Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?


Aug 19, 2001
From Drudge report now, this Gore snippit:<br /><br />" I thought maybe it was an aberration when three-quarters of Americans said they believed that Saddam Hussein was responsible for attacking us on September 11, 2001. But more than four years later, between a third and a half still believe Saddam was personally responsible for planning and supporting the attack."<br /><br />Basically we can all agree that society off center, but are his statistics exaggerations of the gross kind? I thought what we thought was that Saddam supported terrorists, was a bad guy, would likely team up with them against us, had met with alqeda operatives, had a terrorist training plane in Iraq, had a drone aircraft program, and certainly could have been in cahoots but we certainly didn't have enough info to prove that. To say what he said above proves he's part of the problem not the solution(to quote a left wing expression) <br /><br />Set me straight plywoody. Is it us or Gore? He seems totally nuts to me. THIS IS NOT A TROLL. Gore's statement bothered me as an unbelievable distortion of fact and I think it should by all rights be discussed. If true, than Jay Leno has it right with his on the street interviews.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

Wouldnt surprise me considering all the sheeple in the USA.<br /><br />Ken


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

Of course, Gore's implication is that Right Wing propaganda causes this, thats what he is trying to say...that hes out because the people are stupid and misled sheeple by the bad conservatives. Are we really sheeple? If so, figuring out the cause of that is step two.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

No way. BS. He's allowed to say anything he wants, because his goal to save the planet from ourselves is more noble than truth.


Oct 30, 2002
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

We expect young people to support liberal causes,<br />and so they should. But when a statesman of Mr Gore's <br />caliber shows his true colours, You have<br />to wonder what his agenda and philosophy really are.


Apr 27, 2004
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

It's Gore. He's a loon. He wrote in his book "Earth in the Balance" that the greatest threat to mankind was the automobile. This at a time when the USSR had 10,000 nukes aimed at us. :rolleyes:


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

I think he actually said the internal combustion engine. Not sure, but yup, frutier than a nutcake :D


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

HEY! Be Nice to ALGORE, if it weren't for him inventing the Internet we wouldn't have this forum to talk on! And remember he plowed them fields and picked the tabacci with his bare hands! What a Guy! :eek:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

That statement is either true (backed up by a reputable survey) or false. Noone seems to be concerned with determining which it is, rather the majority of posters here have responded with what seems like reflexive criticism of Gore. <br /><br />If the statement is false, I can understand the criticism. But what if it's true? Isn't anyone interested in facts anymore? <br /><br />The same principle applies to those on both sides who are already sure that either a) Tom DeLay is absolutely guilty or b) Tom DeLay is absolutely innocent, a victim of partisan politics. I'd be surprised if ANYONE on this board has close enough access to the facts of the case at this point to be able to make an unbiased, objective, definitive determination of DeLays guilt or innocence.<br /><br />Isn't anyone interested in getting the FACTS before making judgements anymore?


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

Originally posted by LakeLivin:<br />I'd be surprised if ANYONE on this board has close enough access to the facts of the case at this point to be able to make an unbiased, objective, definitive determination of DeLays guilt or innocence.<br />
I do believe this post was about Gore, not Delay but nice try :)


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

I want to know the facts about Delay, but suspect a witchhunt might be the culprit.... If Gore's facts are skewed, then there's the reason for the Delay witchhunt...Dem tactics. I want to know if anywhere there is a pole that says 1/3 of Americans believe that Saddam planned the 911 attacks or was part of the planning of those attacks.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

Originally posted by SCO:<br /> ...<br />Gore's statement bothered me as an unbelievable distortion of fact and I think it should by all rights be discussed.
If it is a distortion (and it could be), I don't find it unbelievable; not hard to believe that between 1/3 and 1/2 of Americans believe "Saddam was personally responsible."


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

Who is Al Gore? ;)


Chief Petty Officer
May 18, 2004
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

Originally posted by LakeLivin:<br />Isn't anyone interested in getting the FACTS before making judgements anymore?
Around here, that answer is definitely no. And that stat is not far off, if not perfectly on target. Don't worry, I've got proof.<br /><br />And as far as the first post goes....we knew Saddam and Al-Qaeda had no ties. OBL was actually trying to work against him, but that fact isn't important to most on here.<br /><br />here is a poll from 2003:<br /><br /> Saddam 9/11 Link poll<br /><br />And heres one from Feb. of 2005.<br /><br /> Harris Interactive poll<br /><br />I've copied the significant pieces of the 2005 poll below:<br /><br />47 percent believe that Saddam Hussein helped plan and support the hijackers who attacked the U.S. on September 11, 2001 (up six percentage points from November). <br /><br />44 percent actually believe that several of the hijackers who attacked the U.S. on September 11 were Iraqis (up significantly from 37% in November). <br /><br />36 percent believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when the U.S. invaded (down slightly from 38% in November). <br /><br />It just goes to show you how many people actually drank the karl-aid.<br /><br />OK, now lets hear how these are both far-left leaning polls and that the results must've been fabricated. I know you want to.... :D


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

SCO- you state in your latter post that "I want to know if anywhere there is a pole that says 1/3 of Americans believe that Saddam planned the 911 attacks or was part of the planning of those attacks." <br /><br />Yet you state in your initial post "Is it us or Gore? He seems totally nuts to me..... Gore's statement bothered me as an unbelievable distortion of fact...."<br /><br />Just curious as to whether you took any time to try to determine whether there is a poll supporting Gore's statement (like perhaps doing a google search) before you arrived at your conclusion that "Gore's statement bothered me as an unbelievable distortion of fact ..".<br /><br />Sorry, not trying to bust on you personally, just getting very frustrated with what seems to be an abundence of preconceived judgements in this forum stated as if they were fact, when in fact no facts are provided to support the purported facts. (and that's a fact!) :cool:


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

I think you are missing the point here Mr Scott. If the people en masse think that, it is what I want to know. We conservatives on this board know better, so that means it is not a conservative plot...we were paying attention to what was being said at the time and did not think that. It would have to be pure Jaywalking with the allstars stuff to explain this.<br /><br />I am skeptical about the polls though since it is hard to believe people are that stupid on a mass scale and because the left and right is hostilly polarized. What questions were asked and were they phrased like "do you think Saddam could have been involved in the planning" to which the agendized poll service agent might conclude as a "he thought Saddam planned it" response. <br /><br />I'll look at your sites.


Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

No matter how you look at it, Saddam was:<br /><br />1. A murderer-on a scale trying to best Hitler.<br /><br />2. A thug, threatening world peace.<br /><br />3. A creep, with WMD's.<br /><br />If anyone thinks that there were no WMD's there, you're an idiot. We gave him six months, minimum, to hide them. And, he did. Not ALL WMD's are 60' missiles. Bio. labs, portable, we're found, in droves.<br /><br />Keep watching the alphabet media, and continue your plunge into the realm of idiocy.<br /><br />Here's a wake up call, there might just be somebody smarter, and more informed than YOU.<br /><br />Harsh-YES. But, I speak my (informed) mind.


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

Lake says: "Just curious as to whether you took any time to try to determine whether there is a poll supporting Gore's statement (like perhaps doing a google search) before you arrived at your conclusion that "Gore's statement bothered me as an unbelievable distortion of fact .."<br /><br />Answer: This is the investigation. I'm trying to get to the bottom of it. That it is Gore that is out of whack is my impression. I don't have a conclusion yet.


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

That Harris poll is amazing even though the plan and support question should have been broken up into 2 questions.


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Is it Al Gore, or are the people out of whack?

Gore says: "It did not come as a surprise that the concentration of control over this powerful one-way medium carries with it the potential for damaging the operations of our democracy. As early as the 1920s, when the predecessor of television, radio, first debuted in the United States, there was immediate apprehension about its potential impact on democracy. One early American student of the medium wrote that if control of radio were concentrated in the hands of a few, "no nation can be free."<br /><br />As a result of these fears, safeguards were enacted in the U.S. -- including the Public Interest Standard, the Equal Time Provision, and the Fairness Doctrine - though a half century later, in 1987, they were effectively repealed. And then immediately afterwards, Rush Limbaugh and other hate-mongers began to fill the airwaves. "<br /><br /><br />See, its talk radio and the conservatives. I think it's MTV and commercials and mass apathy. Few of the rush listeners think this stuff re saddam <br /><br />gtg