.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 12, 2003
Re: Lost Catch Bag....

Great story....mine was just plain stupidity on my part. Gotta hate that "sinking feeling" (no pun intended) as you see your hard work getting away.

Would love to hear your Sea Wrass story.
