Is 90hp ob enough??


Aug 30, 2021
An old buddy of mine has been a boater forever. His last boat had twin 454's and he said it was a dog. Now he upgraded to FOUR 300 HP outboards. If he isn't the fastest boat on the river, and can show up EVERYBODY, his boat is a DOG.

I resemble that remark. We had a 3.0 Merc for 35 years. It was the 2nd strongest engine we ever had. But, then again, it was propped to meet the WOT rpm at 100%, plus we had a DoelFin and tabs to boot.

We trolled, pulled skiers and tubed to our hearts delight. The poor engine is now discontinued, but when it was in production it sold more than all others. I guess the general public didn't know about dogs.

Anyone that called a 3.0 a dog doesn't know diddly about how to set up a boat.

And of course, that's simply my enedumacated option.
sorry, but wats WOT?


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Like most IL4 engines, the 3.0L motor doesn't have the good sound or the increased power of the V6. The 3.0Lmotor is entry level for boats in that length, but still better then most entry powerplants. it should power that boat to 35MPH or so. A V6 would add 5-10 MPH.

Anyone ride in a 24 footer with the std 305 CID SBC. Now that's a dog.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
sorry, but wats WOT?
I apologize. Most people here understand the basics. WHAT's (or What is) WOT means "Wide Open Throttle". In the context of this thread it means that if a boat (or engine on a boat) is set up to achieve maximum specification RPM at WOT, then the boat will perform optimally.

To make it even more clearly, if an engine is specified to run 4200-4800 rpm (revolutions per minute) at WOT, and the prop only allows it to run 3900 rpm, then that boat will provide poor performance and the owner will call kit a "DOG".

OTOH (on the other hand) if that same boat is set up to run 4800 rpm at WOT, performance will be stellar and the owner will be happy.

Now, furthermore, HP and speed to correlate. So, if your objective is to be faster than the Johneses, maybe a 3.0 isn't for you.

BTW, my Stingray 19 footer with a 3.0 would run 48 mph all day long with my custom pitched SS prop.