I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

Quote ricksrster

The one world government being set up by the U.N., the Illuminati and their allies need us all to use the same systems. They want us to rewrite our Constitution to conform to their form of complete government control.
They are trying to kill Christianity. They are trying to take our guns to leave us defenseless.

Hark, is that black helicopters I see on the horizon???:confused::D
Time to don my tinfoil hat!........:D


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

The liberals need uneducated ignorant people that are dependent upon the care of the elite BIG BOTHER class.

So wrong.
Liberals sent their kids to good liberal arts private schools.
We don't need to educate anybody in the public school system,after all with Bushes help we can get all the under educated hard working people we could ever wish for,from Mexico.


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

The National Council of Teachers of Mathmatics can't leave well enough alone. As if it isn't bad enough that so many US students are poor in math compared to our foreign friends (you know the kids coming here from China and India and getting the programming and engineering jobs), they NCTM wants to make it even easier for kids by removing basic math skills from the class room. They feel a calulator is all a kid needs....

They don't believe in memorization
of the basic times table (calulators do it for you), basic fractions (1 cup or 1/8 cup of salt, no real difference in the meal, right?). And lets not even bring up pre-mix fuel. Its out of control. Luckly for us, there are lots of teachers upset about this, and parents are furious that their kids aren't being taught to add or subtract.

The NCTM just don't feel your kids need these skills in todays world. Besides, learing is just too hard or grade school children....

Memorization does not directly equate to the ability to learn. Only the ability to memorize. My "Math Skills" in school were horrendous due to my inability to memorize mathematical tables. I had no issue with the formulas, or word problems. Had I been allowed use a calculator in school (as I do in real life) I may have gone further than the states min requirement needed for graduation. Learning the correct methodology to calculate the correct answer is way more important than memorizing 12x12=144.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 18, 2006
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

Part of the reason for memorization is training the brain for more complex tasks - you're actually creating electrical paths that make harder tasks you have learn later on easier. Kind of like The Karate Kid - the master had the kid do all these mundane tasks (wax on - wax off, sand the floor, etc) to train his body to make the right moves later when learning the actual karate.

I don't know if you can eliminate all that training & just depend on the calculator - some very skilled individuals may be able to, but for the most part, maybe not.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

what are you quoting from?
The NCTM also believe that traditional K-12 math only serves the needs of "the elite," and they know that most K-12 math teachers are poorly prepared to teach tradtional K-12 math.

The math teachers' own "national council" says they can't teach math? Serves the needs of the elite? The heck does that mean?

Are we just focusing on the "memorization" aspect - surely there's more sinister implications than that. People can memorize the times table when (if) it becomes expedient for them to do so. I remember when I first noticed that fresh accounting grads don't learn to use a ten-key.

Note to haut: "Sorry, but metric is a much smarter way of measurement all the way around......" Like Dave Barry says, "The metric system never really caught on in the states - unless you count the increasing popularity of the nine millimeter bullet."


Jun 19, 2005
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

Well, they are worth more........:(
Glad I went to France when a buck was worth something......
Sorry, but metric is a much smarter way of measurement all the way around......
How many yards are in a furlong, btw.....
How close is Addison to Saratoga?.......:D

240.2 miles


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

My slide rule still works fine for me. I remember when the person with the calculator had to sit near a power outlet!


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

Nothing wrong with learning both systems. Luckily i served my apprenticeship during the transition in England in the mid 70's. Amazing now how many of my co workers from the "book smart" school of engineering are totally incompetent without a calculator. Mental arithmetic is a basic necessity even when grocery shopping that is sadly lacking in society today.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

remember when we had to count out change?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 6, 2005
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

Who actually wrote that quote? This was an editorial written by whom?

Cindy Sheehan?

Being a member of the NRA, I can show you "quotes" on the internet all day long.... that are as bogus as I think that one is.

These are mostly designed to create unfounded panic and worries among people that believe every printed word.

Being VERY involved in my daughter's schooling......I can guarantee....It's not happening in her school district.... Is it happening in your child's? I doubt it....

Again.....Any organization can make what ever statement they want here in cyber space....

I've read that some that say the US Government was behind 911....lol

I will say that there are valid issues involving nut case school officials that have traded common sense for idiot tic "can't read between the lines" rules.

The 1st grader being arrested and hand cuffed for a pair of nail clippers in her backpack...lol

Worried about your kid's schooling....Get on the school board...or just pay attention to what they are being taught.

We've all been around a long time folks.... Let's keep our eye on the ball and not the he said, she said, BS that we now find coming our way every day... here in cyber.

PS... If anyone is interested...I'll pass on the $250 cookie recipe for free.
And if you?re contacted by the representative of a long lost relative that died with millions which belong to you....Go for it....lol


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 6, 2005
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

Did a quick searc on the NCTM. It is nothing more that a "FOR PROFIT COMPANY" which you can join on a single membership for $79.95 per year...They even have a shopping cart option on their website....LOL

Do a google on "NTCM"

I'm going to listen to all they have to say....lol

Let's keep our eye on the ball folks....


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 6, 2005
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

And...I'll add this....we have now made a post of 23 or better on some Bull **** release that a for Profit Company made. Not an official agency in ANY way, shape or form.

Hell, they are even selling advertising on their website.....


Do your own homework.... Then worry about your kid's homework...

What a stupid waste of all our time.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

remember when we had to count out change?
I am a sincere believer that the debit/credit card is partly responsible. I remember being very precise when I pumped gas into my car and being certain to stop on the dollar. We did not want a pocket full of change! Those plastic cards changed it all!

I imagine when my grandson (who will be 7 months old next week)hits high school that most books will be obsolete.


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

And...I'll add this....we have now made a post of 23 or better on some Bull **** release that a for Profit Company made. Not an official agency in ANY way, shape or form....

Do your own homework.... Then worry about your kid's homework...

What a stupid waste of all our time.

Dude, do you even know what you are talking about? The NCTM is HUGE, and has massive lobbying power. If you're ignoring what they're saying you might as well stick your head in the sand...

You need to do your homework.


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

And let me add-
If you're looking for a qualified opinion on the matter: My wife is a researcher for a major social think tank in DC.


Apr 10, 2005
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

Quote KFraiser

Did a quick searc on the NCTM. It is nothing more that a "FOR PROFIT COMPANY" which you can join on a single membership for $79.95 per year...They even have a shopping cart option on their website....LOL


<<NCTM is a nonprofit, nonpartisan education association with nearly 100,000 members and 250 Affiliates in the United States and Canada. NCTM's mission is to ensure the highest-quality mathematics education for all students. NCTM was founded in 1920.>>

Maybe you should not have been in such a rush on your quick search. You state that you?re a NRA member, go to there website and you will find that they also have products for sale, forgot to add I am also a member of NRA,have been for the last fifteen years. If your in R7 its one of the better school districts in Jefferson county, but have to keep an eye on them. And yes you see plenty of Calculators in the classrooms of my grand children.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: I'll be damned if I let them teach this to my kids...

Maybe you should not have been in such a rush on your quick search. You state that you?re a NRA member, go to there website and you will find that they also have products for sale, forgot to add I am also a member of NRA,have been for the last fifteen years. If your in R7 its one of the better school districts in Jefferson county, but have to keep an eye on them. And yes you see plenty of Calculators in the classrooms of my grand children.

Maybe he went off half-cocked.......:)