launching and retrieving

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Dec 30, 2008
if a slipway has a launch fee but there is no-one there to pay would you still launch without paying ???

i do believe that if you slip b4 they get there and escape paying then you do-not have to pay them on the retrieve as they cannot stop you retrieving your boat from the water ???

how true is this ???


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 5, 2007
Re: launching and retrieving

I believe that if there is a fee for a service, (like a launch ramp) I should honor that fee if at all possible. At the risk of sounding really stuffy, I don't want to lose my integrity or self respect for an $8 slip fee. It has been said (I don't remember the author) that it is what you do when no one is looking that defines you, not what you do when folks are watching.

Pay the slip fee.......besides, you want the slip to be available next time you launch.....


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 2, 2008
Re: launching and retrieving

I would pay it or they might charge you for the parking spot you took up,either way they will get you,the question is do you want them inventing charges? the more upset they get the more it could cost you.


Dec 30, 2008
Re: launching and retrieving

i have no problem in paying the launch fee but whe you get the arrogant s*it in the fleetwood to knott end ferry blocking in 2 boats and stopping one to come in alongside the slipway at knott end really made me not want to co-operate with him.

this isnt the first time we have had a run in with us last time it was we were impeading a passenger ferry to which i told him were to go as we was halfway through a launch when he decided to leave fleetwood for knott end then blaimed me lol the ***.

but back to the subject i kindly refused to pay him the launch fee has i wasnt launching i was recovering and if he had been there on the launch i would have paid him but due to stopping us get to the slip to retrieve he could kindley go away.

lets just say he wasnt happy to say the least and still refused to move until i jumpped back in the boat and was ready for going round him has this had been going on for half hour :cool:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 17, 2008
Re: launching and retrieving

The mere fact that you would even consider not paying the fee that you knew about says volumes about your character.

Many slips down here are not even "tended" they simply have a lock box next to the ramp where you stuff your money into a slot.

In three decades I've never seen anyone not put the fee in the box. Of course that doesn't mean it hasn't happened but most of these places are really busy and I'd be willing to bet that if someone noticed a person not paying they'd be asked about it...

The owner of the place I use most says that it's very rare that the number of trailers in the lot don't add up to the amount of money he's removed from the box..

Honor still means something in some parts of the country.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: launching and retrieving

if i owned a marina/fish camp, and you launched before opening, you are expected to pay when you return to the dock. if not you will be said to be trespassing, and will not retrieve your boat from my ramp. the owner invested a lot of money, to build the launch and docks, and expects a return on his investment.

i know of no law that says you have a right to retrieve your boat.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2007
Re: launching and retrieving

if i owned a marina/fish camp, and you launched before opening, you are expected to pay when you return to the dock. if not you will be said to be trespassing, and will not retrieve your boat from my ramp. the owner invested a lot of money, to build the launch and docks, and expects a return on his investment.

i know of no law that says you have a right to retrieve your boat.

I agree. As much as waterfront property is worth, I don't think the marina owners are making a killing. Try buying a house with a dock.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 19, 2008
Re: launching and retrieving

The ramp I use charges $5 to launch. If for some reason you launch before they open, you pay when you retrieve...... its the right thing to do. :)


Aug 12, 2003
Re: launching and retrieving

you've also stolen service from them, no different than dumping your trash in someone else's dumpster. takes some nerve to tell someone what you can do on their property.

i've always seen a box of some sort too, like at some parking lots.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 18, 2008
Re: launching and retrieving

if you dont like the way the place is run then go somewhere else . but you need to pay them for the use of the ramp.


May 29, 2008
Re: launching and retrieving

The larger lakes down here all have public and privately owned ramps. All of the private boat ramps usually have a lockbox where you are expected to pay your launch fee outside normal business hours. The owners are affording you an oppertunity to use their ramp and you should pay accordingly. If you do not want to pay, then get in line at the public launch... :rolleyes:


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2005
Re: launching and retrieving

The ramps near me are tended between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. A lock box is available when the attendant is not there. I always pay through the lock box when the attendant is away. I also keep an eye out for others trying to take advantage of the unattended ramp, but so far every person I have observed deposits money into the lock box. I have been boating for 4 seasons now, and have seen a lot of people pay the lock box. It is nice to see so many people take the high road when there is an opportunity to take advantage of the marina. Pay what you owe and preserve your integrity.

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: launching and retrieving

Semantics! You are interpreting "launch Fee" to your own advantage. A launch fee is actually a "USE FEE" and covers launch, retrieval and car parking. No matter what you say, you are trying to steal a service by not paying. You are lucky the attendant did not take your plate number and call the cops as was his right to do.

I am not particularly religious and really hate to use this overworked cliche but it really seems to fit here. Think: What would Jesus do?

Arguing with a commercial ferry which always has the right of way over pleasure boats, and refusing to pay a stated fee for ramp use shows lack of education and moral character. Don't want to pay the fee? Find a free area. It's your right. Problem with this country is that there are too many people like you. All you think about is Me! Me! Me!


May 18, 2008
Re: launching and retrieving

I don't know what this country is coming to.

People don't teach their kids whats right and wrong.

If your inner voice is telling you your doing something wrong why do it.

Maybe the op doesn't have that inner voice.

Maybe his parents didn't do a good job raising him or her.

But to justify stealing, and thats what it is stealing is plain WRONG.

How was it stealing the op might ask ?

Lets explore it for a minute.

When you take a service or a item that you know has a price and refuse to pay for it thats is stealing.

Why i even posted is beyond me, but i feel a young person, or even a older person sometimes needs to be reminded that the world is not all about him or her.

The dock owner has rights also.

So sir, in closing please don't try to steal from me, because it will be a different outcome then the one you had with the dock owner.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 8, 2008
Re: launching and retrieving

if a slipway has a launch fee but there is no-one there to pay would you still launch without paying ???

i do believe that if you slip b4 they get there and escape paying then you do-not have to pay them on the retrieve as they cannot stop you retrieving your boat from the water ???

how true is this ???

So you may have found a 'legal' loophole, for not paying your way.

Bully...for you!

What's even sadder..and that you would go online, and tell the world.

You are a minority...thank heavens!


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2008
Re: launching and retrieving

I used to go to a tiny private ramp where the guy would watch you from his trailer, and if he didn't see you put money in the lock box (or find it in there), he'd chain your trailer tires while you were out. He was nice enough to unlock them for only the cost of the ramp fee. Everything was clearly (legally) marked, and he even had tow-away signs, but some still chose to ignore it. He was well within his rights to have the car and trailer towed, but he let people off with just a bit of embarrassment. I know of nobody that gave him too much trouble over their chained tires, since if they did he could just call the wrecker right then to have the crap hauled off of the property. Plus he was a big old dude with guns and dogs and a meaner 'n' s**t family....needless to say I ALWAYS paid, and waved my money at the trailer before putting it in the box.

Bottom line is: don't steal, which is taking something that's not yours without permission. Even if you can get away with it or you think they "deserve it". It was even important enough to make into a Commandment a couple of thousand years ago to keep things civil.....and it works the same way today.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 4, 2008
Re: launching and retrieving

If someone is there or a box ill pay the fee, if there not i don't worry about it. But i will NOT go out of my way to avoid them. Boat landings require upkeep and i have no problem paying for my fair share, its just part of boating.


May 18, 2008
Re: launching and retrieving

Wow lucky Ha Ha.

Wonder what you would do to him if he was taking your stuff. Ha.

Your harsh, bet he would get scared when the knife for the operation came out, huh ?



Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: launching and retrieving

Gentlemen. Talking is good but no personal attacks will be tolerated.

Carry on.


Oct 20, 2008
Re: launching and retrieving

Gentlemen. Talking is good but no personal attacks will be tolerated.

Carry on.

good job bob.

i live 996 feet from eagle lake in racine county wi. we pay lake fees in our taxes, but still either have to pay a docking fee at the launch, or buy a yearly pass. i would never ever think about not having done one of those to launch my boat. EVEN THOUGH I PAY HUGE TAXES!!!! It is the right thing to do. It would set a bad example for my children as well.
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