Re: johnson 60hp outboard wont start
Jason,relax,the black box ,is it at the back of the boat ,or the engine.If its the boat,it could be for a Trim and Tilt unit.Do you have a trim and tily unit.Now to the engine.You say you had the starter replaced and a new solonoid.Are you absolutly positive the battery cables to the motor are tite.Inspect those cables carefully and make sure the cable ends are clean ,not corroded ,and make sure the cables are not cut anywhere along them.Often the cables cut,mostly the positive will corrode thru a little cut and you may have what appears to be a good cable ,but the copper inside has corroded.You need to be sure the ground and the positive are good and tite.You can test your starter by taking the positive battery cable off and touching the stud on the starter where the cable from the solonoid connects.If it turns over ,you know your ok there.Just for safty ,pull the plug wires off to prevent accidental starting.You dont want to run without water.If the starter dont spin ,and assuming its a good starter ,you need to be sure your battery is charged ,and good.You might want to try a different battery to retest the starter.If you know you have a good battery ,and starter dont work,your starter is bad,assuming the cables are OK. If the starter spins you then need to figure out why the key is not activating the solonoid to allow starting.However ,if it is clicking,it is then getting the signal to start.The power for that comes from the yel wire with red stripe that connects to the solonoid.There should be no other wire but that one on that contact with the yel/red. You also need to be sure the starter solonoid has a good ground to the engine.Did you replace the solonoid with an outboard solonoid?some people use automotive ,and they need to have a ground wire connected.
All that said,You might have something running your battery down,so,make sure all wireing ,other than the positive and neg from the engine are connected,that is to eliminate outside problems.Also,the black box you spoke abou,if it is a trim and tilt box,it will have a pos and neg ,remove them as well.We want to work on the cranking problem.If your battery is fully charged,and you disconnectd any additional wires,try cranking.If it works great,if not,check all your harness connections,the red plug for corrosion ,all,grounds.If your starter is good ,cranks by jumping,if you get a click at the solonoid but no crank ,either your wire to starter from the solonoid is bad ,or solonoid went bad,to be certain again,get a meter or test lite and check the yel/red for power when key is turned.If power ,it can only be solonoid ,bad cable to starter ,starter,or bad ground .Let us know about the trim and tilt info,also look on top of engine block for numbers and submit all you find on the round alum piece