iboats presidential election


Aug 8, 2003
Re: iboats presidential election

There are technical differences between socialist, communist, green, and what have you. I think of the democrats as socialist, but that's not technically correct. They're all really elements of a larger set---communitarianism---and it is hideous!<br /><br />The only thing that is impeding the establishment of a world government is the USA. The only border that is of real economic importance is the US-Mexico border, and once the economic necessity of that border is gone, "hello" world government. And here comes the beast of Revelation.<br /><br />America stands today, but godlessness will make her fall. Communitarianism is about godlessness and humanism. God will let America stand as long as it pleases Him, but I think His patience is wearing a bit thin these days.<br /><br />I see no other choice than to vote Republican, but the spinelessness of the Republicans in the Senate that was so well-demonstrated just the other day (the Marriqage Amendment) makes a good illustration as to why we need term limits.<br /><br /><br />-dd-


Aug 8, 2003
Re: iboats presidential election

...and I would like to add: great post Soul Winner! I am in agreement. <br /><br />I was not aware of the "enumerated" bills. I would surely like to see these things happen, but there's a LOT of money at stake. We all know what that means.<br /><br />I vote Republican because it seems necessary to me the keep the democrats OUT. I have decided that I am most5 decidedly NOT a Republican. I am a Constitutionalist.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 15, 2003
Re: iboats presidential election

I've come to a decision. My "Don't know" has changed to "Go Bush". Boy, the democrats sure made that easy.<br />Bassy


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 25, 2003
Re: iboats presidential election

Good for you, Bassy, you've turned away from the dark side. May the force be with you.<br /><br />Jinx


Mar 7, 2002
Re: iboats presidential election

I'm hoping Ted Nugent will run on an Independent ticket.<br />A little Pat Buchanan could do wonders at this point of history.<br />Alan Keyes is more Republican then any Bush has ever demonstrated.<br />I'd really like to learn more from a Texan on Rep. Ron Paul.<br />These are future considerations.<br /><br />I'm pretty sure I'll vote for the Libertarian on principal. I'll keep tossing two cents at the political threads and hope more will follow in the future for a viable third party candidate.<br />The current two party is really broken, to the point of embarrassment.<br /><br />Sure, a Kerry administration will hurt us bad. But at this point the sooner we hit bottom the sooner we'll get it fixed.<br /><br />I've gone way past voting for the lesser of evils at this point. Status quo is a pox. <br />And the only way true and serious change is to come, is if you sheeple quit fighting over your corner of the septic tank.<br />Time for a breath of fresh air, ya think? <br /><br />I'm optimistic that in future elections the "other" will get more and more votes. <br /> :rolleyes:


Jun 19, 2002
Re: iboats presidential election

Bush 75% (51) <br />Kerry 18% (12) <br />Other 7% (5) <br /><br /><br />He,He,he,he.......HA,hee,he,he!,He,he,he.......HA,hee,he,he!He,He,he,he.......HA,hee,he,he!He,He,he,he.......HA,hee,he,he!


Aug 19, 2001
Re: iboats presidential election

A breath of fresh air??? It truely has been a concerted partisan anti bush anti war propaganda campaign by all the Democrats(well, not Lieberman) and media, regardless of the state of danger we are in with those that want to kill us via whatever means. If the Democrats win with these dishonest tactics, in this time of national peril, the signal to the world will be that we truely are a paper tiger and can be defeated, just like Spain, just like the other coalition members that are folding. We will be in for some storming of the walls. Man o man, Hitler could have used the Democrats in WWII. This is putting us in more danger than you Democrats seem capable of fathoming. We and the enemy know Bush will be strong. Kerry says he will be too, but why take a chance when we have a proven man at the helm. The Democrats honesty quotient is about .1. You don't know what they will really do because they are liars. Good grief, they have M moore sitting in a position of honor at the convention(see drudge report past headlines). Bush does what he says.


Mar 7, 2002
Re: iboats presidential election

No doubt a huge number of iboat members that post in other sections, the ones that never post during the many political threads. These are the ones that are fed up with the process that they never vote. In this poll or for real. A huge chunk of Americans fall in this group.<br />I'd bet that if "none of the above" was legally placed on the ballot, it would win most of the time.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 22, 2004
Re: iboats presidential election

hey here's a question...<br /><br />If Bush does manage to win in November, can he run for re-election in 2008 since '04 would be the first election he actually won?<br /><br />Just curious....


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: iboats presidential election

If Bush does manage to win in November, can he run for re-election in 2008 since '04 would be the first election he actually won?<br />
The election laws have been in place since the countries inception. Bush Won! Perhaps the election laws in Cuba would be more to the democrat's way of thinking.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: iboats presidential election

I plan to write in Nolan Ryan.


Aug 26, 2002
Re: iboats presidential election

I'm voting for Elmer J. Fudd!<br /><br />He owns a mansion and a yacht!<br /><br />Thats more than enough qualification!<br /><br />He's also a hunter, so that means he's pro-gun!<br /><br />He's had a lucrative career, always been in the spotlight!<br /><br />Has traveled, and is reconized all over the world, so that would make him great at foriegn affairs!<br /><br />Wouldn't have to spend billions of tax dollars on a campaign, he can just write his own cartoon money!<br /><br />Plus he can do all the entertainment all by himself! I mean he's even had a hit song..."Kill Da Wabbits", that went platnimum!<br /><br />So, I will be casting my vote in November for Elmer J. Fudd!<br /><br />Vote FUDD n BUNNY '04


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Nov 8, 2003
Re: iboats presidential election

I'd like to think that I view the issues from a common sense standpoint. Although I'm a Republican, I have voted against the Republican candidate in the past, and I have no problem doing it again should it make sense to me. <br /><br />I've listened to the Democratic campaign and it still makes no sense to me. It seems to be nothing more than a collection of odds & ends topics, mostly complaints about the right with no coherent strategy for the welfare (pun intended) of this nation. If they had a clear and consistant strategy, perhaps I'd listen. Of course, it would still have to make sense. <br /><br />What the Kerry ticket does not understand is that mainstream America does not have to be bible thumpers to respect Christian beleifs, we don't have to be war mongerers to want to defend our country preemtively, we don't have to be bigots to reject racial favoritism, we are not mean to want to live within our budgets. I don't believe I was lied to about Iraq. Bad intellegence?, Sure! okay! <br /><br />I'm sure the left would be all over this statement like stink on a gorilla, but I think mainstream America realized that Sadaam needed his a$$ kicked in the worst way, and this nation was in an a$$ kicking mood after 9/11. <br /><br />I saw Michael Moore in an interview the other day where he said he could not fathom GWB in office for another 4 years. He equated it to someone telling him that the sun would rise in the West. I wished I could tell him he'd better start pulling down his shades come November, because he does NOT represent mainstream America. <br /><br />Michael asks "Would you send your child to fight in Iraq?" My answer would be "Of course not". But, given the manner in which I raise my children, I would expect that they would be able to make that decision for themselves by the time they are that age. <br /><br />I'm not a big Bush fan, but like the left, I'm voting against a candidate this year rather than for one. If the Democratic campaign is at all representative of what a Democratic administration would be, how could they possibly help? why would I vote in a party of chaos?<br /><br />I sure hope the Republican convention attacks the chaos of the left with a coherent strategy.