Light replacement suggestions?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 31, 2007
I am going to replace the lights and wiring on my trailer. Its a trailer from the mid 60's and the wiring appears to be original. I have done a fair amount of research and I belive that I am going with LED submersibles. Is there anything you would do different if you were going to rewire and "re-light" your trailers? Thanks in advance for any worthwhile suggestions!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 7, 2008
Re: Light replacement suggestions?

I have a pair of sealed beam stop/turn on my trailer. They last forever, and you don't have to unplug them when you back into the water. I've heard good and bad about the leds and the price difference is enough it doesn't make me interested in trying them.
NAPA has the brackets or you can try any truck and trailer parts store. The big question is do you want oval or round

Blue Crabber

Apr 2, 2009
Re: Light replacement suggestions?

I just did the same thing but I did go with the LED. Night and day difference in the old lights. Wouldn't put anything on but LED lights.

I was towing a travel trailer camper and got rear ended once because she didn't see me braking. I try to keep that from happening with the boat. Someome plowing in to my outdrive would just ruin my day! I want to be seen and most boat trailer lights are pretty low to begin with and not directly in the line of view. LED's help that somewhat by being brighter.

Just my opinion though...


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 31, 2007
Re: Light replacement suggestions?

Excellant input so far. I'm a firm beliver in "there's not enough time in your life to make all the mistakes you have to learn some of them from others". Anyone else have some input on things they would do different if they could do it over?


Sep 22, 2006
Re: Light replacement suggestions?

The best of lighting can be rendered inoperative by crimp on connectors.

I always solder, then insulate with an application of liquid electrical tape (vinyl in a solvent) then 1 or 2 layers of adhesive lined shrink wrap. It needs to be impervious to moisture.

hope it helps


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Light replacement suggestions?

I second what J_Martin just said. Personally, I would use the LED lights. Less current and thus less prone to stop working with a resistive connection at the trailer/vehicle plug. Also, will never have the backfeeding through the ground that makes troubleshooting always difficult.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: Light replacement suggestions?

Time for mine will be coming up in the next couple of years. I am intending to go LED at this time.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 22, 2009
Re: Light replacement suggestions?

I just did mine about 2 months ago with conventional incandescent bulbs.
What would I do different ? I would go LED. :redface:


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 16, 2008
Re: Light replacement suggestions?

Another vote for LED's. What's the price difference, forty or fifty bucks? They last longer and are more visible. Plus, to tell the truth, they just look cooler.
I will also second the "no crimp-on connector" advice. Buy the light kit, but throw the connectors away. Solder and seal all connections. Run a separate gound wire to all lights, too.
Set aside a morning, take the time to do it up right, and you won't have to worry about it for years.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Light replacement suggestions?

Don't run the seperate ground. There was a post recently where the seperate ground played havoc in trying to find a problem. You are just complicating matters adding the wire...why do it. There is a reason sensors on engines rely on the block for the ground...less wires to fail. Its the same as on a trailer.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 31, 2007
Re: Light replacement suggestions?

Well I got the submersible LED light kit. Harbor Freight comes through again. Just for giggles (and to make sure they work before I start) I touched the leads and ground to appropriate posts on the boat battery and .........WOW....I swear I was still seeing round red dots on my retina's several minutes later!!! Now I just have to work out the logistics of some brackets to mount them. The old lights are quite small and round and the new lights are larger and rectangular so they won't be a one for one swap. Shouldnt be a big deal. I was starting to undo some of the old wiring from the boat and quite frankly I dont know why it was even working. Its a real hodge podge of broken wires, added on grounds and corroded wire nuts. Wire nuts will NOT be used in the refit. I have been a technical instructor for half of the 30 years I have worked for the Air Force and if my time there has taught me anything its...."do it right the first time". Oh and the book is there to be followed from the beginning, not if all else fails. ;)

Thanks for all the inputs folks! I am most appreciative to those that took the time to respond, your suggestions were all taken to heart and considered.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 3, 2007
Re: Light replacement suggestions?

Well I got the submersible LED light kit. Harbor Freight comes through again. Just for giggles (and to make sure they work before I start) I touched the leads and ground to appropriate posts on the boat battery and .........WOW....I swear I was still seeing round red dots on my retina's several minutes later!!! Now I just have to work out the logistics of some brackets to mount them. The old lights are quite small and round and the new lights are larger and rectangular so they won't be a one for one swap. Shouldnt be a big deal. I was starting to undo some of the old wiring from the boat and quite frankly I dont know why it was even working. Its a real hodge podge of broken wires, added on grounds and corroded wire nuts. Wire nuts will NOT be used in the refit. I have been a technical instructor for half of the 30 years I have worked for the Air Force and if my time there has taught me anything its...."do it right the first time". Oh and the book is there to be followed from the beginning, not if all else fails. ;)

Thanks for all the inputs folks! I am most appreciative to those that took the time to respond, your suggestions were all taken to heart and considered.

You don't have to solder the wires together. I twisted wires together and used heat-shrink tube to make a secure and water-tight seal. It was extremely quick and easy. The weak point is always the 4-pin trailer connector since it takes the most abuse.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 31, 2007
Re: Light replacement suggestions?

Solder only takes a few extra seconds and ensures a good electrical bond that won't vibrate loose.


Lieutenant Commander
Feb 28, 2009
Re: Light replacement suggestions?

LEDs all the way. I got mine for about $50, wires included. I also added fender marker lights so I could see where the axle/wheel is when turning at night. No more broken bulbs to worry about either. that was the big plus for me. heres what mine look like. with the running lights turned on, you can see how much brighter than the truck taillights they are:
