Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

Mine doesn't say Made in China, but it does say it was assembled in the USA from U.S. and Foreign components. Is yours a 2007? If not, it has Yamaha components...


Nova II 260

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 27, 2006
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

Hey, we're making Illegal Aliens !! You won't find many of them in other countries.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 9, 2006
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

WHOA DUDE! I bought a brand new 1977 Chevy Monte Carlo..ASSEMBLED IN CANADA. Do you have ANY logical answer for that? (think exchange rate maybe..called save a buck)..Little too hot in Dearborn to work that week maybe?
21 years Reynolds Aluminum..factory Journeyman Machinist...way involved in unions and WHY we bitched...

ROFL ... does US/Canada free trade mean anything to you ??? Canada's inport/export market is the same as the USA ... and trade is mainly WITH the USA and visa-versa,

Living here is like living in the USA ... only a line drawn on a map separates us ... sorry but you live on another planet ... no offence ... just plain reality.

The GM (US owned) plan .. employes there were the highest paid by GM (no pennies per hour as you can see)

Please take note that there are more Japanese cars sold in the USA than in Canada ... Can YOU give me any logical explanations to that ??? Am I missing something regarding local American market support ???

Half of my family members live in the USA and they seem to have a different point of view than yours regarding US/Canada.

I had fun with our to and fro posting ... I hope you did also and took it lightly. S (smile)

Hey next time you'r in Canada for a fishing trip gimme a call and I ll guide you to the best northern lakes.



Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

ROFL ... does US/Canada free trade mean anything to you ??? Canada's inport/export market is the same as the USA ... and trade is mainly WITH the USA and visa-versa,

Living here is like living in the USA ... only a line drawn on a map separates us ... sorry but you live on another planet ... no offence ... just plain reality.

The GM (US owned) plan .. employes there were the highest paid by GM (no pennies per hour as you can see)

Please take note that there are more Japanese cars sold in the USA than in Canada ... Can YOU give me any logical explanations to that ??? Am I missing something regarding local American market support ???

Half of my family members live in the USA and they seem to have a different point of view than yours regarding US/Canada.

I had fun with our to and fro posting ... I hope you did also and took it lightly. S (smile)

Hey next time you'r in Canada for a fishing trip gimme a call and I ll guide you to the best northern lakes.


Oh, don't get yer panties all twisted...please take the penny sweatshop comment in context. China, the India outsourcing, cheap Mex..blah, blah...its still a trade thing
Actually I couldn't care less what/where the world goes next..if I'm still on it, I'll ride it like a wave until it crashes. Retired at 44 (13 years ago) old Harleys, 170,000 mile Astro Van, old boats and motors, all pretty pristene cause I take care of'em
No thanks on Canada anymore because of the border...those people have zero sense of humor. And won't even Ebay a small bubble mailer there anymore. Long story..
Has nothing to do with you..peace


Jun 13, 2007
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

....well speaking as another Canadian and I think as (mostly) North Amercans we are all in the same boat (so to speak). Tashasdaddy is correct in that we have priced ourselves out of the market.
Until each of us is willing to pay more for an item than its cheap-shelf counterpart this 'outsourcing' is not going to end.
Believe me....up here this happens big time, particularly in our very antiquated forestry sector in British Columbia. The unions have refused to entertain much automation at all, particularly if it means the loss of any jobs...even the dumb labour ones. As a result....the mills are shutting down and there is no end in sight.
Bring on the automation I say!!!...and stop buying stuff from W-mart!! support your local (smaller) business guys.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 2, 2007
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

[QUOTE ...Mexico...Blame Clinton and NAFTA[/QUOTE]

Bingo. With wages averaging 1/5 of the US's and lack of meaningful tariffs it's no wonder jobs are moving south. And now China is becoming the new frontier, with wages 1/5 of Mexico's. There are companies leaving Mexico to go to China. I live in TX, work in Mexico for an American company.


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

[QUOTE ...Mexico...Blame Clinton and NAFTA

Bingo. With wages averaging 1/5 of the US's and lack of meaningful tariffs it's no wonder jobs are moving south. And now China is becoming the new frontier, with wages 1/5 of Mexico's. There are companies leaving Mexico to go to China. I live in TX, work in Mexico for an American company.[/quote]

My point exactly :D


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 9, 2006
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

Oh, don't get yer panties all twisted...please take the penny sweatshop comment in context. China, the India outsourcing, cheap Mex..blah, blah...its still a trade thing
Actually I couldn't care less what/where the world goes next..if I'm still on it, I'll ride it like a wave until it crashes. Retired at 44 (13 years ago) old Harleys, 170,000 mile Astro Van, old boats and motors, all pretty pristene cause I take care of'em
No thanks on Canada anymore because of the border...those people have zero sense of humor. And won't even Ebay a small bubble mailer there anymore. Long story..
Has nothing to do with you..peace

Yea you'r right ... borders dont make it easy for any of us. Retired at 43 ???? Were you working for GM ??? (jest kidding) congrad not too many can make it at that age.

I know from good sources that China is working on exporting cars in America, selling loaded for $ 9k we aint seen the end of it. We will eventualy both miss our old vehicules the Astro and my old 1994 Aerostar (mint)

have a great day ...


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 9, 2006
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

We had a great booming economy when we watched who came to this country, worked and played together, and everything was basically a fair wage for a days work, and very little poverty.
We invented things Trial and Liability lawyers put a pretty well dead stop to anything that a resourceful person can make, then have an uneducated idiot/scam artist, etc, sue ya. ... and world trade is bringing us down to their (third world) level
But sad to say, as all great societies do, they soon collapse...we are heading there
Its a Roman Empire thing.....:eek:

You are unfortunatly right on ... we need to pay more to get local (us or can) stuff to balance things out ... but can we affort to do that it is the other side of the coin.

Positively you and I seem to be making it ok ... LOL



Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

Yea you'r right ... borders dont make it easy for any of us. Retired at 43 ???? Were you working for GM ??? (jest kidding) congrad not too many can make it at that age.

I know from good sources that China is working on exporting cars in America, selling loaded for $ 9k we aint seen the end of it. We will eventualy both miss our old vehicules the Astro and my old 1994 Aerostar (mint)

have a great day ...

Well, I'm a benefactor of the old days, days of guys at GM getting $25 an hour to put on hubcaps, full health care, pension for life, etc.
I was born 1950, did the Nam thing, couple years more school, started Reynolds Aluminum in Illinois in 1973 as a Maintenance Machinist.
In 1994, they closed up the plant and waived the 2 year wait to try and find people jobs at other plants. Through the IAM Union"Rule of 65", I had 21 years in, and 44. Bingo. Pension, plus another $400 a month for being to young for SS (which I will lose at 62, but double the pension $ I get now by taking the SS)
Also we had a Defined Benefit Plan, Health care, and then in 1988 they started to slide into dropping the DBP, and go 401K. So I also had 6 years of max 401 I put in tax free.
So I have the pension, health care, good chunk of saving that I rolled into an IRA, and free at 44.
This gets better..
A few years back, Reynolds was just about to fold up shop, and that would have tossed a wrench in the "for life stuff"
Then Alcoa comes in and buys them out. Sitting pretty again (who knows down the line, but I cross bridges when I get to them).
They have started to nip us on the health care costs, but still zip to me. Minuscule.
Now my time is mine, do odd jobs out my well stocked shop for a few $..far from rich, but no more alarm clocks or traffic jams.
Am I lucky...? Ya damn right, and I know it..


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 9, 2006
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

Well, I'm a benefactor of the old days, days of guys at GM getting $25 an hour to put on hubcaps, full health care, pension for life, etc.
I was born 1950, did the Nam thing, couple years more school, started Reynolds Aluminum in Illinois in 1973 as a Maintenance Machinist.
In 1994, they closed up the plant and waived the 2 year wait to try and find people jobs at other plants. Through the IAM Union"Rule of 65", I had 21 years in, and 44. Bingo. Pension, plus another $400 a month for being to young for SS (which I will lose at 62, but double the pension $ I get now by taking the SS)
Also we had a Defined Benefit Plan, Health care, and then in 1988 they started to slide into dropping the DBP, and go 401K. So I also had 6 years of max 401 I put in tax free.
So I have the pension, health care, good chunk of saving that I rolled into an IRA, and free at 44.
This gets better..
A few years back, Reynolds was just about to fold up shop, and that would have tossed a wrench in the "for life stuff"
Then Alcoa comes in and buys them out. Sitting pretty again (who knows down the line, but I cross bridges when I get to them).
They have started to nip us on the health care costs, but still zip to me. Minuscule.
Now my time is mine, do odd jobs out my well stocked shop for a few $..far from rich, but no more alarm clocks or traffic jams.
Am I lucky...? Ya damn right, and I know it..

Who could ask for anything more huh ? Good for you.

I ended up retiring at 58 for similar reasons ... and I too consider myself dam lucky compared to the guys who will have to wait untill they are 65. I dont do shop like you but I play a lot ... LOL Let's drink to that ... lol


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

Yep..rather stay up 'till 2am in front of the puter and IBoats, sleep until noon...complain of not enough money..

...than to toil all week waiting for the weekend to spend what the government said I get to keep..