Looking for advise for launching/retrieving with small child

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Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: Looking for advise for launching/retrieving with small child

Ive been out with my Daughter when she was 4 by myself on the bay in the 14' MFG runabout. Also been out when my son was 3 and my daughter was 7 in the Bayliner (they get in the cuddy and in no time fall asleep). It does take more time, and more attention to the child's safety, but I have no problem with bringing a young child on the water. I also make sure others know where we are going, and when we will be back, and we have a lunch and drinks in case the boat breaks down and we have to wait for a tow. Its also important to have a marine radio to call for help if you need it. Don't rely on cell phones alone.

I think you will find that little kids tend to fall asleep on a boat very quickly. So its a good idea to have a bimini top or some other form of sun protection for the kids. Also a pillow and some extra towels so they can sleep on the chairs or deck. The pillow really helps because with a PDF on, their head needs some support to lie down comfortably. My daughter liked to curl up under the dash of the MFG and sleep at our feet while we were under way.

One good rule when you have little ones on the boat and you are the only adult: They are not allowed to be behind you. They must be in the seats next to you or in front, but never behind (out of sight). Works for me.

The Famous Grouse

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 26, 2008
Re: Looking for advise for launching/retrieving with small child

Your vehicle will stop once the boat is floating, if there is a condition which causes it to roll or slide into the water? Not hardly and I would love to hear your explanation for all of the vehicles that have gone into the water at many boat ramps.

The only explanation I can think of is excessive stupidity or in-breeding.

Simutaneous failure of a parking brake combined with someone foolishly leaving the transmission out of gear would otherwise be unbelievably rare. I live in the sate with the highest boat ownership per capita and I've only seen on car roll backward into the water when not intended and the car did not submerge.

If putting the safety of my son as my first priority is " chicken little", then I proudly wear that badge. I just gave my honest opinion and don't think insults were needed.

If the example of "My father had me out on the Mighty Mississippi in SE Minnesota when I was 4, fishing, without a lifejacket, in NOVERMBER" works for you and yor family, it does not for me.

Obviously, my story was from another time and place. You're probably too young to remember when we all drove around without seatbelts too.

My point is that there is far greater danger in having a child potentially get out of a car on a busy ramp while the adult is distracted. The chances of having a child strapped into a seat and then the car rolling back such that it becomes completely submerged is almost non-existant.

You would be hundereds of times more likely to get in an accident on the way to the ramp than to have such a bizzaire accident AT the ramp. We take risks with our children every day just be taking them out the front door. The key is to avoid the big ones, not to worry about bizzaire what-ifs.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 3, 2009
Re: Looking for advise for launching/retrieving with small child

For me, there is no reason not to take a child at any age if you are properly prepared and equipped.

Are there risks? yes.
Can you mitigate them? yes.

The X factor here is the child him/herself. I know some 3 year olds I would gladly taking boating, and I know others that I wouldn't even consider it. (It's all about the parents).

My little 3yr old nephew seems more wise and older than his 3 years - listens well, thinks and observes, and acts when told to. I wouldn't hesitate to take him with me, and would certainly consider him a "little skipper" - he'll help load and unload, hold the rope etc. To be fair, this kid seems advanced for his age, and he's also physically larger than most 3 year olds.

His 6 year old sister... i wouldn't dare to take her out on my own.

My own little guy, just 15 months, is well too young to come on his own with dad. But has been in the boat at least once a month since he was born.

So, how do you mitigate the risks? I think the biggest thing is location - where and when you are launching.

There are many ramps in my neck of the woods where the boat needs to be under power off the trailer, and powered to a nearby dock (the launch/ramp and dock are not in the same area).

I would suggest you go to a ramp that is flanked by a dock that allows you to pull the boat off without power, and tie up to make the necessary preparations. Where you put your kid during that time, depends on the kid. As I said above, my 3yr old nephew would wait on the dock or would be at my side with no problem (life jacket on of course).

Ideally, yes - you would have a second competent adult helping if you can't trust the child in that way.
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