If you do just one thing today please do this!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 7, 2008
I seen a video of this guy intentionally putting his finger into the saw blade! Not even a scratch!
I seen on TV a new table saw that makes it totally imposable to cut off a finger or a hand. Please take the time to look at this video and this new saw if you ever work around saws this is a must see.
I have been using table saws for at least 39 years and had my share of close calls and also seen horrific accidents. To please go to this link a look.



link to website http://www.sawstop.com/

Direct link to videos http://www.sawstop.com/how-it-works-videos.htm


May 17, 2001
Re: If you do just one thing today please do this!

Time Warp on the Discovery channel had that on the other night. Pretty amazing on how fast it stops the blade and drops it down under the table top. I've used wood working equipment for many years and if it wasn't for the fear of saw blades,,,,,I'd be missing a few fingers here and there :D

I think they said that once it is triggered, it costs either $60 or $80 to replace the braking mechanism.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 7, 2008
Re: If you do just one thing today please do this!

You are correct around $60 a very small price to pay to save a finger. That is where I seen it also.
My brother only received $6,000 for losing his three fingers. Not enough for three up to the second knuckle I think.
I have a very large and powerful saw myself and I'm still scared of it when I use it.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 27, 2008
Re: If you do just one thing today please do this!

This saw has been around for several years. I first saw(lol) it demonstrated on This Old House. It wont even scratch a hot dog.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 18, 2007
Re: If you do just one thing today please do this!

amazing, i want one for and skill saw!!!

Gary H NC

Fleet Admiral
Dec 1, 2005
Re: If you do just one thing today please do this!

This saw has been around for several years. I first saw(lol) it demonstrated on This Old House. It wont even scratch a hot dog.

I remember seeing that on This Old House too.
Worth every penny to save some fingers or a hand...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 5, 2008
Re: If you do just one thing today please do this!

One thing that you all have missed or not realized:
When the inventor showed that the saw would stop when engaging your finger, hotdog, that he SLOWLY moved the digit up to the saw and it was not as if you were cutting a 1 by board. Most mishaps happen in the blink of an eye.:eek::eek:
I think a lot of woodworkers will be over confident in the safety of this invention that they will let their safety concerns falter.
I am all for this invention and think that it should be a must on all new saws produced, but in the end each woodchooper needs to be responsible for their own actions.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 7, 2008
Re: If you do just one thing today please do this!

One thing that you all have missed or not realized:
When the inventor showed that the saw would stop when engaging your finger, hotdog, that he SLOWLY moved the digit up to the saw and it was not as if you were cutting a 1 by board. Most mishaps happen in the blink of an eye.:eek::eek:
I think a lot of woodworkers will be over confident in the safety of this invention that they will let their safety concerns falter.
I am all for this invention and think that it should be a must on all new saws produced, but in the end each woodchooper needs to be responsible for their own actions.

I totally agree! I have told ?All? of my family and neighbors this. ?If you hear my table saw running in my garage do not come in do no knock do not talk to me!? What until the saw turns off. If I have a chatty visitor while I?m on my saw I kindly ask them to leave. I would rather have them mad at me then lose fingers. I am not bashful in telling them that every time they come to visit and I?m doing wood work. I bet my sister has heard me say that 10 times.


Oct 6, 2007
Re: If you do just one thing today please do this!

One thing that you all have missed or not realized:
When the inventor showed that the saw would stop when engaging your finger, hotdog, that he SLOWLY moved the digit up to the saw and it was not as if you were cutting a 1 by board. Most mishaps happen in the blink of an eye.:eek::eek:
I think a lot of woodworkers will be over confident in the safety of this invention that they will let their safety concerns falter.
I am all for this invention and think that it should be a must on all new saws produced, but in the end each woodchooper needs to be responsible for their own actions.

Good point as it will still spin just enough before braking so your finger will experience about 5 teeth (depending on what blade you have). It takes 5/1000 of second to stop, blade is spinning at 5,400 rpm- do the math. Moving slowly, this will be a nasty deep scratch.

Overconfident, doubt it. Any experienced WW'er respects their equipment enough to know better. Even if they don't, the small wound and $80 might change their mind.


Lieutenant Commander
Nov 19, 2007
Re: If you do just one thing today please do this!

If only I had this saw yesterday...

Just kidding, but I would like to have this saw tomorrow. Anyone know about how much it costs?


Lieutenant Commander
Nov 19, 2007
Re: If you do just one thing today please do this!

One thing that you all have missed or not realized:
When the inventor showed that the saw would stop when engaging your finger, hotdog, that he SLOWLY moved the digit up to the saw and it was not as if you were cutting a 1 by board. Most mishaps happen in the blink of an eye.:eek::eek:
I think a lot of woodworkers will be over confident in the safety of this invention that they will let their safety concerns falter.
I am all for this invention and think that it should be a must on all new saws produced, but in the end each woodchooper needs to be responsible for their own actions.

The hot dog demo video on the right, shows him moving the hotdog at about a normal speed toward the blade, and there is definately a scratch on it... a nasty cut even. But way better than chopping it off.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 5, 2008
Re: If you do just one thing today please do this!

I forgot to mention that prior to his demonstration he soaked his hands into water to be sure that they were WET. and also did he not mention that the hotdog was wet???
Who many woodworkers work with sweat dripping hands??
Mine were always dry from working and handling wood.


Sep 30, 2008
Re: If you do just one thing today please do this!

I forgot to mention that prior to his demonstration he soaked his hands into water to be sure that they were WET. and also did he not mention that the hotdog was wet???
Who many woodworkers work with sweat dripping hands??
Mine were always dry from working and handling wood.

How do you know that they were wet?? Not that I'm trying to disagree with you I just don't know the source of this info.

I'm sure that when the blade breaks the skin it will be "wet" on the inside of the finger. Might add 1/16" to the wound however.

Also have you ever seen instant body fat analyzers? There is quite a bit of research into the resistivity of human tissue and even very small currents passing through the skin can be measured with great accuracy.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 7, 2008
Re: If you do just one thing today please do this!

I am glad that this thread is able to at least show others about this new saw. I only learned about it an hour or two before I posted this on our web site here.

I can see that there is an opportunity for the saw to cut a man?s finger even with this new device but what it could have prevented was the devastating injury I witnessed happen to my brother.

Many, many years ago I taught my brother the craft of cabinet making and in a short time he was hired on as lead man of the shop. I was in charge of the custom division and we worked side by side after that.

One day (as always) I was keeping an eye on my brother and when I looked up at him I seen him cutting the last inch of the cut, that was when his body jerked. I think I seen what happened but my mind blocked it out for self protection.

It was only a second later I heard his horrendous scream and he came running over to me with his hand stretch out. It was then I remembered he was using a 1 ? inch stackable dado blade! OH my God!

As he came closer the blood from his finger squirted in front of him until it ran up my body and then hit my face and then over my head. I remembered he was yelling at me ?Ricky get my fingers!!!!!? I was then looking right down and into his fingers, at least where they use to be.

I was in shock, even though I was trained in first aid by the Army I was not prepared for what I was seeing. I ran to the table saw to locate them but when I got there all I seen was the carnage from the saw down and across the floor up the wood bin and to the ceiling.

I had to go and tell my brother there was nothing left, then all I could do was sit before I passed out. Thank God for Chuck, the cigar smoking young man from Connecticut. He had a grip of mind to put a tourniquet around my brothers arm while I then got up to call 911. I was still in shock.

The rest is a matter of history. Because of the nightmares after that I stopped cabinet making for around 5 years, I could go no place close to a table saw. Even then in the years to follow when I did get back at it at first I would shake horribly and need to shut off the saw and walk away. It took another year to be able to safely use a saw again.

It is with this accident in mind as to why I put up this post. My brother lost three fingers up to, and past, the second knuckle on his left hand. Many years I blamed myself for that accident because I was the one that talk my brother Ed into leaving roofing and going into cabinet making because he could make more money and it was not as hard of work and not seasonal.

I was floored when I seen this saw on TV a few days ago so much as to write the company and thank them for making it. I did that even before I posted it here, that is how much it moved me. Regardless if there would still be a miner cut or one more sever, none the less it would not cut off one let alone two fingers. If so even that would be better.

I feel that OSHA should make this MANDATORRY on all new saws sold in America.

Yes! Even if it does add the extra money to the cost of the saw still yet there would be many, many more that would buy it and then think of how many people would still have fingers on their hands.

I say this with much respect, earnestly and from the heart guys so please don?t take it personal. It should not be a topic to discuss that the finger would have in the range of no cut to one of a ? inch or ? inch deep.

Even then it will totally be up to many mitigating circumstances that will determine the severity of the wound acquired.

For me, and me alone this new saw is something that I have dreamed about but never had the intelligents? to invent. When I seen it on TV I about jumped out of my seat and did the happy dance (well in fact I did!) I can?t say enough words about the good I see that will come from it. I have been using a saw for 39 years and have seen far too many young men get injured, I really could write a book about all of the shop accidents that I have seen myself.

But I don?t try to think about all of them and I block them out of my mind. I still shutter when I see people horsing around a saw or doing stupid things like try to cut wood free hand on a table saw.

I am happy that this thread has brought this saw to the attention of a few new people, myself included.



Sep 30, 2008
Re: If you do just one thing today please do this!

When I seen it on TV I about jumped out of my seat and did the happy dance (well in fact I did!)

If there's one thing that you should have learned about I-boats by now it's that we want to see pictures!!!!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 7, 2008
Re: If you do just one thing today please do this!

If there's one thing that you should have learned about I-boats by now it's that we want to see pictures!!!!

The happy dance is one that can be done in many different ways and in many different form of dress. The night this happy dance was executed was late at night and I was in my BVD?s.
Now I am no longer a young man and life has a way of warring out a man?s body. At the time and execution of said ?Happy Dance? the only living creatures that had to witness this atrocity were my two dogs Barney Bear and Brenda Sue.


So with this in mind I preceded without any sort of concern or consideration to others in the room and selfishly done it in my BVD?s. First extending my left foot forward approximately 1 & ? foot and placed it on the ground followed by my right foot with an added little wiggle to it. At this time my two arms lost all control and started to flail about the room in cylindrical motions. Slowly at first with a slight bit of apprehension, but the I?ll never understand what happened after that! It was as if something took hold of me like a gitty little school kid who just got his first kiss. That was it! It was all over after that I was fully engaged in the happy dance. Arms, legs feet and hands flying about the room uncontrollably flying every which way.
I was like a mad man that had no control, when I came to my senses my poor two dogs were left in auh, devastated by what they just seen and endured. So much so that my male dog had his face buried between his hind legs as if to hide in fear from what he just witnessed.
I swear I heard Barney say something to me, it could have been something like ?that was cool dad let?s see it again!? But alas, I?m not sure! It don?t make since to me he went right back to hiding his head between his legs and now was licking himself as if to get the bad taste out of his mouth from the words he just spoke.
I am not sure if it is safe to share this experience in photos to my new friends here at Iboats. Right now I have the only known photos of this event locked up safely for the time being in my fire proof safe at an undisclosed location. I have hid the combination to this safe in one of three bank deposit boxed scattered about the state of Washington. The location to the three boxes have then been encrypted and recorded on twelve separate pieces of paper. Those twelve pieces of paper have been given to different secret security groups in separate countries to be kept in their war vaults with the following instructions.
?After the agreed twenty years have passed it will be safe to disclose this information to the general public as to be in line with the Freedom of Information Act that was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on July 4, 1966?
So if you?re still wanting to view these photos I have to ask you to wait until the year of 2028.
Will that be alright?