Re: Losing our Democracy
LFK, I can understand your confusion with the world around you. Your minions have been in all positions of power all of your life. Yet, today, those you call "corporate & religious-right lackeys" are. Those you thought were "disposable" or "ignorable" in those seats of power are suddenly changing the direction of this country. They have ripped the riegns away from foreign puppet masters, and against much whining and crying from those unseated, are placing the reigns back into the hands of the people. They are taking decissive action against those who would hijack commercial airliners and fly them into buildings full of innocent people, where in past encounters such acts were ignored, or at best, handled like a police investigation of foreign bank robbers!
Moreover, you are not used to seeing moral values rule the direction of this country,. as you were brought-up on "if it feels good, do it", "Make love, not war", pornography and child-porn a mere keystroke away from you, encouraging actual CLUBS like N.A.M.B.L.A.!!
Your ideas of what is morally permissable were no doubt instilled in you by day care personel.
You, an average US citizen between the ages of 25 and 45, have been indoctrinated by a public school system rife with the ideals of "welfare" and "free" lunches.
To be frank, I did not bother to click the link you provided. All I needed was to read your own paragraph to know your rage against Bush has given you yet one more clickable vent. Being a Christian (or "religous right lackey"), I see such examples of your rage on display daily, and from some very unexpected sides -- sides other than hollywood and the nightly ALnews (i see this because I do not patronise those same servers of such debauchery as you).
Those who forget history are indeed, doomed to repeat it. As i sit here watching a documentary on the history channel on "THE SS" of nazi Germany, persecution by national edict is clearly seen. What frightens me probably as much or more as this "loss of democracy" you elude to in your post, is the global leadership of today are repeating this purge of all things Jewish or Christian, in favor of any force powerfull enough to do it....
And God help us -- there is such a force. It wears as many uniforms as there are armies, yet it's most useful uniform (outside of it's turbined leadership) is none at all. It walks amoung us.
Yet, even some freedom-loving people around the world are willing to support them, in the interest of getting their most numerous enemies silienced. Oh, there truely IS a "spiked punch", but it's you and your ilk who are partaking of it these days. Since "Bush stole the election" in 2000, your heart ,and the hearts of your abandoned masters, have been blighted and on your sleaves for all to see. It's clear what drives you. And that drive is anger and resentment.. God help us all, but you'll be in my prayers also.