Re: Kneeboarding tips.
If it starts porpoising before they get up they are taking to long to get up and you need to slow down a little.
The way i teach new people is to hold the rope with both hands pronated and wrap fingers over the front of the board. That way they feel more secure hopping to their knees. But as soon as they get to their knees they need to let go of the board and lean back.
Thats the same way I learned. Laying on board, holding the rope handle just at the tip of the board, fingers over.
Soon as the slack is out and line taught, I let the legs drip a little farther in the water to bring the tip of the board up and driver takes off, as soon as the board planes out, which usually is the same time the boat does, I in one quick jerk pull knees up into the board, my driver is watching this and usually slows a tad at this point.
Once in the board, I make sure top of knees are all the way in the recess, reach over and tighten strap, (take another moment to remember the warning label that is so kindly placed right on the tip of the board I have been eye to eye with, chuckle) then give the thumbs up to the driver and hang on!