Lone Star Commander vs. Texas Maid Aluminum Boat?


Nov 19, 2012
I recently acquired an aluminum fishing boat from a friend of mine. The boat was his father's and has been sitting on a farm for almost 40 years, unused but full of mud, ect. I always thought the boat was a Lone Star Commander, but upon cleaning the dirt off, nothing was found to indicate such. I did find a painted over decal or something that looks like it says "Texas Maid" on both sides back by the stern. On the stern, it has the numbers 7034 engraved from the factory.
The boat measures about 15 feet bow to stern and is about 64-66 inches across the beam in its widest point. It has three seats. The boat itself is in good shape with only one small hole in the bottom which has previously been repaired.
Does anyone know exactly which boat it might be or where I might find more information?
What is the surest way to repair the small hole in the bottom?


Sep 17, 2010
Re: Lone Star Commander vs. Texas Maid Aluminum Boat?

Hi Sailor. Welcome to iboats. Texas Maid was a farily well know, small regional boat builder in the 50s-60s, I believe. There are a few other TM owners here in the forums in fact. Finding info on some of the old, smaller companies can be tricky as HIN plates were not required until the mid 70's, but the link below can help get you stated. Thankfully, aluminum boats are dead simple to bring back to life. There are, however, a few rules. 1.) NEVER use pressure treated wood on an aluminum boat as it will lead to electrolytic pitting. Instead, use quality, non-PT, exterior grade plywood and seal it with epoxy, fiberglass mat & resin, or Spar Urethane. 2.) Use stainless steel hardware throughout the boat to avoid galvanic corrosion as well. 3.) rebuck, or replace any old rivets to stop leaks. you can also apply a layer of Gluv-it to the interior seams as an extra layer of leak protection 4.) Use pink/blue, closed-cell insulation board from Lowes/HD for below deck flotation. 4.) Use Zinc Chromate primer prior to paint. That's really about it. The res is only limited by your budget and imagination. Good luck!

Texas Maid - Classic Boat Library

Texas Maid - Classic Boat Library


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Lone Star Commander vs. Texas Maid Aluminum Boat?

First off...

Next, I must say I am NOT a Tin Boat guy but, based on my experience from being a member here on the iBoats Forum and learning from some of the best Tin Boat repair guys in the world, I'd say you will have all the advice you need on repairing your boat. Pics will really get the conversation started. Best way to post your pics is via a Free Photobucket account.

If the holes is not to big or bad, you might be able to repair it with JB Weld or PC-11. If it requires more than that you could fabricate patches for the outside and inside, drill some holes around the perimeter, saturate the patches with 3M 5200 sealant and rivet the patches in place. May not look all that great, but it will seal the hole. I'm sure others will be along with much more Tin Boat Knowledge to help you out.
