Lets Talk Turkey


Sep 29, 2002
Re: Lets Talk Turkey

1. the free turkeys taste just fine. prefer 2 smaller (12 lbs) birds.<br /><br />2. one deep fried, one roasted.<br /><br />3. sausage stuffing<br /><br />4. rolls, gravy, mash potatos, stuffing, cranberry sauce, asparrigus<br /><br />5. whatever you enjoy drinking. i prefer chianti and merlot.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 22, 2002
Re: Lets Talk Turkey

Got a real big family, so one wild Turkey, roasted. Two butterball's, one roasted, one fried. We debated on frying a 2nd this year, as the fryed Turkey goes real fast, mosty from the younger, bigger eaters in the bunch. <br /><br />Will also have cornbread stuffing, and regular bread stuffing... I prefer the cornbread.<br /><br />Combine this with a monster pile of mashed potatoes, and smother the whole plate with Grandma's bright yellow gravy (the recipe of which she's shared with NO ONE).<br /><br />If I sneak out into the kitchen while Gramps is carving the Turkey, I'll snag at 1 of those big tasty liver's before it hits the plate. :D


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: Lets Talk Turkey

Smoked turkey, please and thank you... Of course all the traditional fixin's like green beans, taters (actually make the greenbeans and taters in the same pot, add a ham hawk, umm umm), corn on the cobb, stuffing, and probably a salad...<br /><br /> I just say no to the cranberry sauce (yuck!)..


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Lets Talk Turkey

A meat stuffing.<br />Grandma old german recipe.<br />Some bread, but mostly ground round, turkey innards, shredded carrots, raisins, spices. Its heavy, but not like meatloaf, this is special stuf.<br />I/we usually make a couple extra batches, bake them in a cake pan. We eat as much of this stuf as we do potatoes or turkey.


Oct 30, 2002
Re: Lets Talk Turkey

The closest I get to a turkey is when its on<br />my plate. :D <br />But I like burnt gravy, turnips, brussel sprouts<br />cranberry jelly, home made stuffin, and smashed<br />potatoes.


Apr 6, 2003
Re: Lets Talk Turkey

i like the free one that my employer gives us every year. probably cause its so hard to get anything out of them you have to enjoy it when you finally do get something.<br />i like it done in the roaster the best or else on the grill.<br />cornbread stuffing<br />sweet potatoes<br />some good calico baked beans<br />and some big homeade bisquits<br />thats about all i need for the meal just plenty of everything!<br />like a nice old fashion before the meal and will usually drink water with my meal.<br />Grand Marnier is my choice for an after dinner drink. while watching football. this year i have to work till 3 pm so every thing will be for evening meal. which is good i dont have to do the cooking this year :D


Re: Lets Talk Turkey

Store bought turkey baked with dressing in.<br /><br />Bread dressing w/giblets.<br /><br />Slow cooked gravy from the drippings.<br /><br />Mashed potatoes.<br /><br />Green bean casserole.<br /><br />Hot rolls or biscuits.<br /><br />Pumpkin pie.<br /><br />I do all of this myself.<br /><br />My favorite after dinner treat is: Rolaids.<br /> <br />Stuffing and pumpkin pie tear me up. :eek:


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 1, 2003
Re: Lets Talk Turkey

This will not be as well written as some replys but wouldn't be thanksgiving without these dishes.<br /><br />Cheap or free Bird, roasted.<br />Green bean cassarole (french's onions)<br />Stuffed Mushrooms (bacon sourcream etc)<br />Squash (butter and brown suger)<br />Scalloped Oysters<br />Bread stuffing with oysters, celery, mandrin oranges.<br />Punkin pie


Jun 1, 2003
Re: Lets Talk Turkey

1. Do you buy free-range, shoot your own, <br />or just cook the free one that comes with<br />$50 worth of groceries?<br /><br />Where do you get a turkey for free with only spending $50 its $250 groceries here. And yep its the one I use. Going to try to talk the wife into letting me buy one live and fatten him up myself and have that for TG dinner. :) :cool: :) <br /><br />2. What is your favorite way to have your Thanksgiving turkey?<br />Do you like is roasted, or deep fryed? <br /><br />Either depend on the occasion but I will say roasted for TG dinner the smells in the House, Yum! :cool: <br /><br />3. Do you prefer corn bread dressing or bread dressing?<br /><br />Luv corn bread stuffing but for TG dinner we make a sausage,apple, cranberry stuffing.<br /><br />4. What are your favorite side dishes?<br /><br />Mashed Tater, Candied sweet potatoes, string bean casserole, Homemade cranbery sauce.<br /><br />5. What type of wine is best suited for Thanksgiving Dinner? <br /><br />Any White, like a dry chardonay but prefer a 18yr old single malt. ;)


May 17, 2001
Re: Lets Talk Turkey

I get my turkey from the farm in the next county. I let the grandkids play games to see who gets to pick out the bird. <br /><br />I only like the Wild Turkey thats in the bottle It helps me deal with the non-stop mouth of my son-in-law. :D <br /><br />When uncle Joe comes up from West Virgina, we have ham with a fixin of mountain oysters. Not sure if he's gonna make it this year. He's an old coal miner, 92 years old, has black lung, and still smokes.<br /><br />We fix just about everthing in salads, veggies, taters, breads, pies, cakes, ahh I cant wait! :D <br /><br />SS


Lieutenant Commander
May 21, 2003
Re: Lets Talk Turkey

Genardis has them for 39 a pound, I have a 12 pounder waiting, gonna cook it tomorrow<br /><br />and another 12 pounder next weekend, going to her friends house for thanksgiving<br /><br />(never tried the bone it deal on a turkey, read about it a LOT, did try it on a chicken, works great<br /><br />roast the turkey upside down in a roasting bag, white meat gets the bath that is usually reserved for the dark meat, which is rich enough already<br /><br />oyster stuffing, I use real bagel shop brooklyn style bagels diced, then toast the bagel cubes under the broiler deepens the flavor, high gluten content makes it substantial<br /><br />corn meal stuffing made much the same way, toasted and tossed, put into the neck cavity<br /><br />pan of instant stuffing for the unenlightened( that salty glop you mix with water, stove top stuffing, et al<br /><br />succotash, I like to toast the dried limas a bit before soaking, sometimes ill soak some hominy in there too<br /><br />candied yams with mini marshmallows on top, broiled at that lest minute to carmelize the marshmallow and give it a hint of that "toasted marshmallow" taste - my sis in law made it one year with big marshmallows, lifeless white blobs on the taters, I said, hmmmm, almost good ... and put mine in a ramekin and toasted it ... of course, everyone tasted it, loved it, so I toasted the whole pan, sis in law was rather pissed, but Im a frustrated artist, what can I say? Emeril WISHES he had my imagination!<br /><br />creamed pumpkin broule<br /><br />Frenchs Onion green bean casserole (I used to julienne and deep fry potato for casserole topping, but it wasnt liked enough - I punch up the casserole by adding some portabello mushrooms sauteed in a little white wine (I prefer burgundy but ruins the color)<br /><br />and of course it wouldnt be Thanksgiving with Unka Rays Famous Trice Baked Potatoes, bake the shells with a shot of melted buter and parmesan, then spoon in some nice rough mash buttermilk and cheddar mashed taters, whip up some real creamy taters and I mean WHIP EM, then pipe it with the deepest ridged die you have, bake it til golden, then top with cheddar and mozzarella, broil the cheese, those fluted edges catch the cheese<br /><br />(my dad loves mashed taters, and his grandkids hated them, my sister saying, they just DONT LIKE MASHED TATERS - my old man LOVES her taters, she dumps whole milk and a pound of real butter into them, lol, hey, I CAN MAKE A HEART ATTACK IN A POT TOO<br /><br />not that those baked ones are healthy, but at least there is portion control! - eat one, then clutch your chest, lol<br /><br />of course, there usually isnt any seconds to be had, the kids wolf em down too fast!<br /><br />I also make a pumpkin cheesecake that uses butter toasted pecans for a crust, whole pecan halves that is, with some ground pecans and some buttah to fill in the gaps<br /><br />Why dont I have a restaurant? cause I love to taste, I would be RIGHT BACK UP TO 850 POUNDS if did, lol<br /><br /> :p


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Lets Talk Turkey

If I am lucky enough to get the wild bird, it will always be steam smoked! YUM! Good and moist! Will also roast the free grocery store bird. (Also throw in some rabbit and squirrel and maybe some broiled or poached fish for other meats).<br /><br />Gotta have the bread stuffing with the roasted bird. Then add the REAL smashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, dried corn, green beans, and pumpkin and apple pie for dessert! Man, is it Thursday yet?


Jun 24, 2002
Re: Lets Talk Turkey

Have to eat what ever Herself picks out. Not a bad deal. I eat and do dishes as she preps and cooks. Not much on Turkey prefer Ham, but she always cooks one to. Usally have cornbread dressing, yams, cranberries, pea salad, and iced tea. Dessert is sweet potato pie, pecan pie, and fruit salad.<br /><br />When ever its just us (herself and me) we ususally eat sea food. Shrimp, fresh oysters, fried oysters, crab legs, and salad.

Bart Sr.

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2002
Re: Lets Talk Turkey

1 and 2-Since I have an account with a distributor I get the cook-in-bag b.r.e.a.s.t. and thigh roast(seasoned,self basting AND boneless).Cook the day before and chill overnight/Pulled and sliced and reheated with drippings for the meal. <br /><br /> 3-Being from Georgia I have and will use my Mother's cornbread dressing recipe.MMMM MMMM.<br /><br /> 4-Mashed potatoes,My own gravy,Southern fried corn,green beans,steamed broccoli(for Nicole),mixed fruit,oriental cabbage salad or zesty pasta salad.<br /><br /> 5-No need to listen to "The Wine Snobs"!!! Whatever wine you personally prefer.<br /><br /> Please bear in mind that I only do the turkey dinner every 6 to 7 years because I worked as a caterer for 7 years and ate enough turkey to last me until about the year 3000!!!!!!When we have the holiday at our house my wife and I don't tell anyone what we are having and they are pleasantly surprised by what we prepare.<br /> As for dessert my Mother-in-law makes pumpkin pie and my favorite called"Better than Robert Redford.AKA Better than $*x.)I make pumpkin roll and my wife makes something chocolate.<br /><br /><<<<<<<HAPPY HOLIDAYS>>>>>>>


Lieutenant Commander
May 21, 2003
Re: Lets Talk Turkey

welllllll now Bart, I dont think of ol Redford when I think of sex, but if you do, well, hey! thats cool!<br /><br /> :p <br /><br />how does yer grams make that cornbread stufin, and what is southern fried corn????<br /><br />I make a creamed corn thats shucked from the cob, sauteed in a little butter - just a little :rolleyes: - then mix some corn starch and milk and stir stir stir til it gets tick ... when its tick, its good!<br /><br /> :D


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: Lets Talk Turkey

Ahhhhhh, Thanksgiving Dinner. Always a treat for the family here. And with a new granddaughter, another mouth to feed......well.....not for a while at least.<br /><br />Huge ButterBall Turkey slow roasted for hours full of bread dressing. <br /><br />Home made noodles. Got to have home made noodles. <br /><br />Mashed 'taters and gravey.<br /><br />Yams...as only Mom can do.<br /><br />Small Ham on the side.<br /><br />Big plate of munchey goodies like celery topped with Philladephia Cream Cheese, olives, deviled eggs, carrot sticks.<br /><br />Yum-Yum salad. Some kinda green jello full of raisons, walnuts, cottage cheese and I don't know what else. But it's good.<br /><br />Fresh hot rolls and cornbread, your choice.<br /><br />Wine?......Budweiser, of course. :D


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Lets Talk Turkey

Fried corn is just that Ray. Use iron skillet, oil and canned corn. Dont use too much oil. The corn will brown and sweeten when ready. Stir alot. then keep it warm in the oven.

Bart Sr.

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2002
Re: Lets Talk Turkey

CastawayRay---Southern fried corn is made with FRESH sweet corn cut and scraped from the cob with some butter,salt and pepper with some flour for thickening.We always called it fried because it was cooked in a cast iron skillet.Pretty much the same as yours.I always parcook a few dozen and freeze it.When freezing just leave out the salt.<br /><br /><<<<<<<HAPPY HOLIDAYS>>>>>>>