Looking for a good Manual ?


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 27, 2006
Re: Looking for a good Manual ?

Never a problem Mi...if your gonna run your mouth and put up a challenge like i did, ya better be man enough to accept the consequences! Heres what i really learned, and where i was going wrong: When trying to educate myself about a particular subject, i found it difficult to understand the Mercury manual...then i would read the same subject in the Seloc manual and it seemed so much easier to understand (or so it seemed)...what was really going on was that the Seloc was easier to read and understand because it wasn't giving me a difficult lesson...So the Merc manual was giving me a challenge, making me think harder because of it's technical detail...so instead of pushing myself to really read and understand the Merc manual, i just went to the Seloc manual because it was easy to me...Well, no wonder it was easier, i wasn't learning anything....dig into that Merc manual onetime and see whats really in there...SO, with this said....rests the answer to this Thread...We can move this one over to the FAQ's...We have a winner! LOL!!

Mi duckdown

Apr 14, 2007
Re: Looking for a good Manual ?

Those 2 big A&S manuals light blue and dark blue that cover dang near every motor to 1978 or so are the best.
Got lucky Bought both of them at garage sale for a buck apiece. 20 years ago. friends are always trying to borrowing them.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 27, 2006
Re: Looking for a good Manual ?

A dollar a piece...loan 'em out one time with a $100 security deposit on it...you'll never see the manuals again...!!! LOL!