Local Laws at the Launch


Vice Admiral
Sep 20, 2010
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

Maybe no park rule, but what about that sign I posted, looks like there is a Texas law against swimming close to launch ramps. Probably something to look into as it seems even the park official didn't know about the law.

Bring this up to the city/county and tell them there needs to be a sign, to avoid people from breaking the law and causing confrontations with law-biding citizens. (Not that a sign would do any good with the 1%ers...)

This sign means absolutely nothing without the statute, it has no bearing legally whatsoever, however judging by the response by the park official I would buy one and post it at your boat ramp since obviously your park officials don't care about much of anything anyway, so what have you got to lose?

Did a little digging into the state law you posted in your picture. Section 31.092 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife code just says, basically, that it's up to the city or county, whichever holds jurisdiction over the waterway/ramp to create their own usage rules. In my case, the City of Corpus Christi holds jurisdiction over this city park, so it's the city that gets to decide what is, and isn't, allowed. Unfortunately.

One of those FEW things where it would be nice for the State to standardize rules, laws etc, good luck!

Here in Colorado boat ramps are regulated by the state and or COE, Private lakes exempted of course, no swimming or fishing at the ramp or docks, you still see them sometimes but it is rare, much more common to see those that have not prepared properly for launch and or retrieve.

My advice to the OP would be to be careful at this ramp, if you hit the kid while backing you are in a serious predicament, Mom is obviously focused more on her beer then her kids safety, Hand her kid a bag of rubber rattlesnakes and tell him to go show Mom...

Or you can do the wimpy..the RIGHT thing and do what Fleetwin says:D
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Jan 25, 2008
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

This sign means absolutely nothing without the statute, it has no bearing legally whatsoever,

I see what you're saying, strange that the No Wake sign has the statue number, but the No Swimming sign doesn't... Texas goof?


Vice Admiral
Sep 20, 2010
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

I see what you're saying, strange that the No Wake sign has the statue number, but the No Swimming sign doesn't... Texas goof?

No its merely a suggestion as to the proper way to do things for stupid people, unfortunately we live in a world where normal is not the norm, we have inconsiderate/stupid people (like the one you encountered) who believe we are wrong and they are right, it is not a law that they should not swim in the boat ramp area and I do not think it should be, people should have enough common sense to realize that a boat ramp is a dangerous place, at some point I think there will be a law for stupidity. I work in the County Jail, the amount of stupidity in this world is unnerving...

I think at some point it could become law in Texas, who knows, I would love to go off on a rant, but I think you know all to well the reality you were exposed to. I wished I could tell you its an isolated incident but I think we both know it is not, stupidity and inconsideration are all to common these days, how hard is it for a parent to tell his/her own kids its not wise to play near trucks and trailers backing up? Oh wait I need another beer...


Vice Admiral
Mar 8, 2009
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

That is one of the reasons I quit using the local public ramp and instead pay $300 a year for access to a private one. I had 3 big issues, all happened in roughly equal numbers. 1) uncontrolled kids swimming/playing on the ramp, and often not visible at all. 2) Unleashed dogs, and more specifically, guys using the ramp/dock for water retrieval training for their dog. and 3), guys fishing off the courtesy ramp between the docs. (these were also the least likely to move when gently asked)

(keep in mind the no fishing/swimming sign was posted 20 feet away from the ramp/docks!)


Jan 25, 2008
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

No its merely a suggestion as to the proper way to do things for stupid people, unfortunately we live in a world where normal is not the norm, we have inconsiderate/stupid people..........

^^^ Agree, 100 & 10%


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 13, 2012
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

Most of the ramps I use have a sign that says no swimming within 50 ft of boat dock or ramp and doesn't seem to have problems getting the boat in


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 24, 2011
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

Contacted my city councilman's office, and the mayors office for probably the 15th time. Both secretaries know me by first name now. Pretty sad that I call often enough about the exact same issue that they know me personally, yet can't get their bosses to give a flip so much as to return a phone call. Bet if I called and said, "I'd like to donate some money to the reelection campaign" I'd get the mayor on the phone in a heartbeat. Might have to try that next time.

I was talking with a couple other boaters at the tackle shop last night and both of them have had the exact same experience… with the exact same family in the past. One of them mentioned that he had once watched the mother point at his boat at the ramp while talking to the children, then the kids immediately ran over and jumped in the water behind his boat. All hearsay, of course, but sure sounds like a mother who really wants to file a big lawsuit and make some money, even if that means hurting her kids. Blew my mind.


Jun 30, 2004
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

i find that most folks around here pretty laid back about this swimming and fishing from the boat dock thing.
granted, they do do it. i've launched many times with folks fishing(mostly) or swimming by the dock. for me, if they don't move, i just slowly launch. they usually move and if they don't i politely ask them if i can please launch my boat. then they'll move, for a moment, which is all i want or need. and there are signs posted by the game warden about fishing and swimming not being allowed at the boat launch dock.

the only time this hasn't happened is for the baptism thing. though it wasn't at the ramp. it was a public swim beach. i beached and slept on my boat overnight. no one there when i parked. when i woke up the baptism thing was petty well underway. they had loud speakers down on the beach. playing church music loud enough to bother me. and i don't get bothered to easy either. i just turned up the music in my boat so i didn't have to here theirs. then one of them came over and told me they were in charge of the beach that morning and that i had to move. a straight up public beach with no reservations. that kinda mift me that they thought i should move because of them. it's just as much my beach as it was theirs. i did finally move, which is what i do anyways on a sunday morning after i get up. hang at the beach a while and move on to a morning boat ride. but i did find their assumptions that it was their beach a little hard to get along with.. even though i try to take everything that happens in pulbic with a grain of salt. ya know, the old saying. i can't control anyone but me.

i was to the right of this group in the next group of beach trees...
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Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 30, 2011
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

Looks like the water is kinda low where ever this is.
Most all of the launch ramp docks around here are marked, "No Swimming, No Fishing", to which most people abide, but then there is that 1% that think they are special and don't have to follow the rules.

I do agree with you, that the launch needs to be marked so people are kept out of harms way.

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Seaman Apprentice
Sep 24, 2011
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

Got a reply from the Mayor's office this morning. Finally. They tell me it's a state ramp and they don't have control of it… however the ramp is on city property, in a city park and I had already talked to the state parks dept. and they tell me it's a city ramp. In other words, no one wants to take credit. Which is not a big surprise.


Jan 25, 2008
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

Got a reply from the Mayor's office this morning. Finally. They tell me it's a state ramp and they don't have control of it… however the ramp is on city property, in a city park and I had already talked to the state parks dept. and they tell me it's a city ramp. In other words, no one wants to take credit. Which is not a big surprise.

I bet they spend 10X the amount of time and money,,, arguing about who's responsible for it, opposed to just paying $100 bucks for a sign and paying a guy 1 hour to install it... :facepalm:


Vice Admiral
Mar 8, 2009
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

i was to the right of this group in the next group of beach trees...

That is quite a herd there! Did you happen to swing by the beach after they left? Wonder how much trash that holy group of sunbathers left behind...

MH Hawker

Vice Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

Got a reply from the Mayor's office this morning. Finally. They tell me it's a state ramp and they don't have control of it… however the ramp is on city property, in a city park and I had already talked to the state parks dept. and they tell me it's a city ramp. In other words, no one wants to take credit. Which is not a big surprise.

I would of asked in case of a law suit who do i sue, and i would bet with in a few days a sign would be up.


Jun 30, 2004
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

That is quite a herd there! Did you happen to swing by the beach after they left? Wonder how much trash that holy group of sunbathers left behind...
unfortunately, there's almost always trash on that beach (have carted it off to the trash can which isn't to close a couple times too). it's the only boat accessible beach on the lake. it's also always crowded with boats (on any nice weekend afternoon). which is why i was there on a sun. morning (generally no one there or at the boat ramp either for that matter). hanging in a crowd (be it boats or sunbathers) isn't my idea of a fun day. peace and quite is. which i didn't get that morning at the swim beach + got a mouth full of them thinking it was their beach.
so no, i didn't go back that day to find out about the trash. my guess is there was signs they were there.

fwiw, at the boat ramp, many sunday mornings i'll encounter this one fella in a spent corolla. he's always fishing from the boat ramp docks (posted on a sign that fishing from the docks is not allowed) for his dinner. he don't speak much English, but he has been respectful and moves when a boat comes in to launch. by the time it gets busy at the ramp he's gone.


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 24, 2011
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

I bet they spend 10X the amount of time and money,,, arguing about who's responsible for it, opposed to just paying $100 bucks for a sign and paying a guy 1 hour to install it... :facepalm:

Shoot… I'm half tempted to just spend the 100 bucks and go put my own sign up. haha.

Really though, I'm just waiting till the weather warms up a bit. Haven't been any kids swimming in the river during the cold weather, but once it warms up again, I guarantee they will be back and this time I'm coming armed with my camera. That time isn't too far off, either. Winter doesn't last long in South Texas.


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 24, 2011
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

Got a phone call this morning from the Mayor and her chief of staff. I've got to thank everyone here who shared the laws in their area. I passed a lot of the information along to the Mayor and they are finally taking the issue seriously. The legal team agreed with me that they have control over the ramp. The mayor, with me on the phone, instructed them to start looking into drafting an ordinance to ban swimming around boat ramps.

We will see how much of that is legit, and how much is "re-elect me" jargon. Fingers crossed!

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

Overall, I fault the park ranger (well, besides the Mama Bear with her cubs). He was the one with no backbone or interest in doing his job.

Any cop anywhere can write anyone a ticket for any dangerous activity--even moreso when children are endangered. it doesn't take a specific statute. Even the good old "disorderly conduct" ticket will do.

Also, you don;t need a sign or law that says specifically it's illegal to block others from using a ramp or otehr public facility. That's basically what they were doing--just as much as setting up their beach chairs on the ramp itself.

With a "no swimming" ordinance the cop could write a ticket if it was one guy taking a dip on a Tuesday morning with no one around. But endangerment/safety laws are general enough to apply anywhere. Signs help but aren't required--think of all the laws that are enforced with no signs present (ever see a "NO ROBBING" sign at a bank?)

Next tiome someone is in this situation, start by getting the cop on your side. If you can, quietly discuss the situation with him away from the mob. But get him to agree with you that what the trolls are doing is dangerous. once he agrees it's dangerous, especially as to the children, he pretty much has to stand them down. if he say s something but doesn't back it up, then a kid gets hurt, he's in trouble. Gently remind him of that if needed!


May 27, 2007
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

You know, I do not like to call in the cavalry so to speak, not a big fan of Government/Family intervention.....However there really could be a child welfare issue to address. If it is the same family over and over, and documentation is produced that shows they continually and intentionally place their children in harm's way, i.e. order them over to behind the boat after the boat has started down the ramp, then the adults need to be cited if for no other reason than to get the address and other legal ID. Then next logical thing is a visit from social services to the family's household to emphasize the danger they placed their children in.


May 27, 2007
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

I meant to comment on what Home Cookin' said also, very astute observations, hard to ignore and not prove you are not performing your duties if you are that Ranger. If that level of law enforcement was on the ball then the family would be apprised of the danger and the next move was up to them. Then the ranger could escalate if needed with no qualms.

MH Hawker

Vice Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Local Laws at the Launch

Or pull out a camera and put them on the stupid human sections on u tube. And tell them your doing it. :D