IO Floor Replacement & Engine Removal??


Apr 15, 2003
Question.. <br /><br />I'm working on a 19' Sunbird, since I have to replace the floor, do I need to cut out and rebuild the engine mounts (look like they are just fiberglass - the wood may have just rotted - off to either side of the stringers) or do I cut around these and just do the floor around it. The IO sits right over the open stern portion of the bildge so...<br /><br />If I don't pull the engine out, will the supports hold when I cut the rear portions of the floor out? I need to get the whole floor out to do the stringers.. <br /><br />And lastly, any suggestions on pulling the engine out when you're working outdoors on a sandy surface.. Guess I'm building a large hoist?


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: IO Floor Replacement & Engine Removal??

I recommend pulling the engine, thats too much weight to take the chance with. It will wait until your arm or hand is under it to give out, just like guns load themselves and kill you when you do dumb things with them. As for the sandy surface, thats a tough one. You could built an A frame and hoist it out with a heavy duty come-along or you could rent an engine lift, lift the motor, and roll the boat out from under it, but the engine lift may not lift the motor high enough to clear the transom. I am thinking Aframe/come-along combo. Good luck....