Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?


Jun 29, 2007
Hello, I was just wondering when merc started making motors in china? Got my new tracker home and put it in the garage and started to look it over real good and when i got to the motor was i ever surprised the sticker with the serial # had made in china printed on it! wow i remember mercury as a good old USA company up in Wisconsin, oh well i guess I'm just a little disgruntled with it right now it's been leaking gas from some fitting that goes to the vapor separator since i first got it and it's finally going in to get repaired!!!yea


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

Actually there is a factor that many people don't consider when they see the "Made in China" or "Made in xxxxxx" label. That label does not mean the product was "designed" in China. They are merely building things to a specification provided by the Designer. If they build it within tolerances specified, it doesn't matter where in the world it gets built. Yes -- it would be nice to have all that manufacturing back in this country but there is enough blame to go around at all levels. You've seen manufacturing go from Japan, to Singapore, to Korea, to India, and in a few years you will likely see your new Toyota manufactured in Iraq.


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

Parts factory was farmed out to a sweat shop at pennies an hour in china ..or Canada ...Mexico...Blame Clinton and NAFTA


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

unfortunately, our labor force, and lack of willingness to automate, has price us out of the competition.


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

OptiMax and Verado are made in Wisconsin. So are E-Tecs. :) But many parts that go into them are made elsewhere. :(

(Tashasdaddy must be one of those that think that highly skilled factory workers should be satisfied with minimum wage and no benefits for the sake of keeping manufacturing in America. :rolleyes:)


Jul 22, 2004
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

Less than 25% of the outboards sold in the U.S are made here. And for the record....I think that is awful.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

Although I too am saddened by the shift of product production off-shore, look at your own buying habits. Do you continually pay the highest prices for the products you buy or do you shop around? I think almost without question we tend to compare prices on any product and buy either the lowest or sometimes a tad higher if it means we travel less distance to obtain it or in the case of boats, the service facility is closer to our home. Now put yourself in the shoes of the manufacturer who needs to show a profit. Labor is a huge part of any manufacturing operation. If you can't compete here you can only go offshore or raise your price and become less competitive or bcome non-competitive and eventually shut the doors. This is a global society we live in these days. We need to get used to it and people working in this economy need to learn to compete as well. The days are gone when one had a long list of benefits, double digit wage increases, union clout, and no-cost or nearly no-cost health insurance (except for government employees of course).


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

(Tashasdaddy must be one of those that think that highly skilled factory workers should be satisfied with minimum wage and no benefits for the sake of keeping manufacturing in America. :rolleyes:)

I?m sorry to say that this county has gone from the ?land of opportunity? to the ?land of expectations?.

I?m not unsympathetic to the problem but just how much is an obsolete ?highly skilled factory worker? worth these days to society? At what point do you pull the plug on the life support system?


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 12, 2007
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

Who's going to be able to buy these products, with all the jobs leaving this country? They farm these jobs out to Mexico or China or whoever else under bids them. They get the work done dirt cheap, but I don't see the price of the goods coming down any. I wonder if the CEO's are making out alright.


Jul 4, 2004
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

I am lucky the chinese have sent so much bad stuff here:eek: my industry keeps as much of a 10 foot pole as possable between us and them

Like yet a nother toy recall becasue of lead based paint this week



Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

We had a great booming economy when we watched who came to this country, worked and played together, and everything was basically a fair wage for a days work, and very little poverty.
We invented things Trial and Liability lawyers put a pretty well dead stop to anything that a resourceful person can make, then have an uneducated idiot/scam artist, etc, sue ya. ... and world trade is bringing us down to their (third world) level
But sad to say, as all great societies do, they soon collapse...we are heading there
Its a Roman Empire thing.....:eek:


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

So far we have NAFTA, immigrants, lawyers, and CEO's responsible for the shift of manufacturing off-shore. Did the vegetable growers in California not have a labor issue in that they couldn't find people to harvest their crops? Why was that again? Oh yes -- I remember, nobody would do that job for the amount the growers were willing to pay. Well, enter the immigrants. They competed and won. The growers get their crops harvested and those who don't have a job are bitching. Everyone needs to take a very long look in the mirror. Remember HMO's and how that was going to be the health care salvation. Yup -- it was great until everyone hit the doctor whenever they or their kid had a sniffle or a gas bubble. Why not -- after all it didn't cost anything! If you want to really get upset, talk to anyone who uses medical devices (like me). Medicare "entitles" me to a new CPAP mask (you don't need to know what that is for this example) at 3 month intervals. Taken care of these things don't wear out and I routinely use them six months or more. Medicare gets billed over $400 for a full face CPAP mask that I can buy on-line for $119. Medicare makes it nearly impossible to file a personal claim and the $119 price does not include billing service. So I let the government get fleeced for $281 for someone to fill out a form. At a recent display of medical equipment a neat little CPAP machine was displayed. I asked the dude how much it was and his reply was -- It depends on what your insurance pays. Its stuff like this that has put us where we are and health care is just one of the reasons. Once the medical profession found out they could charge the insurance companies virtually whatever they wanted, the insurance companies just raised rates. Heck -- they aren't about to lose any money. Employers said -- geez folks, we can't afford to pay this anymore so you have to kick in a share. My gosh what an uproar that created in union shops. Its been a downward spiral ever since. CEO's aren't the reason jobs have gone off-shore. Well they are but they are not the major reason. We simply lost our ability to compete with a global labor pool. Those who are not cross-training and keeping tabs on the pulse of industry will have a tough time staying afloat. I retired at age 62 and it was because I refused to let my employer or the government look after my interests. Had I been able to invest every bit of the money social security sucked out of my salary I could have retired at 50 or sooner. If you don't pay attention you will get run over. I really get tired of people whining about their current job or not being able to get the same job they had when they were let go. Get off your butt and do something about it. You are not too old to cross-train. Beside, your old job may not be obtainable in this country anymore. Had you been paying attention, you could have been cross training in a field that was just opening. It costs about $500 to start a Sub-chapter "S" corporation or an LLC. If you think your skills are marketable, you can be the CEO and will find out in a hurry what it takes to compete and make that venture succeed. I did it and so can you.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 9, 2006
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

Parts factory was farmed out to a sweat shop at pennies an hour in china ..or Canada ...Mexico...Blame Clinton and NAFTA

Hey wait a minute Scaaty ... reality check please ... there is no sweat shop at pennies an hour in Canada ... and it's economy is at par with the USA ... you obviously got your geography crossed ... USA and Canada is North America. G (grin)

Are you living that far out west ???? LOL



Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 9, 2006
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

Guys ... that is calle offshoring jobs for the sake of higher profits and dividends for multi-national companies.

Problem is we dont fight back by purchasing products that are made localy.

Look at Nikes shoes ... they offshored their manufacturing somewhere in Asia and let down a complete USA town and it's loyal employes in the dark.

Did American stop buying Nike shoes to buy another brand made in USA .... NOPE ... Well we have a way to fight back but dont use it.


Jul 4, 2004
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

you can still buy American made New Balance shoes in the mid to upper grades

Work boots have become a no go even in the 150 dollar range from and all American place like Georgia Boot ( they get to git rid of the American flag from the displays :eek:



Mar 22, 2006
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

Man!!! I thought I was in Dockside Chat for a second there!!!​


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

Hey wait a minute Scaaty ... reality check please ... there is no sweat shop at pennies an hour in Canada ... and it's economy is at par with the USA ... you obviously got your geography crossed ... USA and Canada is North America. G (grin)

Are you living that far out west ???? LOL


WHOA DUDE! I bought a brand new 1977 Chevy Monte Carlo..ASSEMBLED IN CANADA. Do you have ANY logical answer for that? (think exchange rate maybe..called save a buck)..Little too hot in Dearborn to work that week maybe?
21 years Reynolds Aluminum..factory Journeyman Machinist...way involved in unions and WHY we bitched...


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 1, 2007
Re: Is anything still made in the U.S.A.?

supporting is one way to bring back offshore companies.

Currently, EVERY decision a company makes is based on TAXES.

Fairtax would relieve the tax burden companies face when making decisions.