IT FLOATS!!! new motor old transom??


Jun 28, 2011
IT FLOATS! the 1967 14' aluminum starcraft superstar is not yet completely finished but all of the exterior paint has been removed but the non skid on the inside is not and the benches havent been replaced yet. So me and my buddy decided we deserved a treat and to see if the thing would even float before we go any further so we zodiaced the 174lb boat over a fence and into a lake hahaha luckily there were very very minimal leaks. I managed to get the trolling motor from my grandmother and went and bought a battery from walmart but its just so darn slow :( Sadly the 9.9 evinrude that was with the boat and in my grandmothers garage has been stolen so now im in the market for a new motor :facepalm: the boat is marked for a 20hp max so i was thinking a 15hp since it is so old... but another of my concerns is how do i know if the transom is rotten and can even hold this size motor im very new to boats for the most part so i dont know if there is wood inside of the hull in the back that i should be worrying about or just the wood that is exposed where the motor gets clamped to the boat please help and how do i find out if that wood is rotten with having to take off the handles and then the rivets out and then the lip just to get inside of there.. or is that pretty much the only way? sry there are no pics just yet ill get on it as soon as i can oh and ps the 40yr old trailer is almost completely renovated!!! just need new keel rollers and get the wench arm attached


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: IT FLOATS!!! new motor old transom??

Rest assured there IS wood in there, and the ONLY way IS to remove the rivets to get to it. PICS are really gunna help us to help you.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: IT FLOATS!!! new motor old transom??

I have the same model boat but mine is a 1963. The hull is rated for 20 HP. I just replaced the transom wood and the replacement wood measures about 6 1/2" x 48" x 1 1/2" with a very slight taper cut on each end.

Remove the two grab handles (4 bolts) and remove the bolts across the back (about 6). You now have the old transom out ;)

Laminate 2 pieces of 3/4" (marine grade or exterior grade) plywood together [note: exterior plywood and not pressure treated is best since you will have SO MUCH extra if you buy a full sheet and HD and Lowes sells 1/2 pieces]

Pick up NEW (yes new) 1/4"x 20 x 2" bolts and washers (all stainless steel).

For the exterior piece of plywood....... just forget about it and buy a 3/8" large poly cutting board from wallmart. That will never rot ;)

Have fun!!


Jun 28, 2011
Re: IT FLOATS!!! new motor old transom??

sweet! oh another thing the foam under the bench seats how do i get new Styrofoam for that and how do i replace all the rivets ive worked with rivets before but i was able to get to the other side of them to hammer them and i've never worked with these kind of rivets before:facepalm: