Leaf Collection


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2004
Re: Leaf Collection

What madness!<br />First plant the seeds, then water the seeds, fertilizer, water some more, then mow it all down. Then water again so it will grow, then mow because it is again too tall. All that watewr and fertilizer just to be able to mow some more. <br />My landscaping plan.......don't water it, it won't grow, no need to mow. Dandilions, mow the yellow off they look green.<br />Leaves will eventually dry up and blow away or rot into the soil.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 23, 2004
Re: Leaf Collection

deputydawg....glad to see I'm not the only one,I cut the grass/leaves one last time when the tree's are done dropping,good till spring.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Leaf Collection

I run over em with my mulching lawn rider. They just disappear. Being in the PNW, I've got to get them before the rain plasters them down. Once that happens, you'd have to rake them up or they will kill the grass.


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 20, 2003
Re: Leaf Collection

DD, I hear you on the routine. I tried that a few years ago. What took me 10 years to get to where I was(pretty green yard, no stickers)took 1year to be buried in the darn things again. Now after 3 years I'm back to a pretty yard a gain.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 1, 2003
Re: Leaf Collection

I have a pull behind lawn sweep I picked up for ten bucks, it was missing the canvas bag and the factory wanted $125 for replacment so I built one out of plywood. It works great when the leaves are dry but is impossable to back up to a pile so I dump it whenever it is full and pick up the piles. I also have a gas powered blower (another bargain) that works good but is still a lot of time involved. I usually use the sweep where the leaves are thinner and the blowere where they are thick. My problem this year is the leaves all fell the day I left for colorado hunting and it has been wet and rainy since I returned. Leaving them is not an option as I have so many trees=leaves that I would not have a lawn come spring if I left them. It is a two day project even with these conviences to rid the yard of foliage, I would hate to think what it would take to do it by hand. It is a major headache but I wouldn't trade my trees for the hassle. On the bright side the kids enjoy themselves in all those leaves while ol dad is slaving away.