Installed new/used stern drive now engine died when shifted into forward

Billys Barge

Aug 13, 2012
Shifts into reverse without dying, but dies instantly when shifted into forward. No clue about what to do.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Installed new/used stern drive now engine died when shifted into forward

What kind of drive. If one of the alpha style, maybe the cable is not adjusted right for the new drive.

Or maybe the drive is locked up in forward gear.

Billys Barge

Aug 13, 2012
Re: Installed new/used stern drive now engine died when shifted into forward

Its an Alpha one gen 2.

Billys Barge

Aug 13, 2012
Re: Installed new/used stern drive now engine died when shifted into forward

I was hoping the cables!! But before I started messing with them I figured I better ask.

Billys Barge

Aug 13, 2012
Re: Installed new/used stern drive now engine died when shifted into forward

I'll go play with the cables an see what I can do/break....


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Installed new/used stern drive now engine died when shifted into forward

I'll go play with the cables an see what I can do/break....
Or at least head to your local library to see if they may have a service manual for your drive.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Mar 21, 2010
Re: Installed new/used stern drive now engine died when shifted into forward

Maybe this will help the OP understand what "may" be happening. I had the same symptoms on my Mercruiser Alpha one - when you shift into fwd, there is a shift interrupter switch which is designed to cut the engine for just a fraction of a second to reduce the strain on the gearbox during shifting. If the shift interrupt switch is not functioning properly or if the shift cable (as Don said) is out of adjustment, that fraction of a second becomes too long and it kills the engine as a result.
Inspect the cable and shift mechanism for interference and use the manual Don posted to verify the setting of the cable itself.


Vice Admiral
Jul 27, 2005
Re: Installed new/used stern drive now engine died when shifted into forward

when you shift into fwd, there is a shift interrupter switch which is reduce the strain on the gearbox during shifting.


the switch does not engage when shifting into fwd or rev under normal operation - it is designed to engage when shifting from fwd or rev into neutral, not to reduce the strain on anything but to allow the clutch dog lugs to disengage from the gear lugs

if the shift cable (as Don said) is out of kills the engine as a result


or the shift cable is binding and needs replacing


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Mar 21, 2010
Re: Installed new/used stern drive now engine died when shifted into forward


the switch does not engage when shifting into fwd or rev under normal operation - it is designed to engage when shifting from fwd or rev into neutral, not to reduce the strain on anything but to allow the clutch dog lugs to disengage from the gear lugs


or the shift cable is binding and needs replacing

Thanks for clarifying! That is what I meant to say - when going into neutral you can hear the quick pause of the engine....obviously not when going into forward or into reverse.


Dec 12, 2011
Re: Installed new/used stern drive now engine died when shifted into forward

to reduce the strain on the gearbox during shifting

Hmmm...haven't ever quite heard it put like that.... The way I understood it, is that it eliminates the strain (i.e., "load") on the clutch dogs so they will disengage.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Mar 21, 2010
Re: Installed new/used stern drive now engine died when shifted into forward

Yeah.....good intentions but poorly worded on my part.........

Billys Barge

Aug 13, 2012
Re: Installed new/used stern drive now engine died when shifted into forward

Ok so here's what I found, the cut out switch is what was killing the motor, the reason was because the piece that is at the end of the cable inside the drive was binding up so the drive shift cable wasn't able to move and that caused the switch to be activated and killed the motor I had to pull the drive to fix it but it now it works. Thanks for all the replys. I'm sure my explanation is more confusing than anything but I'm getting closer to getting back on the water!!!!

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Installed new/used stern drive now engine died when shifted into forward

There are a lot of wrong ideas on how and why the system works and why it's there to begin with. Maybe this will help explain how it actually works and why it's needed.

The ONLY purpose of the shift interrupt system in the Mercruiser Alpha style outdrives is to get the drive out of gear (forward or reverse) when the engine is running and the boat is in the water with a load on the prop.

The lower gears (Both Forward and reverse) have a dog type clutch. These dogs are reverse cut so they try to hold themselves into gear, and will stay in gear even under heavy load. Even at idle they are under a fair amount of load and without the shift interrupt system, it’s almost impossible to get out of gear. You can see the undercut and how the shift dog fits in the gears in the picture below.


What happens with the shift interrupt system when moving the shifter from Fwd, or Rev back to the Neutral position goes something like this.

When you start moving the shifter into neutral there is resistance from the engaged shift dogs that prevents them from coming out of gear. The outer sheath of the lower shift cable is attracted to the Y shaped spring loaded bracket that operates the shift interrupt switch. When this Y plate moves and activates the shift interrupt switch, the ignition coil is grounded and the engine starts to die due to lack of spark, and pressure on the shift dog is released. With no pressure on the shift dogs, the inner cable then pulls the drive easily into neutral. When this happens, the Y plate releases the shift interrupt switch and ignition is returned and the engine keeps running.
All this only takes a split second, but if you listen, you can hear the engine drop a few rpm before running normal again when coming out of gear.
With an old, corroded lower shift cable, the cable will not allow the Y plate to release and the shift interrupt switch remains engaged. Since the shift interrupt switch remains engaged for a long period of time which keeps the ignition system grounded out, the engine dies completely.


The system is NOT designed to work when putting the drive into gear, or when the boat is out of the water and on muffs. Without the load on the prop, there is not enough resistance on the shift dogs in the lower unit to cause resistance to the shift cable and engage the shift interrupt system.

As a trouble shooting note: If your shift interrupt switch is being activated going into either forward or reverse or coming out of gear when the boat is out of the water, then you have a problem with something binding from the lower shift cable to the drive itself.

The above describes a Mercruiser setup, but the OMC system with the ESA module works basically the same. The difference is the ESA module only stops spark to half the cylinders and will cause the engine to miss, which releases the pressure on the shift dogs.

Billys Barge

Aug 13, 2012
Re: Installed new/used stern drive now engine died when shifted into forward

I haven't been on here in a while, baseball season for the kids has kept me busy, thanks for all the details I'm very new to working on boats and had no idea about the interrupter switch, I figured it was just a safety switch. I've had the boat out twice now and the new (used) drive works but it isn't as smooth as the old one, theres a little grind when going FWD and it sounds a little different but over all it works fine, but of course theres a new problem with the motor but I've been searching around and I have found a place to start troubleshooting. Love this site!!!