Looking for Advice


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2011
Re: Looking for Advice

I just got word that the Coach is not doing good at all. This may be the end of this project if he cannot recover. I hate to see it and I hate to say it, But I believe that he is on God's time and we all know that God has his own agenda. The Boys doing this for Coach made his year, He truly thinks the boys are the greatest students in the school simply because they wanted to help. I will update as more information becomes available and i sincerely thank everyone involved with the physical and moral support.

Doug, I will pm you later with more info.

Thank You,



Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Looking for Advice

My Admiral & I will send good thoughts to Florida for him & his family. For you & yours as well.

Again, congrats on raising such a nice young man who chooses like minded young men as friends.

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: Looking for Advice

Again, congrats on raising such a nice young man..............who chooses like minded young men as friends.

The two are very much interrelated.....kind of like the chicken and the egg..... :)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 8, 2012
Re: Looking for Advice

Bum reply on my part. Deleted post
Last edited:


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Looking for Advice

The engine is not that old. It probably has good life left in it, and is probably worth some money. Just because the engine ran hot and won?t start don?t mean that engine metal has been damaged, not by a long shot. Probably something electrical needs fixing. A hundred bucks having a qualified mechanic look at it would be my suggestion. Taking it apart without giving it a good going over might ruin a good thing in the end.
Henry, I think you too missed the details:
The engine WAS a 1996 200 25". It has had a terminal failure in that the piston for #1 is destroyed, it had separated from the rod at the wrist pin, the rod was broken in half about 2.5 inches from the small end, and the remaining rod caught the exhaust port, shoving the rod thru the block into the water chest. Brackish water entered the block, and the motor sat for 18 months until the guys decided to try this repair. The engine is locked up solid. There are pieces of reed fused to the sides of #1 cylinder.

Well done, whoever was running it when it blew. Well done.

It has a good L/U. Very smooth as I spun the prop by hand. I was surprised at how smooth it spun.

I have been looking for a suitable powerhead or donor motor, and travelled to Winter Garden, FL to examine a possible candidate. No go. Junk.

I also have a lead on a 1994 powerhead that is in Miami, but I seriously suspect it will need a sleeve, which will also make it a no go candidate.

That's where we stand. It is not looking too promising.

As for the chicken & egg comparison: IMO, exactly right. I don't want to raise someone else's kids, but I think it does & should reflect on the parents, for good or bad. And in this case, good, really well actually. :)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 8, 2012
Re: Looking for Advice

Yes, I had not been to the site for some time and for some reason did not look at the replies to see how much had gone on.

It is a shame so much damage. I’ve got a motor just like that and once picked up a plastic bag that covered the intake. I was full throttle and did not hear the warning or see the warning light because my attention was forward. The engine safety circuit cut in and cut out some of the spark plugs and slowed the motor to a crawl abruptly with a lot of shaking. I thought the worst, but once cooled down and the bag removed the motor ran like nothing happened. That was like five years ago. I’ve since examined the cylinder walls and the piston heads. Nothing noticeable. The motor runs as good as new.