Kerry vs Bush


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 3, 2002
Ok I saw in another post the Kerry and Bush debate. As a Canadian Im just wondering your opinions on the two of them. This should lead to a few heathy debates and a few more red neck comments.


Sep 29, 2002
Re: Kerry vs Bush

i simply don't get involved in politics, but realize i should spend a little more time paying attention. i can only go with what i know. bush in my boss. he sent us into afghanastan when they screwed with us. he invaded iraq when they screwed with us. and he continues to give me healthy raises each year. i have to go with bush.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Kerry vs Bush

Many Americans like Bush because of his tough stand on whatever might threaten America.<br />I remember that exactly 2 weeks after he became president he broke his campaign promise concerning coal fired power plants in the midwest and environmental concerns about them. It was clear to me then that this was not a president representing the people, but one representing big business and other special interest groups.<br />Kerry just like Bush, was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Although he promises to get people back to work and improve the the lot of working America,he still has to prove that he is strong enough to stand up against big oil and their friends in congress and the senate.<br />Bush has already proven that he prefers big companies over the working man. Kerry may well turn out to be the same.<br />Sadly enough, the political situation in the USA is not about making this a better place to live,it is about which company or interest group will sponsor which candidate and what price will be charged by these companies when their sponsorship has turned out to be succesful.<br />I write this as an observer without political preferences at this point.I really don't know which one I dislike more.


Oct 8, 2003
Re: Kerry vs Bush

If a democrate were in power durring 9/11 They would still be setting in the whitehouse with there finger in there nose saying we had it coming!!! :eek: And figuring out a way to subsidize (SP)? Terrorism!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 10, 2004
Re: Kerry vs Bush

The way I see it is this.<br />If you are one of the wealthiest of people vote Republican.<br />If you are average middle class you better go with the Democrat.<br />If you like sending innocent young men to fight unnecessary wars and get killed then GWB is your man.<br />If you want a job and some boating money then you better vote against Bush.<br />If you want to throw away a vote and help bush win then vote Nader.<br />If you like to be hated world wide then vote Bush.<br />If you want a president who was elected by the supreme court and not the people then Bush is your man.<br />The best years for me the average middle class guy have been under the Bill Clinton administration. I would vote for bill again in a heartbeat if he could run.<br />I will definately be voting for the Democratic nominee no doubt about it.<br />Scince Bush Jr. has been in office my financial situation has drasticly worsened,I might be a bit bitter.<br /><br />Just my 2 cents but in my opinion Bush is the worse thing to happen to this country for decades. I thought Reagan and daddy Bush were bad until this POS came along.<br />Of course we all know the president does not run the country,but he helps all the rest of the crooks screw the little guy.<br /><br />Guys remember if you are gonna talk politics then nobody can get mad. :) If you get mad then you shouldn't talk about it. :mad: I have nothing against any Bush supporters personally but I have no respect for him.<br /><br />REMEMBER.......GET OUT AND VOTE<br /><br />HAPPY BOATING TO ALL<br /><br />I amsure many opinions will be posted here,


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 1, 2003
Re: Kerry vs Bush

Milo; I stay out of these anymore but I just wanted to say HI. ;) I'll be scarce the next couple weeks but sure hope ya stick around. I was starting to wonder if ya fell out the boat or if you had caught another comunicable disease. :D


Jan 22, 2002
Re: Kerry vs Bush

i am thankful we got rid of clinton. he turned out to be a canker in the highest office of this country, IMHO. it is still unknown to me how people can feel that 'things were good with clinton' other than being ignorant as to how our economy works.<br /><br />as far as GWB is concerned, i am thankful he was at the helm when all hell broke loose. i think he is a hellova guy to have gotten our country back on its feet, and prove why we are the best country in the world. he'd have to disappoint me alot more than he has, as a politician, to make me want to vote in any of the other lame candidates we get to choose from. <br /><br />bush may not make all the decisions we want him to make, but i don't expect him to please everyone. i'd vote him in again, and plan on doing so next round. he may be prejudiced to big business, i don't see it, but i'll take others word that its happening. all i see is a prez that is opposite the whiney, indecisive, pascifist types we've had in a while.<br /><br />yeah, matttt, isn't it nice that a portion of our fed budget is providing better pay for the military? how does that compare to the prev prez?<br /><br />peace, love & stand your ground :)


Apr 16, 2002
Re: Kerry vs Bush

Spark Chaser,<br /><br />I don't know where you get your opinion from, but you obviously do not know much about economics, national security, taxes etc. Bush inherited a trashed economy from the pesident who trashed it, Bill Clinton. Reagen Won the cold war. Reagan also followed JFK's lead in increasing federal revenue by LOWERING taxes. George W gave every American a pay raise when he reduced our tax burden, and if you say it was a tax cut for the rich, you don't know the true facts. The wealthiest Americans recieved the smallest cuts. That's fact, look it up. The following are facts regarding Kerry. If yu can still vote for him after reading this rather long C&P, well, that's your right as an American who must really hate this country, it's founders, etc. Here goes the C&P:<br /><br />Top of the fold: Will the real JFK please stand up?<br /><br />Just who is John Forbes Kerry, the presumed Democrat presidential nominee? His answer, of course, depends on who is asking. Like so many Leftists, John Kerry is a case study in hypocrisy. <br /><br />Kerry, the meticulously coiffed inheritance-welfare playboy, professes to be an Everyday Joe, a populist man of the people. Kerry, the Vietnam "war hero" who shamelessly surrounds himself with a "band of brothers" at every campaign stop, once cuddled with Hanoi Jane Fonda and has since opposed nearly every defense- and intelligence-spending program during his Senate tenure. Kerry, the self-described moderate whose rise to political power began under the tutelage of Teddy Kennedy, was recently named "Most Liberal Senator" by the National Journal, with a composite score of 96.5. All told, John Kerry's representation of his record -- his life, in fact -- leaves one longing for a Democrat candidate with the unimpeachable honesty of Bill Clinton. Indeed, Friend of The Federalist James Taranto recently dubbed Senator Kerry "Dukakis without the integrity."<br /><br />As Federalist No. 04-04 noted, "Kerry, whose campaign appeared moribund just three weeks ago, is now the new-and-improved front-runner of the Demo pack. At first blush, he appears to be a "package" candidate for Demo voters -- the military veteran who was, and remains, an Ivy-league anti-war protestor; the consummate insider who's acting like an outsider; the Senate's wealthiest member (he married well and his middle name is "Forbes" after all) who's acting like a homeless advocate; and the terrorism dove who's taunting our wartime president to "bring it on." Basically, Kerry is running against his own record -- he's against NAFTA but voted for it, he's against the USA Patriot Act but voted for it, he's against Operation Iraqi Freedom but voted for it, etc."<br /><br />The Kerry campaign insists on keeping his Vietnam record front-and-center. According to his website, "When John Kerry returned home from Vietnam, he joined his fellow veterans in vowing never to abandon future veterans of America's wars. Kerry's commitment to veterans has never wavered and stands strong to this day." <br /><br />Is that right!<br /><br />John Kerry may have served with distinction in Vietnam. He did receive a Silver Star after beaching his Swift Boat and chasing a loin-clothed young boy (who was thought to possess a rocket launcher) around the corner of a hut and killing him. (If nothing else, this serves to remind us that war is indeed an ugly business -- and that enemy combatants aren't always attired in combat fatigues.) He also collected three Purple Hearts (though today there is little or no evidence of his wounds received). <br /><br />Upon his return home, however, Kerry abandoned each and every one of his fellow Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines on the ground in Vietnam -- not to mention the people of South Vietnam -- by fomenting wartime discord. In his now infamous 1971 testimony before Congress, Kerry said American soldiers were war criminals, claiming they "raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs ... poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam." <br /><br />Kerry went on: "I personally didn't see personal atrocities in the sense I saw somebody cut a head off or something like that. However, I did take part in free-fire zones, I did take part in harassment and interdiction fire, I did take part in search-and-destroy missions in which the houses of noncombatants were burned to the ground, and all of these acts, I find out later on, are contrary to The Hague and Geneva conventions and to the laws of warfare. So in that sense, anybody who took part in those, if you carry out the application of the Nuremberg Principles, is in fact guilty."<br /><br />Kerry's protests and testimony did little more than aid and abet the Viet Cong, and his support for Communists did not end in 1971. In fact, it was Kerry who, years later, founded the Senate Select Committee for POW/MIA Affairs with the objective of normalizing relations and trade with the Vietnamese government and ending speculation about MIAs that were captive in Vietnam long after the cease-fire accord. As recently as 2002, Kerry even blocked the Vietnam Human Rights Act from coming to a vote.<br /><br />And the rest of Kerry's congressional voting record is no better.<br /><br />Massachusetts's most liberal senator -- check that, America's most liberal senator -- has, over the years, voted against defense-appropriations bills funding weapons that have proved essential to U.S. national security, including the Patriot Missile, the Tomahawk cruise missile and the B-2 stealth bomber. Kerry's voting record also shows his support for cutting funding or altogether canceling existing weapons systems such as the M-1 Abrams tank, the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, the Apache helicopter, B-1 Bomber, F-14, F-15, F-16 and AV-8B Harrier. Kerry also voted against the Navy's Aegis Air Defense Cruiser and Trident Missile System for U.S. submarines.<br /><br />The Center for Security Policy, a conservative Washington-based think tank committed to "promoting international peace through American strength," has rated Kerry among the worst on Capitol Hill when it comes to national security and defense. In 1995, the Center gave Kerry a score of five out of a possible 100 points. Two years later, Kerry earned a mind-blowing score of exactly zero.<br /><br />It stands to reason, then, that Kerry has voted against the strategic missile-defense shield, as well as U.S. withdrawal from the antiquated Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty: But while these votes have clearly inhibited U.S. security, Kerry has cast two votes in the past ten years to loosen restrictions on the export of dual-use technology -- the sort of technology that enemies of the United States can convert into weapons and turn against us.<br /><br />So much for the Massachusetts senator's commitment to the war on terrorism. <br /><br />True to his Vietnam-era sympathies, John Kerry became one of President Ronald Reagan's most outspoken opponents regarding the policy of militarily suppressing Communist inroads in Latin America. His opposition culminated in a controversial April, 1985, visit to Nicaragua and its Sandinista regime.<br /><br />Following the Cold War, Kerry's doveliness continued unabated. Following Iraq's seizure of Kuwait in 1990, Kerry voted against authorization for the use of force -- which was more than could be said for Saddam Hussein. In 1995, Kerry was among 29 other senators who voted against ending the arms embargo against the Bosnians, even as Slobodan Milosevic escalated his reign of terror.<br /><br />Concerning the authorization for the use of force against Iraq last year, however, Senator Kerry had this to say on 23 January 2003: "Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real...." <br /><br />Kerry now says he believes the war was a mistake, and that he voted to authorize the threat of force, but not the actual use of it. (We at The Federalist can't help but wonder about the seriousness of a post-9/11 presidential candidate so loath to make good on a threat. Kerry's approach won't strike fear into the heart of a schoolyard bully, much less that of a brutal dictator or a murderous band of Jihadist thugs.)<br /><br />More recently, we note the senator's whiny, thin-skinned response to questions raised over his defense voting record by Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss -- questions utterly appropriate to anyone aspiring to be commander-in-chief: "[The President has] decided once again to take the low road of American politics. ... Saxby Chambliss, on the part of the president and his henchmen, decided today to question my commitment to the defense of our nation...." And again, when responding to similar queries: "I'd like to know what it is Republicans who didn't serve in Vietnam have against those of us who did." Wait a minute -- you mean John Kerry actually served in Vietnam? Who knew?<br /><br />Finally, earlier this week Kerry breathed life into the conspiracy theory of a U.S.-led coup against erstwhile Leftist darling and Haitian president/autocrat Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who resigned and fled to Africa early last Sunday morning. Following Aristide's departure, Kerry remarked, "I think there should be some investigation of it. I have a very close friend in Massachusetts who talked directly to people who made that allegation [of a U.S.-led coup]. I don’t know the truth of it. I really don’t. But I think it needs to be explored and we need to know the truth of what happened."<br /><br />So let's get this straight: Kerry admits he doesn't "know the truth of it," yet he's calling for an investigation because he's got a friend back home who talked to someone who says that the President of the United States ordered the kidnapping of a foreign leader.<br /><br />This is the best the Democrat Party can offer for President? <br /><br />Quote of the week... <br /><br />"They don't know John Kerry's record. ... He is the Olympic gold medalist when it comes to special-interest money. ... I also think that he is very vulnerable on the issues of national security. If you look at his voting record, it is terrible as far as it comes to national defense and helping fund a good intelligence unit." --Senator Zell Miller, the Georgia Democrat who's campaigning against Kerry for a second Bush term<br /><br />Open query for Kerry...<br /><br />"Other than denoting your disapproval, what does the adjective mean in the phrase 'special interest'? Is the National Education Association a special interest? The AFL-CIO?... Is the National Rifle Association a 'special interest'? Is 'special' a synonym for 'conservative'? ... When you denounce 'lobbyists' do you include those for Planned Parenthood and the Sierra Club? Is 'liberal lobbyist' an oxymoron?... On Jan. 11, 1991, you said that going to war was abandoning 'the theory of deterrence.' Was it not a tad late to deter Iraqi aggression? The next day you said, 'I do not believe our nation is prepared for war.' How did unpreparedness subsequently manifest itself? ... On Jan. 22, 1991, responding to a constituent opposed to the Gulf War, you wrote 'I share your concerns' and would have given sanctions more time. Nine days later, responding to a voter who favored the war, you wrote, 'I have strongly and unequivocally supported President Bush's response to the crisis.' Did you have a third position?... You oppose immediate termination of U.S. involvement in Iraq, and you opposed the $87 billion to pay for involvement. Come again? In 1994, the year after the first attack on the World Trade Center, you voted to cut $1 billion from counter-terrorism activities. In 1995 you proposed a $1.5 billion cut in intelligence funding. Are you now glad that both proposals were defeated?" --George Will, "A Few Questions for John Kerry"<br /><br />Snap shots...<br /><br />"I think it is entirely possible [the extramarital affair by Clinton] was a distraction that kept him from performing his duty as president." --John Kerry, September 2001 <br /><br />"If anything, there may now be a greater appreciation for the trouble you can get into for certain behavior. More parents are teaching their children about lying, about humiliation, about family hurt, about public responsibility, than before we ever heard the name of Monica Lewinsky." --John Kerry, February, 1999 <br /><br />"The country does not believe the fiber of our nation is unraveling over the President's egregious behavior, because most people have a sense of proportion about the case that seems totally lacking in the House managers' presentation. No parent or school in America is teaching kids that lying or abusing the justice system is now OK....Democrats were very sophisticated in making a distinction between the policies and personal behavior of President Clinton." --John Kerry during the Clinton impeachment proceedings<br /><br />Make your own minds up, but please be informed and make intelligent choices when you vote.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Kerry vs Bush

Kerry? electable? oh my goodness! ha ha ha!etc!<br /> :D <br /><br />Watching him and the reporting in the media gives me a healthy laugh daily. Same with his supporters. <br />Is he conducting an impeachment hearing against our president or is he campaigning<br />to be our next pres?<br /><br />I expect total mayham from the dems and libs after bush wins again....they will demand recounts, file law suits, incite civil unrest and so on. <br /><br />Then their really gonna get mad at Bush! he,he :D


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Kerry vs Bush

I am very disappointed in their behavior, both of them.<br /><br />This morning the radio played a clip of Kerry complaining about Bush doing some mudslinging - well how long did it take Kerry to get right down there with him?<br /><br />And President Bush using images of the World Trade Center in his campaign - I just don't want him to do that.


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: Kerry vs Bush

The way Bush handled 9/11 is the point of why he used it in his campian ad. If it would have been clinton or Gore or kerry in office we still would be speculating who was guilty and how we should deal with it. I believe how he handled that situation was very good so it is part of why we should re-elect him. I do not believe anybody should exploit 9/11 so this is a touchy thing but if you were to think about sp? Gulliani from new york what do you think he handled 9/11 I bet. When I think of Bush I think of how he handled 9/11 and Saddam......Dang it is about time people look at America for the counrty it is...One that aint gonna just sit here and take their crap. I will vote for Bush.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 3, 2003
Re: Kerry vs Bush

If you are one of the wealthiest of people vote Republican.<br />
If you want government to decide what wealthy is, vote Democrat.<br />
If you are average middle class you better go with the Democrat.
If you believe it takes the government to get you here, the vote Demorcat<br />
If you like sending innocent young men to fight unnecessary wars and get killed then GWB is your man.<br />
If you believe the number one job of the President is to protect "our" freedom and way of life, then vote Republican.<br />
If you want a job and some boating money then you better vote against Bush.
If you want a tax cut, vote Republican.<br />
If you want to throw away a vote and help bush win then vote Nader.<br />
Yep, can't argue with that. :D <br />
If you like to be hated world wide then vote Bush.<br />
If you want the world to run our affairs and be responsible for maintaining our, freedom, economy and soverienty, the vote Democrat.<br />
If you want a president who was elected by the supreme court and not the people then Bush is your man.<br />
This is not even worth responging to. Bush won get over it. No broken laws here. Not the first to win without the majority vote and won't be the last.<br />
Guys remember if you are gonna talk politics then nobody can get mad. If you get mad then you shouldn't talk about it.
I agree whole heartedly with this. Let's not get mad at each other for differing views.


Mar 7, 2002
Re: Kerry vs Bush

There are at least a million (1,000,000)qualified Americans that could do the job correctly, honorably and rightiously.<br />There are only ten each, lib/mod/consv(10/10/10)or so that can do it as it's done these days.<br />The lesser of evils between these two (2)is Presidente Bush.


Jun 4, 2003
Re: Kerry vs Bush

Why shouldn't he have quick little bits of 9/11 in his ads? Because it was an emotional time for the country? Vietnam took it's toll on this country too, and 75% of the Kerry ads I have seen show him traipsing along in clean, pressed and creased fatigues with his very clean M16. What is the difference? Bush's leadership helped us through that period, Kerry's activities only widened the gap.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 22, 2003
Re: Kerry vs Bush

Bush was going to use snippets of his service during Vietnam, but he decided that snorting coke, smoking pot and boozing while dodging the draft and being AWOL from the National Guard wasn't the right image.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Kerry vs Bush

Just one man's perspective, but Bush is a man who has restored dignity back to a tarnished white house. He seems to be a man who doesn't have to put on the lipstick and the wig to morally, economically, and militarily bankrupt, has been, world powers. (France, Germany, Russia, etc.) If the founding fathers wanted an EPA, FDA, IRS, CIA, FBI, INS, ATF, CID, and all those fine acronyms they probably would have established them from the start. We are no longer a representative republic and it is far closer to socializm than anyone would like to comment on.<br /><br />Mr. Bush has done his part to continue this trend. Mr. Kerry will see to it that we get there faster.<br /><br />Anyone who can't but put gas in their boat shouldn't blame Bush. Anyone who can should thank him. TAX CUTS, TAX CUTS, TAX CUTS. Bush is a known quantity, and a far better choice than Kerry who can't make up his mind on anything (either that or he is a liar) and that is a charactor flaw. <br /><br />I would rather vote for the best man, (Jimmy Carter was an honest man, lousy president, but a good man) than the best sales job. For this reason alone Bush get my vote. The downward social spiral under Clinton is evident every day, and it is nausiating. There is a political line of thinking that states the only real power a president has is to appoint judges. I don't want another social liberal spewing his brand of social engineering onto the high courts.<br /><br />I wish there was a viable candidate that really met my expectations but there are none. Next term perhaps.. :rolleyes: <br /><br />My opinion only, but take it for what its worth.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 22, 2003
Re: Kerry vs Bush

I don't really like Kerry either, but I hate Bush. 290MM People and its down to these two clowns.<br /> ;)


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Kerry vs Bush

Bush was going to use snippets of his service during Vietnam, but he decided that snorting coke, smoking pot and boozing while dodging the draft and being AWOL from the National Guard wasn't the right image.
Whats wrong with that Toad?..<br />......Eventually, even you too will grow out of that behavior. :D


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 22, 2003
Re: Kerry vs Bush

you obviously don't know me. I have a cleaner record than Bush. :)