I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Did anyone see Dean on the Letterman show. Dave was being brutal and relentless on some questions.<br /><br />I have no idea what Dave's political views are, but he seems like a great moderator.<br /><br />Just once, i would like to hear a reporter or interviewer say "We know you have a plan, go ahead and tell us what it is."<br /><br />I actually did see George Stefanapolus be pretty brutal to Kerry once.<br /><br />Ken

brother chris

Jul 28, 2002
Re: I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator

Ahhh....Dave Letterman, the master debater :D :D

11 footer

Nov 16, 2002
Re: I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator

Letterman= moron.<br /><br />I'll bet he's a democrat too.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator

A debate should focus on the debaters, not an attention seeking troll.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator

Not a lot of Dave fans here I guess.<br /><br />At least the debate wouldnt be as boring as the last one.<br /><br />You wouldnt have guessed Dave is a democrat the way he was grilling Howard Dean.<br /><br />Ken


Master Chief Petty Officer
Nov 28, 2003
Re: I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator

Hey Kemp....you're not alone<br />Ryan...... you really should grow up a little. You are way too young and haven't accomplished anything in life so you should probably hold off a little before calling successful people morons.<br />JB... I fail to see where this was "an attention seeking troll". A moderator on this type of board is supposed to uphold the rules set out by the Owners of the board, not push their personal beliefs or agenda. That's just my humble opinion and you can use your Almighty Power to delete or edit this post but before you do you might want to know that I am copying this entire thread to send to Bruno with a complaint about your attitude that this is your little kingdom and when someone posts something you don't agree with they get censored.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator

I'm with JB on this. Who cares who modewrates, as long as they are fair?<br />Letterman would turn it into a talk show, and try to interject humour into the debate. No problem with that, but it would be the wrong forum for humour, as the canidates face a future of leading my country.<br />Mr Letterman is a genious at ad lib. But debates are seldom ad lib, with the questions, format, room, and yes, even the seating are agreed to before the debate.<br />On the other hand, debates are of little importance to the outcome, but are fun to watch.<br />So perhaps if debate degrade into a circus show, then they should perhaps be moderated by comics.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 20, 2002
Re: I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator

Mr LF, I respectfully disagree with your comment about JB. My understanding is that JB is both a member and a moderator of this board and as such he's entitled to voice an opinion. iBoats would not be the great forum that it is without JB's input. Just my 2 cents worth.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator

Mr. LF, perhaps you misunderstood my meaning.<br /><br />In a debate, it is the responsibility of the moderator to present questions for the debaters to respond to. It is up to the debaters to contradict, challenge or accuse their opponents.<br /><br />Letterman is entertaining as a talk show host, but his provocative style of "interview" makes him the challenger, contradictor and accuser. He tries to get his guests to say things they don't want to say. That is not the role of moderator.<br /><br />He provokes, which is trolling. That is why I called him a troll. It works well for a talk show host but not for a moderator.<br /><br />Perhaps you thought I was calling KIZ a troll. That was not my intent.


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator

JB is like our prison trustee.....here to keep the peace and has a job to do, but really just one of us....... :)


Master Chief Petty Officer
Nov 28, 2003
Re: I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator

Jb, I did think you were calling KIZ a troll and that is what got my hackles up. I apologize.<br /><br />I think Letterman is very entertaining and prefer him over Leno. I'm undecided as to how good of a moderator he would be. I don't think he would use the same tactics he uses on his show. Might be interesting to see though.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator

JB, I agree Lettermna is a troll, but often times when people are under pressure (i.e. on the witness stand) being harrased, the truth comes out.<br /><br />A quote from Howard Dean on his show, "You are worse than any reporter I know", in reference to his relentless questions.<br /><br />I hate it when a reporter asks a question, then the politician ignores the question and goes off to some other topic. A good reporter would say, you didnt answer my question, please do it now. I rarely see that.<br /><br />Ken


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator

I agree, KIZ, but that is not what a moderator is supposed to do. A moderator tosses out the ball, then shuts up and lets the debaters debate. A moderator is a referee, not a player.<br /><br />While I agree with you about politicians avoiding the question I also object to "reporters" who don't like the answer they are getting and interrupt the interviewee with "yabuts" or arguments.<br /><br />Interviewers should not be prosecutors or examiners. They should draw out the interviewee's views, not embarrass or humiliate. Interviewees are not witnesses, sworn to tell all.<br /><br />I also think interviewee's have a perfect right to say, "I'm not going to answer that." or "What a hostile question! Go fly a kite." Laura Bush did that when Leno started prying too deep. She said, "What goes on in the White House stays in the White House."<br /><br />Modern interviewers seem to imagine themselves investigators. It is rude and predatory.<br /><br />There is no way on earth I would submit to an "interview" with Matt Lauer or Katie Curic (sp?), for example. . . and I don't think I have anything to hide!


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator

Ken<br />I agree with what you are saying.<br />
I hate it when a reporter asks a question, then the politician ignores the question and goes off to some other topic. A good reporter would say, you didnt answer my question, please do it now. I rarely see that.<br />
BTDT! Almost screaming at the TV. Why don't you make him answer the question!<br /><br />But using Letterman as a example was a poor choice. Letterman was only tuff on Dean because Dean isn't going anywhere.<br /><br />Letterman<br />Stefanapolus <br />Leno<br />Blather <br />Jenkins<br />(fill in the rest)<br />Are all in the same party and have the same agenda.<br />If Letterman was given Rathers job, say in six months, he would have a straight face and pretend to be objective also! <br />Thats my take on the Hollywood/DC crowd.<br /><br />Enough politics for today. Going to go have some fun and torture my kittens.. ;)

11 footer

Nov 16, 2002
Re: I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator

Ryan...... you really should grow up a little. You are way too young and haven't accomplished anything in life so you should probably hold off a little before calling successful people morons.
How would you know what I have and haven't accomplished? If I was anyone else, you wouldn't have said anything, but since I'm so much younger then you I'm out of line for calling someone you happen to like a moron.<br /><br />Thats what I like to call profiling.

Jack Shellac

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 7, 2002
Re: I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator

Exactly! Ryan T., that's what it is- teenage profiling. Stick up for yourself.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Nov 28, 2003
Re: I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator

You're right Ryan, I don't know you. The only impression I have of you is what you post on this board. You might think about that before you post if you are really concerned with what people think of you.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: I vote David Letterman as next debate moderator

Mr. LF.<br /><br />No harm done. You were upset about what you thought I had said. Perhaps that colored your comments to Ryan.<br /><br />Ryan does go off half cocked at times. At his age it is understandable. Let's live with it. :) <br /><br />Sorry if I misled you. I was rather abrupt, too.