If you can't say something nice....


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: If you can't say something nice....

Good points all around and I would like for anyone that see's anything like this going on to please use the interact button under the poster's name to report the post to us the mods.

We try to read them all, but some do slip by and it would be a great help to us if the members would let us know when they see something out of place.
Thanks and keep posting.


Mar 22, 2006
Re: If you can't say something nice....


Thanks for saying something; it is one thing to rib someone in good fun, but some of the scathing comments can be very hurtful. You are correct when you mentioned harsh words stifling creativity; it is one thing to offer criticism in a constructive manner, to offer suggestions for possible improvements, or alternative solutions; but to basically outright say "you suck" accomplishes nothing. There have been several times I have winced when reading a comment.

I have received some very helpful advice on this on this forum, and I have offered same when I can. The advice of the pros here is indispensable; I am pretty mechanically inclined, I grew up on a farm, and if it broke, we fixed it. I have had a couple of I/O's in the past and a couple of 3 cyl 'rudes that to me, amounted to little more than a lawnmower engine. Since acquiring my first V-6 outboard, there have been a few issues I have had to work through, some of the guys who had been around a while helped me on the troubleshooting; as a result, I have gained a good bit of experience. Hopefully I will have the opportunity to pass on some of this to someone who is looking for help. I think this is what the forum is supposed to be.

Glad to see Laddies is still lurking, perhaps more of the backbone of this resource will step forward again and help continue a wonderful resource here. For people who love older boats it is very important to know how to work on them; if you don't have a clue, then it's always good to have someone around who does.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: If you can't say something nice....

... and so goes the days of our lives. :/

For those who may not realize it, this board is tame compared to most.

Vlad D Impeller

Mar 30, 2005
Re: If you can't say something nice....

EricKems said:
12Footer said:
And i have friends here that i would die for...Some of those are even diametrically opposed to me politically.

Great point! I think most of us would do that, at least I would.

Straight up dudes, i ain't dieing for no one, not even for all of the virgins in this world, i'm a life lover, yup! thats me.
Words thats all it is, just words, there is no point in one getting their blood pressure up or their panties in a wad because of some impolite blowhard's uncouth remarks.


Aug 16, 2002
Re: If you can't say something nice....

"Sugar and spice and everything nice" is what little girls are made of. "Frogs ,snails,and puppy dog tails" are what little boys are made of.

Big boys on the other hand are made of tales,wails,and imported ales.
I think big girls are still made of what little ones are.Well,maybe some of them.8)

I will admit however that a visit to dockside is a far cry from say,Mr Rogers neighborhood.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: If you can't say something nice....

studlymandingo said:
... a couple of 3 cyl 'rudes that to me, amounted to little more than a lawnmower engine...

uh huh, there it is, in all its ugliness...OUTBOARD DISCRIMINATION

You V-6 guys are al

Fishin' Jeff

Chief Petty Officer
Nov 13, 2005
Re: If you can't say something nice....

12'er, It's not that I don't like or have an interest Dockside Chat. However, all the name-calling and belittleing that seems to go on in the political threads sounds like a bunch of "kids" bickering and fighting. I get enuf of that crap here at home as my 2 little angels that fight like sisters. I LOVE DC and will always visit and post, just not on what I don't care about.

BTW I do know about all the other forums on this site and visit them frequently - have learned massive amounts of good stuff!

Let's be friends, man!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2005
Re: If you can't say something nice....

Mark42 said:
I agree that the political posts cause bad feelings between members. Maybe a political forum is needed.

I think that's a good idea; though admittedly I have no concept of how hard or possible it would be to get a separate or sub Politics & Religion (Asbestos Suit required) area.

Dockside Chat could be for humor and off-topic subjects and something like “The Boiler Room” could be for the things that raise people’s blood pressure.


Jul 19, 2004
Re: If you can't say something nice....

Meh, I don't think that there is a need for a boating site to start creating several sub-forums which are totally un-related to boating. It all comes down to a little self-control. Don't click on a political thread if you don't want to read/discuss it.

I agree with mark, no need to bash someones attempt at creativity and learning.


Mar 22, 2006
Re: If you can't say something nice....

uh huh, there it is, in all its ugliness...OUTBOARD DISCRIMINATION

Don't take my 3 cyl 'rude comment too hard; I loved these outboards! They were sooo easy to work on, I never had a manual because to me, they were as simple as a lawnmower engine. Getting a V6- a whole different animal!


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: If you can't say something nice....

12Footer said:
Mark, there should be a difference between "dockside Chat" and "Envirude/Johnson Outboards" thats easy to discern. I know things get hot here. There are rules governing our conduct here that should prevent things from escalating beyond the realm, but the mods must know about it before they can fix it (as whitnessed above -- I have no clue what those threads link to, because they were NO-DOUBT zapped after the mods read them).
Outside of that human control, oyu are at the mercy of the individual poster. And some of them can be viscious...I can be viscious, and never know it sometimes.
Know that are some deeply-held ideolies here. But I found out that I'm addicted to it too. And i have friends here that i would die for...Some of those are even diametrically opposed to me politically.
So I don't jump far. :)

12 footer,I don't think that I am diametrically opposed to your opinions.I just don't agree with most of them.The trick is to disagree without insult.But sometimes a little fun can be poked.
For instance,I never knew that you were viscious in your ideolies.I wonder what your viscosity is.Are you Newtonian or non Newtonian?
I honestly try to never be vicious and my ideology is mostly,what you would call liberal and what I call libertarian.
This is just in jest ,so please do not get upset.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: If you can't say something nice....

just kiddin, stud...

idea of a separate forum for politics has been tossed around before, I'm generally against it cause I wouldn't want to miss out on y'all's viewpoints...rather hear 'em without the personalized insults...but if you set up a forum just for people who are looking for trouble...now there's an idea...how bout a "Smackdown" forum...