Re: kids and boating
+1. Keeping their attention can be the hardest part of all, and bad things can happen very fast in and around the water in particular. Per the previous posts, we have to lead by example. Kids do what you do, not what you say. If you want them to wear a PFD all the time, so do you, etc... I also think it helps to get them involved in as many aspects of a day on the water as possible. I just took my little 6 yr. old nephew out yesterday and had a great time. He even got to steer the boat a bit, but we do lots of work before and after each trip to check that everything is ship shape. We have a routine that we go through the same way each and every time we load, or launch the boat. I've also taught him some very basic boat safety techniques. He knows the best way to board and disembark and how to hit the kill switch/pull the lanyard stop the motor if need be. I'm also teaching him to swim as well as possible in both fresh and salt water, deep and shallow, flowing and still. Heaven forbid something bad happen to us while underway. He needs to be as comfortable IN the water as he is on it. It seems obvious, but you'd be amazed how many people go out on the water and are poor swimmers.?.? I think it should practically be a law here in FL, where you can't walk 2 ft. without hitting water of some sort :/ I also try to show him all the different aspects of water as well. Rivers have currents, ox bows and sand bars. Oceans have waves, wind and tides all of which can be deceptively strong and must be respected. I also teach him to recognize, respect and name all of the animals we come across in a day. Yesterday alone we saw 2 stingrays, 9-10 manatees, a million fiddler crabs (literally), a stone crab, a blue crab, an alligator and dozen different types of birds and fish. With each trip he is able to name and remember more and more. I hope that by getting him involved in the entire process he'll enjoy it on as many levels as possible (mental, physical, recreational). I know some of my first and fondest memories in life are of time spent on the water. I can only hope that I can do the same for him. Boat safe. Boat smart. Boat fun.