Installing Floor in Aluminum Boat


Jul 9, 2013

I have a 14.5ft Legend Deep and Wide that I'm considering putting a floor, or partial floor in to make it easier for my 5 year old to get around in. I've found a few videos on Youtube of guys showing it done but I haven't really come across any good articles explaining to do it. I'm positive I'm not the first one doing this. Anyone know of any good guides that explain how this should be done, what materials to use, etc?

Thanks in advance.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
The best way to do that is to make a cardboard template first.

A good source for large cardboard is either a furniture store or an appliance store. They usually have large cardboard boxes for furniture and refrigerators that work well for making templates.

Then take a string and stretch it from the center front of the bow to the center of the transom at the level you want your floor. Then start from either the front or the transom area and go forward about 6" on that line and measure from center line to the hull sides for both sides.

Make a sketch on some paper and mark those measurement down from both sides of that center line. And do that same thing about every 6" or what ever increments you like. You then have a great plan to make you template from.

Make your cardboard template from those measurement after plotting them on the cardboard and cutting it out. Once it fits to your liking, you now have your template for the wood floor.

How you attach that wood floor depends on the type hull it is going in. JMHO

Oh, I would use an exterior plywood or even some marine grade if you could find it. DON'T use any pressure treated plywood or and PT wood of any type in your boat. The chemicals don't play well with aluminum.