Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

  • Yes, would'nt go on the water without it.

    Votes: 210 67.7%
  • No, waste of money.

    Votes: 28 9.0%
  • Been thinking about it.

    Votes: 72 23.2%

  • Total voters


Feb 22, 2008
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

I don't have boat insurance, I'm obviously not alone in that choice and you'll just have to live with it.

This poll and the responses reek of smugness and elitism.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 8, 2009
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

O.K. I was just going to sit here and let you guys argue it out.
I posted the poll, and if you want to think that #2 was bias, that is how you read it. It was carefully thought out and put that way because if you do not have insurance, in my mind, that person must think it is a waste. I was looking more for reasoning as to why one would NOT have insurance more so as to why one would. I know why I have it and it is NOT "elitism"! It is plain and simple responsible. There are many reasons why people have insurance, as posted here. And the only thing you have to offer is little more than to thumb your nose at us and tell us to but MORE insurance to cover us because you don't have it and won't get it. You say the poll is smug and elite and bias. Where, then, does that leave you? A rebelious person who is not going to be told what to do? Someone with little to no regard for other people and property?
There was no axe to grind when I started this poll. I have never had an incident on the water that involved an individual on my boat to be hospitalized. That does not mean it can not happen. This poll was started because of another thread that was entirely and completely about an accident involving a third party and two boats and who was ultimately going to have to pay. And it reminded me of an accident that I witnessed happen to a friend of mine several years ago and is still paying for it because he did not have insurance.

So, to you I say, you are also entitled to your opinion, and as you yourself put it, it is worthless.

Some people just have to find fault with others to justify their own misdoings.

Now that that is off my chest, lets all try to get along:confused:


May 31, 2002
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

The amount of insurance you carry is based on the amount of risk you want to shift to other parties. If you are willing to assume the entire risk of lawsuits and injuries that easily cost into hundreds of thousands of dollars, sometimes into the millions, then you have no need for insurance. If you would like someone else to pay those bills if something unfortunate happens, then you want insurance.

Insurance is nothing more than legalized gambling. You are betting a few hundred dollars per year that you will have a bad accident. The insurance company is betting you won't have a bad accident, and giving you odds and matching your bet with millions of dollars in potential bill payments.

If you win the bet (you HAVE a bad accident) you get to keep the insurance companies millions of dollars to spend on lawyers and doctors. If the insurance company wins the bet (you DO NOT have an accident) they get to keep your money.

If you're willing to risk everything you currently have and your whole future that nothing will happen to you, that's your decision. Whether you like it or not, that decision is classified as "Stupid" by the vast majority of sane people in the world. No different than jumping out of an airplane at 20,000 feet without a parachute would be classified as stupid. People have done it (unintentionally) and survived, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be considered stupid for you to do it. Same principle applies to having liability insurance on your boat. If you're happy and don't consider jumping from a plane without a parachute at 20,000 feet stupid, you probably might as well not waste everyone's time trying to explain why you don't carry insurance. There's no logic possible to support your argument.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2004
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

Expecting people, who engage in activities that put others at risk, to have insurance is not elitism. Driving a car or operating a boat puts others at risk. The people who think they do not have any monetary assets so they do not need any "protection" are being irresponsible. If you can afford the luxury of owning and operating a boat, then you must consider all of the financial responsibilities that go along with it. It's a luxury and a priviledge and if you can't be responsible, then you shouldn't be allowed to engage in this type of activity, regardless of whether or not you can afford the hardware.

This is why so many states have to put laws on the books to require proof of insurance before issuing registration. How irresponsible and selfish can you be to say, "I have nothing. So even if I injure you, I have nothing to lose so tough noogies on you!"

There have always been people who existed soley on the backs of others. Social leeches without any regard for anyone other than themselves. Unfortunately, boating is no exception.


May 31, 2002
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

So even if I injure you, I have nothing to lose so tough noogies on you!

That's exactly why you should have your own insurance: to protect you from people with the attitude demonstrated in your quote above. Don't take all the risk for what the other idiot does upon yourself, spread some of it out to the insurance companies. Don't depend on the other a****** to have it. Unfortunately, as proven by this thread, there are lots of them out there.

Proof of insurance before issuing registration just means that they have insurance for a couple of hours. Nothing to keep them from dropping it 5 minutes later or never bothering to make a payment. I've seen estimates based on traffic stops that over 50% of the registered automobiles in Louisiana aren't insured, even though they are required to show proof of insurance to register their car.


Sep 14, 2008
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

I don't have boat insurance, I'm obviously not alone in that choice and you'll just have to live with it.

This poll and the responses reek of smugness and elitism.

Get over it, the poll is about being responsible, which you chose not to be. Trying to put it on the poll's author is just a way of deflecting.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 9, 2009
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

I have a buddy that refuses to get auto insurance (it is a law in CA to have it) they have revoked his registration and he still continues to drive. I argue with him all the time about forking out the $40 bucks a month for liability but he thinks that the government shouldn't tell him what to do. He states that I should carry uninsured motorist just incase someone like him hits me. He is also a guy with no assets to loose and will argue the point to death. We have become less of friends over the years because of this attitude. I think most people don't think about what if they kill someone or even worse what if they almost kill someone, Their life would be ruined because whether or not you have insurance you are still responsible for paying for whatever damage YOU did, insurance will take that burden off of your bank account and credit. It would be hard enough dealing with what you did emotionally and then on top of it not having someone deal with the lawsuits for you because this is 2009 people don't just blow things off anymore there is always a price tag.

That is all, thanks for listening.:)


May 31, 2002
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

I think most people don't think about what if they kill someone or even worse what if they almost kill someone

They think about it, the ones who don't carry insurance just don't care what happens to anyone else. Your buddy you used as an example has chosen to risk severely injuring other drivers, without worrying about how it would affect someone's life if he injures them then can't provide for their medical care. They are too greedy and self-centered to worry about what the consequences of their actions could be on you. As Skargo says, he has made a concious decision not to be responsible. Wouldn't bother me a bit if your friend was severely injured in an accident where it was the other driver's fault, and the other driver had no assets and the same attitude about insurance as your friend does.

Nothing you can do about people like that that but try to protect yourself and ones you care about as much as possible.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 6, 2009
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

Thanks everyone for posting on this thread. When I originally purchased my 16' fishing boat I had insurance, mainly because I was forced to due to financing. After I paid off the boat I decided to cancel the insurance on it to save a few bucks. Also, the boat was sitting in my driveway most of the time, and I maybe used it 2-3 times a year. I got used to not having that insurance bill come due every year. But after reading this thread, I decided to pick up my insurance again on the boat. It is only a little over $100 a year, and I feel so much better when I am on the water AND on the road, especially now that I use it more often. I hope I never need it, but I don't ever want to go without it again! Especially after reading the testimony found in this thread. This site is such a great way to learn from eachother in so many ways!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 15, 2009
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

If insurance is only $1-2 hundred a year it is a no brainer for sure. That story about the firends arm is horrifying. Sued or not, I couldn't imagine being responsible for doing that to anyone!


Jun 19, 2009
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

I have never had nor thought about boat insurance. But after reading this, im certainly looking into it asap. Granted my boat is an older nordic crestliner that i only paid $500 for, But im not looking for damage coverage, only liability. My reasoning for this is to keep MY kids, MY wife, MY friends, and MYself safe.

Now on the side of the Uninsured (badguys):rolleyes:, I can understand how/why they dont have coverage. Just because someone owns a boat, dosent mean they are wealthy, or even employed for that matter nowadays. Unfortunatly this aspect of life limits those who struggle monetarily (most of us), And makes the thought of spending more $$ for something not (in my states case) "needed to operate a boat". But articles like this show all of us how important LIABILITY is to have...even on my $500 crestliner...

A big thanks to whoever started this thread for opening my mind to liability..(My wife and kids thank you too..without knowing about it:D) Yet, also i wanted to have people keep in mind, that uninsured boaters arent Villans or monsters...mearly misinformed, new to boating, or in my case, a lack of funds combined with totaly overlooking/never thought about having coverage. This site is known for getting friendly, informative advice...not to post your opinion, only to be severly beaten and tossed overboard:cool:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 18, 2009
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

A friend rented a boat for the day. One of the people fell and cut her chin when a rotted seat gave way as she was boarding the boat. She got $2,000 for medical expenses and $50,000 in punitive damages. I don't know about any of you, but $50,000 is a lot of money to me to gamble that something won't happen.

Uninsured boater coverage was only $50 a year to add to this year's policy. Cheap, but just a few years ago it was only $14. The reason the price went up that much is because the insurance companies are reacting to the increasing numbers of people who don't have insurance.

To all those who don't have insurance: Thank you for allowing me to pay so you can play. Would you like me to pay for your fuel too?
Aug 13, 2009
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

A friend rented a boat for the day. One of the people fell and cut her chin when a rotted seat gave way as she was boarding the boat. She got $2,000 for medical expenses and $50,000 in punitive damages. I don't know about any of you, but $50,000 is a lot of money to me to gamble that something won't happen.

Uninsured boater coverage was only $50 a year to add to this year's policy. Cheap, but just a few years ago it was only $14. The reason the price went up that much is because the insurance companies are reacting to the increasing numbers of people who don't have insurance.

To all those who don't have insurance: Thank you for allowing me to pay so you can play. Would you like me to pay for your fuel too?



Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 4, 2009
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

I dunno... you wouldn't drive a car without insurance, so why would you boat without it? (If you don't have car insurance, then there's no convincing you of boat insurance lol).

bskye85, if you are that financially strapped, perhaps it's time to sell the boat for food and stuff? If I had a johnboat and only fished streams and small, small lakes.... maybe I could see it... maybe some of us are thinking bowrider and others are thinking johnboat w/10hp outboard.... I think it makes a difference.

USAA told me today anything with more than 40hp cant be covered by my homeowners policy.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 9, 2009
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

My lake is a private lake and you have to have insurance to be able to use the lake.


Sep 14, 2008
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

Ultimately, if you are responsible, and can afford it, you get insurance. If you are irresponsible and have nothing, you rely on the rest of society to carry you.

Got it! :D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 1, 2009
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

Don't worry, you don't need to buy boat insurance..after tackling health care, I hear the Obama adminstration is going to provide all boater with insurance!! Your savior has arrived!!:D


May 31, 2002
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

Yep, once all the new reforms and taxes are in place, nobody will have a job, or be able to afford gas or a boat! No problems with insurance then! :D


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 8, 2009
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

Yep, once all the new reforms and taxes are in place, nobody will have a job, or be able to afford gas or a boat! No problems with insurance then! :D
That's what my oars are for. I don't need gas to float around and relax in my boat. Hell, I can do that in my driveway! Except for, you know, the floating.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 15, 2009
Re: Insurance: do you have it, should you get it?

glad I paid my 215.00 premium...saved me 3k this week