Looking for info on fitting that goes into transom for drive oil resevoir?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 28, 2010
So far I replaced the drive oil resevoir and the line from resevoir to transom. Unfortunately... I still have a leak. Upon "twisting and contorting" my body for a visual inspection of the connection of the line into the transom, I have found drive oil residue around the fitting. I was told this is plastic, but even worse, I explained the fitting in detail to 2 marinas and all they want to do is charge me to "make sure" that's why I have drive oil in my bildge. Not to be a smart rear end :facepalm: , but where else could it be coming from? If it is that "plastic fitting", I can not find that piece anywhere on Mercury Marines website when I put the serial number in. Does anyone know the part number, fitting size, a metal fitting conversion, or any thoughts?

Reel Poor

Vice Admiral
Jan 29, 2005
Re: Looking for info on fitting that goes into transom for drive oil resevoir?

Give these part numbers a try

1) 18922 CONNECTOR
2) 20195 O-RING
3) 91964 WASHER
4) 35053 NUT
5) 18923 FITTING


Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Looking for info on fitting that goes into transom for drive oil resevoir?

You shouldn't have the plastic one in your drive, they didn't start those until 98. The one pictured above is brass, not plastic.
The plastic connector has a quick disconnect fitting on the engine, the brass one has a hose barb and clamp and the fitting is screwed on.
Might want to check that out. Could be nothing more than a leaky hose end or missing clamp, or loose fitting.
