Re: Johnson Tach hookup
Hello, I have recently aquired a boat with a almost new 1980 johnson 70 hp
motor. I would like to add a Tach to the dash. Purchaced a SELOC repair manual but nothing is said about this. also were can I find the correct spark plug gap ? Thanks for your help
Corrected mis-spelling of Seloc
If you buy a tach from teleflex, there will be good instructions in it. Other brands probalby have same. If not, go to the Teleflex website and find installation instructions for their tach, and it should be essentiallythe same for another.
Aside from the physical process of cutting a hole, the attachments are pretty straight forward - grey (sender) wire, purple (power through ignition switch) wire, black (ground) wire. There might be another terminal for power from a light switch to light the gauge, but that's optional.
Oh, and to emphasize: disconnect the battery before messing with connections. The very least of problems you will avoid will be the main fuse at the engine - BTDT and learned several lessons: (1) how to identify blown main fuse (nothing at key - no buzz, no gauge movement, no ignition) (2) where is the durn main fuse (3) where to find such a fuse locally (believe it or not the John/Rude dealer DID NOT HAVE ONE, but the auto parts store did) (3) it is stupid not to disconnect the battery when you're messing with wires under the dash... and (4) it is VERY STUPID not to have spare main fuses - they are dirt cheap and tiny. (smack self on head, imagine how stupid I'd have felt if 100 miles up a river!).