Re: Johnson 6HP 1967-Flush kit?
There is an easier way.
Buy a standard, rectangular type set of muffs - the ones with the v-shaped rod that allows you to slip it onto the lower unit with the "water side" next to the intake, above the cavitation plate. As manufactured, it won't fit your six hp but you can cut the lower portion of the rubber muffs off with a hacksaw, along the longer dimension. Make sure that the side that you cut is the side that will face down, against the cavitation plate. Also, don't cut too high on the muffs because it will leak a lot of water out of the bottom, even though that side butts up against the cavitation plate. You may find that, if you let the hose fall to the ground, it will want to rotate the muffs. I just run a long bungee from the hose to something on the boat to keep the weight off of the hose/muff assembley.