Light a match and watch it burn? PLEASE help... at a lose and it grew on me


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 13, 2005
Re: Light a match and watch it burn? PLEASE help... at a lose and it grew on me

Dave,<br />It's a 1985 90HP Evinrude that idles fine but won't accelerate past half throttle. Originally, the #1 cylinder wasn't running at all and once I replaced the reed cage gasket and intake manifold gasket, the #1 cylinder started to get fuel. I took the boat out for the day and it was great for the first hour or so and then it started to act badly again. That's when I removed the black cover from the carbs and noticed it spitting fuel back at me from only the one throat. I retorqued the head bolts on the water and it ran better for a short time but acted badly once again. <br /><br />I'm replacing my head gaskets and checking to make sure the head is not warped plus I'm planning to swap that reed block with one from another cylinder to see if the spitting moves. Other than eliminating the head, head gasket, and reed valves, I don't know of any other way to diagnose a broken crank ring. I have an engine with a broken ring and it's not pretty.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: Light a match and watch it burn? PLEASE help... at a lose and it grew on me

Hmmm... sure sounds like mine.. only about 15 years older.. lol<br /><br />I honestly have no clue how to check crank seal. <br /><br />In posts regarding reed issues I have read the flashlight test is not always the best... <br /><br />My manual states they should lay perfectly flat against the plate (no gap). Besides the missing reed the others on that set do not. the other 3 sets lay flat and you CANNOT see light through them


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 13, 2005
Re: Light a match and watch it burn? PLEASE help... at a lose and it grew on me

I'll have to recheck them when I take it apart on Wednesday. I have another intake manifold and complete set of reeds from an 81 115hp that I'm going to check out before then in case I need to replace the set.<br /><br />Thanks.

Basscat 1

Chief Petty Officer
Feb 11, 2005
Re: Light a match and watch it burn? PLEASE help... at a lose and it grew on me

I suggest if you are going to replace the reeds, go with Boyesen reeds. web page <br />I wouldnt tempt fate twice, you definately want to replace both sides.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: Light a match and watch it burn? PLEASE help... at a lose and it grew on me

I feel like I test fate with every turn of the flywheel...


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 17, 2003
Re: Light a match and watch it burn? PLEASE help... at a lose and it grew on me

"Hmmmm.... just might have gotten this one uncovered.... Took carbs off... looked at reeds... all that I could see looked good but I wanted to see more... Took the intake off... and there and behold .... It wasn't right something was missing...literally missing.. One valve completely tore off.. where did it go I aksed myslef... but I found it..lodged, but there it was... But the one question I still have is how in the heck did it tear off of there... and does this mean more probs if I fix and put back together? I did find it but what would have caused it to tear off?"<br /><br />I have heard that starting ether can blow reeds. People use starting ether attempting to get an ill-tuned motor to fire. The ether is practically explosive compared to slow-burning gasoline. They turn the whole crankcase into one big combustion chamber. WHOOSH! Damages and weakens the reeds. Otherwise (I'm told) the reed plate assembly is pretty tough and rarely gives trouble.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: Light a match and watch it burn? PLEASE help... at a lose and it grew on me

I don't know the history on this motor... But from what I can tell it's been through hell then tried to come back.... Before I got it... I'm just trying to get it running good.. The set up was way off on the boat it was mounted to in the first place... about 2" lower then it needed to be... I'm not for sure but more then likely ether could have been used... not knowing the history though it's hard to say. Would have to assume the way it's set up it's been through alot

the rebel

Jul 19, 2005
Re: Light a match and watch it burn? PLEASE help... at a lose and it grew on me

itstippy is right about the ether, never use starting fluid on your outboard. Dave JZ, If it was mine I would pony up and put the Boyesen reeds in it. Sounds like it is solid enuff to spend a few greenbacks on. $100 boat? Where are all those when I am looking? lol BWJ


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: Light a match and watch it burn? PLEASE help... at a lose and it grew on me

lol BWJ... told my wife I bought a boat and she was MADDDDDDDD... then I told her how much it was and she calmed down a bit...and believe it or I don't have enough going on with this one there's another tri-hull down the road from me...boat and trailer for $350.00.. seems real solid... had to stop and look when the wife wasn't Been pondering about it... would have to find a motor for it... Actually theres alot there that I think could be parted out... evinrude controls, steering system... been thinking about it just for the trailer but who knows what I'll do next... might just take her home, pull some parts and take the hull to the dump... even then might not do that kinda feel this ones got me tied up for a<br /> Anyways... <br />got reeds ordered... going on a four day vacation would have liked to take the boat but oh well.... I have something to look foward to when I come back... I'll update when there in and it's back together how things are going.<br /><br />TBar... was thinking about this today. How's the gasket around the reeds on that one cylinder???


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: Light a match and watch it burn? PLEASE help... at a lose and it grew on me

WEll recieved the reeds and it seemed to fix the carb probs... at least they all pull air in now.. Now off to some other probs