increasing lake level


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: increasing lake level

If you have an inflow and an outflow, then you have a current. It might be a negligible current, but there is still a current ... water is "pushing" into the resevoir and water is being "pulled" out. So there are currents that are happening. Each cove that has water coming into it has a current heading out to the main body. If there is no inlet, then the current is pushing the water to the back of the cove when water levels rise and bringing water to the main channel when water levels are decreasing.

So there are multiple currents occuring in the lake at any one time.

If there are currents, then it is not too difficult to imagine the differences, albeit slight, from one end of the lake to the other. I have often wondered this at Raystown and would love to have some gps equipment that was EXTREMELY accurate (to the .00001 of an inch). One person and one end of the lake and one at the other, determining the water level at each end. I THINK you will find that the inlet side of the lake will be slightly higher than the outlet end.

I also wonder what an expert would say...

(I think you will find differences not just from one end of the lake to the other, but also from the main channel to the backs of coves - this is not accounting for the changes that wind will cause, I think we all agree on that aspect of the water level change.)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: increasing lake level

What I sent to Lake Powell people:

I represent a group of boaters that are having a debate. We understand inflow and outflow, power requirements, water requirements, the agreements between the states, Mead etc. What we are confused about is the changes of the lake level, and how and if that may be different at different points on the lake. Assuming no wind to "push" water towards any one point, what affect does distance from the inflow points have on Lake level? For example, is there a measurable difference between lake level at Bullfrog and the Dam? Or does the lake rise equally and simultaneously at all points below incoming current. Thank you.

What I got back:

Dear Sir or Madam - Thank you for your interest in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Lake Powell. The level of the lake is the same for the whole area of the lake. There would be nothing to hold the water up on one side of the lake or another. If you want more information on the operations
of Lake Powell, please visit the Bureau of Reclamation at I hope this helps.

Betsy Scroggs
Interpretive Specialist

Well it appears that Betsy is the right person to interpret the intent of our query . . . Do we buy it?


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: increasing lake level

Well it appears that Betsy is the right person to interpret the intent of our query . . . Do we buy it?
Not until we know the color of her hair!

...and even then...


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: increasing lake level

Considering that her answer supports my original assertion I maintain that Betsy is brilliant. But there is this on her Facebook page for those of you like Art who will stick with their points regardless of the qualifications of obvious experts:

Well, what about me? I moved to Page, America more or less straight out of college. I never looked back. I was the gloom queen of Chapel Hill in my younger years and now I know why. I really didn't belong there. That and the bipolar disorder. Meds keep me stable - most of the time. I have lots of crazy adventures. They would be regular adventures if I wasn't crazy. Also, the 'g' sticks on my keyboard. Yep. That's just about everything about me.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: increasing lake level

From what I can tell the Feds only require that you're not an axe murderer. But I still think Betsy is all over this. And this looks like a $40 an hour job, so she should know what "hold(s) the water up" and what doesn't.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: increasing lake level

The question I have is how much the lake goes up when she gets in.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: increasing lake level

So here is what an Interpretive Specialist does in case anyone was wondering. I know I was. Specialist.htm

Ayuh,... Not Bad,... Up to 80 Grand, fer No education, or experience,...

Gotta love a Federal job, eh,..??
Again, assuming no wind or wakes or other factors to mess up this theoretical musing. I think it is interesting to think of a Lake fed from an underground spring, perfectly in the middle of a circular lake. Does the lake level rise from the center outward? I am guessing that it depends on the size of the lake vs. the flow coming in etc. If it is just a trickle, but the lake is actually rising, would you ever be able to measure the difference in level at any point on the lake?

Ok,... In yer spring fed pond,... Is there an Outlet,..??

If so, that's where the lowest water is... ;) :D

I read in somebodyelse's newspaper the other day, the international lake level board, Us/ Canaduh says the lake is gonna drop, drastically over the next couple of months, to normal seasonal levels...
They've opened the floodgates at Robert Moses dam, St. Lawrence river, to the peak levels allowed at Montreal....
Which is another way of sayin', We, at the lakes, will continue to endure whatever it takes to keep Quebec Happy...

On the brighterside,....
My patio shouldn't be floodin' anymore this year, 'n I'll probably have to drag the houseboat through the mud, to the trailer again this year...:rolleyes:
If it ever stops rainin'....


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 13, 2004
Re: increasing lake level

hey QC, the info from the Bureau of Rec is interesting, but as far as I can see, does not come close to suggesting an answer to the question. I will concede that it is just one of those weird things in life, kinda like our current political status.

since business sucks, my mind diverts to unanserable questions to replace thoughts of distress.

have a nice day


Mar 10, 2006
Re: increasing lake level

If you've been to Powell much and met the staff you'd understand. Very fancy name for bipolar hippie.


Sep 11, 2001
Re: increasing lake level

I'm just glad to hear Powell is rising :cool: