Internet Connection?


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Mrs B has lost her internet connection on her Win7 laptop. This is via a wired network thru a 4 port DSL Router/Modem. When you have a computer hooked to the router, whether it is turned on or not, the router will show an Et lite for that port. That lite is not lit for this laptop.

I tried a new cable from the wall outlet to the laptop and it did not lite the router port lite. I then moved the laptop down near the modem and plugged the new cable directly into the Et3 port. The port lite still did not lite up. I then unplugged one of the other two computers from the modem and plugged the laptop directly into that port Et1. The lite did not lite up there either. I then plugged the original computer (turned off) back into the Et1 port and the port lite lit right up.

Soooooooo, it appears that the modem/router is not seeing the laptop computer. Does this make any sense? By all tests we do not have a modem/router problem, we do not have a wired network problem and we do not have a Cat45 lead problem. This all points back to the computer itself. (or so it seems)

Unlike Win XP, I do not know how you view internet connectivity on the computer. XP has a little pair of screens down in the startup bar at the bottom right of the screen. I see nothing similar on the Win 7 screen. What I do see down there is the little bar graph icon that shows available wireless connections but nothing that shows a wired connection.

FWIIW, we do have a separate wireless router that is used to run a wireless printer but that router is not connected to the internet.

Note: I just plugged my son's computer, down the hall, into the last available port (Et4) on the router. The port lite lit up and that computer is on the net. Budda Bing, but still nothing on the laptops Et3 port.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: Internet Connection?

Does the laptop have a small slide switch to turn on and off the connection I know ours has one for the wireless link and if its not switched over, no net GRRRR
Usually happens when I pull it out of the bag at the hotel and 10 minutes of head scratching trying to figure out what happened.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Internet Connection?

Does the laptop have a small slide switch to turn on and off the connection I know ours has one for the wireless link and if its not switched over, no net GRRRR
Usually happens when I pull it out of the bag at the hotel and 10 minutes of head scratching trying to figure out what happened.

I know that some laptops have a switch or a button to activate the wireless receptivity but I know of none that have any kind of switch or trigger for the Cat5 ethernet port.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: Internet Connection?

Go into Control Panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager, + Network Adapters, right click the adapter, disable, after the auto refresh, right click and enable. Might work.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Internet Connection?

you can also try the following:

open a command window

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

after doing this type:
ipconfig /all

See if an ip address was assigned.


Jul 19, 2004
Re: Internet Connection?

Really turn the wireless switch OFF on the lappy.....go to control connections.......make a new on option to connect automatically.......then make a desktop shortcut by off clicking......tell her to use that when should have both then.....or make a desktop shortcut for wireless also.....then you have both
Whoops forgot about filling in the spaces you have to fill in your routers address 192.169.xxxx whatever.....and subnet 255.xxxxx....then click on auto connect box ....been awhile I forgot


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Internet Connection?

Really turn the wireless switch OFF on the lappy.....go to control connections.......make a new on option to connect automatically.......then make a desktop shortcut by off clicking......tell her to use that when should have both then.....or make a desktop shortcut for wireless also.....then you have both
Whoops forgot about filling in the spaces you have to fill in your routers address 192.169.xxxx whatever.....and subnet 255.xxxxx....then click on auto connect box ....been awhile I forgot

This crap is really starting to pile up on me!:rolleyes: Anyway, I can't turn off the wireless 'cause she uses it to access her printer. It's been running with both wireless and wired, just no internet connection on the wireless 'cause the old wireless router is not hooked to the internet.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Internet Connection?

Ok, I went to network connections and found three items listed. One was the LAN connection via the NIC, another was the wireless router that runs the printer and the third was the wireless USB doo dad that runs the mouse.

The wireless connection showed 'no connection to internet' which is true because it is not hooked to any internet signal.

The LAN connection showed 'cable disconnected', which it is not. I disabled it then re-enabled it and it continued to show 'cable disconnected'

Now this NIC, if I am not mistaken, is not actually a separate card, but integrated into the motherboard? If that is the case, I am thinking that herein lies the issue. Bad motherboard???

....oh, and did I say, I hate Windows 7? XP is so much easier to find your way around and doesn't have all the fluff to confuse you.:rolleyes:


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: Internet Connection?

Two things, Boom. You can use the wireless to connect to a wireless printer and the Internet both, at the same time. Works fine. And gives the mobility to plug in and take advantage of the the higher Ethernet speeds but maintain Internet connection unplugged.

Second, The NIC is probably integrated with the motherboard, but then again, it may be a "piggyback" connection to the MB. All depends on the age/model of the laptop. Could the LAN connector in the lappy be causing problems? Look inside and there should be 8 springy connector wires for lack of a better word. Make sure they are all in line with each other. Does the wife plug/unplug the CAT cable a lot? One of the connector wires might have gotten crossed.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Internet Connection?

Two things, Boom. You can use the wireless to connect to a wireless printer and the Internet both, at the same time. Works fine. And gives the mobility to plug in and take advantage of the the higher Ethernet speeds but maintain Internet connection unplugged.

Second, The NIC is probably integrated with the motherboard, but then again, it may be a "piggyback" connection to the MB. All depends on the age/model of the laptop. Could the LAN connector in the lappy be causing problems? Look inside and there should be 8 springy connector wires for lack of a better word. Make sure they are all in line with each other. Does the wife plug/unplug the CAT cable a lot? One of the connector wires might have gotten crossed.

GA, wife does not much mess with the cable and I did try another cable as well as eliminate the house wiring and connectors by hooking the laptop direct to two different ports on the modem/router.

I will check the female R45 connector, on the laptop but if that doesn't work I will have to re-enable the wireless function on the DSL ActionTec Modem/router and disable the current wireless router that we are using for the printer. The current wireless was set up by my son. I have never configured a wireless router before and hate the idea of adding another techy thing to my to-do list. Grrrrrr!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Internet Connection?

Have you logged into the router to see if it sees the laptop(assigned an IP address and shows as connected on the proper port)? If it does, can you ping the laptop's IP address using a command window on another computer?

Can you ping your router IP from the laptop?

It could be a bad NIC or driver. S**T happens!


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Internet Connection?

Have you logged into the router to see if it sees the laptop(assigned an IP address and shows as connected on the proper port)? If it does, can you ping the laptop's IP address using a command window on another computer?

Can you ping your router IP from the laptop?

It could be a bad NIC or driver. S**T happens!

I haven't logged on to the router BUT when the laptop is plugged into, it either via the wired network OR having plugged it directly into the modem, the corresponding port lite on the router does not lite up. I tried this on 2 other working ports and when the laptop is hooked directly to them, it will lite none of the port lites, ie, Et1, Et2, Et3 or Et4.


Chief Petty Officer
May 15, 2011
Re: Internet Connection?

also, try rebooting the modem/router, sometimes they get silly, and drop addresses............. reboot the laptop at the same time, and try again ...........


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 14, 2010
Re: Internet Connection?

I am thinking the issue is with the DSL talking to the Router.

Unplug power to both DSL and Router...Plug in-DSL first, then plug-in router and see if your problem persists. :)

If so, try a different (newer) Ethernet cable you know works. If that does not solve it and other PC's can connect using the same setup, it is safe to say it's isolated to the particular device.

Then it could be hardware OR software, but most-likely software or configuration issues on the device.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Internet Connection?

I am assuming that OP already verified that internet connection works with other computers. He also has a combo router/modem.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Internet Connection?

I am assuming that OP already verified that internet connection works with other computers. He also has a combo router/modem.

Correctamundo. Three other computers operating correctly off of the 4 port modem/router. The port that the laptop is plugged into does not have it's recognition lite burning. I have switched the computers around on the router and whichever port I plug laptop the laptop into, it shows no recognition lite. This just started yesterday morning. The laptop had been on the internet as late as Monday nite.

I placed this question over on the Dell Forum but I do not think there are any professional observers/responders over there. I think that forum is like the blind trying to lead the blind.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Internet Connection?

you can also try the following:

open a command window

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

after doing this type:
ipconfig /all

See if an ip address was assigned.

bruce, I did an ipconfig/all on my XP computer to see how it looked. I then went over to the Win7 laptop and did the same.

The info displayed is different between the two. The Win 7 shows 3 'tunnel adapters'. One 'tunnel 1 adapter isatap-Belkin This is apparently the belkin Wireless router that runs the printer. The second one is 'tunnel adapter Teredo Tunneling pseudo-interface'. The third is Tunnel adapter 1 isatap-home.

All three have DHCP disabled. On my XP machine, it is enabled.

All three have Netbios over Tcpip, disabled. My XP unit does not have this. Unlike my XP unit, there is no 'IP Address' listed. Just a similar type number for DNS server. My XP machine has that in addition to an IP addy.

I did not yet do a release and renew.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Internet Connection?

I would be very surprised DHCP is not enabled on the LAN portion. Are you assigning IP addresses manually? I am not really concerned about anything but the Ethernet Adapter Local Area Connection portion of the report.

If you want, do a screen capture when you do "ipconfig /all" and send the capture to my email(the one you used before). I wouldn't post that picture on the internet.

Do the release and renew. It is harmless.


Jul 19, 2004
Re: Internet Connection?

I would go to CP and check in system/devise manager......see if card/nic working or not.....check drivers ports even