Kohler generator

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Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 6, 2012
Wasn't quit sure where to ask this so I'll start here. I have a Kohler 5E/4EF gen in my 2000 Larson 330 Cabrio, It use to work great. Some how this evil the is getting the best of me. When you hit the start switch it turns over and seems to run till you let go of the button then it dies. I follower the trouble shooting tree and it tested to a bad circuit board so I replaced it (Part # gm10516)with a new one. To my surprise It still would not start and run. retested and now to want me to test stator voltage, only problem is it doesn't tell you how. There doesn't seem to be a lot of info on the correct procedure. Let me also say I have replaced the spark plugs, coolant high temp. shut down the impeller done the yearly oil and filter change and so on. Worked good last year and we don't use it very much so I'm probably guilty of not running the evil thing as mush as I should. I'm using the Kohler installation, operation, service parts and a trouble shooting manual I found on the net.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 28, 2013
Had the exact same problem with mine. When you hold the start button on, you are overriding all the sensors. Everytime I would fix something, it would give me a new error. I finally gave up after a summer of repairs and sold it for parts on ebay...good luck


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 6, 2012
My next move my be to pull the evil gen and bring it home, don't no what good that will do but it might make me feel bettet


Jun 17, 2012
Box it up, and ship it directly to me. I'll fix it, but I wont ship it back. Wish I could help ya more.......:D

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
your generator is powered by a kawasaki FD501D 2-cylinder, 4-stroke motor with a heat exchanger, and a genny hanging off the end. the motor is fed by a carb and the ignition is driven off the stator coil in the flywheel. Kohler buys the motor from Kawasaki and hangs their genny controls and stuff on it.

think less genset and more lawn mower when troubleshooting.

you have something turning off the ignition. here is the entire ignition system for the motor https://www.jackssmallengines.com/ja...tric-equipment

things that can keep it from running - oil pressure switch is the first thing that comes to mind. next thing on a kohler is the low frequency shut-down
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Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 6, 2012
Sorry for the late reply, I have the service manual TP-5986 and have been following the trouble trees, first time through it said bad board ( GM10516) so I replaced it also the coolant temp sensor(I broke that While testing) Still no results so back to testing. Now trouble tree says Stator. So I'm a little shy about just ordering a stator. It seem that not only is there 6 or 7 engine things that cause shut down or no start but also several gen related items as well as remote start parts. so I need to make the time to do a little more in-depth testing But thanks for the parts list. It would also help if the heat index would drop below 100 for a day or 2


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 6, 2012
Just an update, I pulled the gen. and it became quit apparent what was wrong. There is an engine wiring harness with 2 six terminal connectors on the left side of the gen. as you look at it from the front one controls all the safety shut downs , anyway both connectors were corroded so badly that several wires were broken. all better now


Feb 15, 2021
Just today, kohler 5kw marine gas generator, starts for about 10 seconds and cuts out. Spark tester showed spark during the starting and run then shuts down. All is well in all other departments. That circuit board you mentioned, did you solve the issue? Has it been solved and if so how? Thanks very appriative
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