I feel your pain (at least I fealt it many years ago).<br />I used to hang drywall with my brother, and it was iether feast or famine.<br />The construction/housing boom in SW Flordida hasn't slowed-down one bit..If anything,it has snowballed here in Lee County. But back in the early 70's, I was 17-20 years old, I was working while many my age (those who could afford it), were in school. My bud graduated, and I was still making more than he was. Then, the botton fell-out, and the building boom of the 70's made way to gas lines. I was overnight broke. I joined the Navy, and it was not "for the adventure", I can tell ya.<br />But like NOSLEEP says, keep your eyes open, and look for low-pay, high-security/benifits job.<br />Trust me on this one. It's rare to find all three (High pay/good bennies/steady work). You get noramally, two outta three, mixum,mactchum however you wantum.<br /><br />But look for what you most want, which from the sound of your post, has matured somewhat, into a more "security-bennies,low pay" package, as opposed to a "High-pay, low security,low bennies package.<br />Use your talents to the best of your opertunity.<br />If you can weld, put it down in your resume' ---<br />If you can type a jillion werds a minute, it is a skill someone would pay for.Multi-lingual??? "Caching!" Put it in you resume'.<br />But keep the resume' brief in wording, not in what you can do.<br />Good luck..And if you are still wanting to stick with construction, haul yer family down here,where the houses are going up so fast, I'm moving when I retire (too hectic for this ol cracker).