Re: Kneeboarding questions.
And if all else fails, try a beach start... Starting out all strapped in from a beach in a couple inches of water.. This method does require a a good boat driver who can manage a smooth but firm pull... So if the driver is a novice at pulling skiers, I would not advise it..<br /><br />While trying a "beach start" I would highly advise you do NOT use the tow hook on the board to hold the rope handle... You could really get worked over... Hold the rope handle in your hands... The pull on your arms is not as strong as you might think.. <br /><br />few more tips.<br /><br />When readying for take-off in deep water, losen the strap and hold the strap in your hands along with the rope handle... This will help keep the strap from getting away from you.. As you work your way up on the board and get in position (one fluid motion), pull the handle in toward your lower chest, that way the rope handle will be in position right over your legs, then just drop the strap over your legs.. When you have your balance let go with your right hand and pull the strap tight.. Try the deep water start on land a few times too.. seems goofy, i know, but it helps..<br /><br />Don't let the rope handle get out in front of you.. Keep the handle close... Arms always bent, never straight out in front of you.... That's the key to good balance..<br /><br />To side slide, pull the handle toward your hip leaning
slightly to the opposite side..<br /><br />And, like Pakev says, when your tired, give it a rest....<br /><br />Remember... You gotta love to crash....
(an insane fool told me that once)<br /><br />Good luck, Dyna..