I saw this in the paper & thought it may help someone


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 28, 2006
I saw this in the paper last night and thought somebody on here was looking for some parts awhile back? Might be worth checking out....

EDIT: Sorry riverjet, no selling/advertising on the forums.
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Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 28, 2006
Re: I saw this in the paper & thought it may help someone

Sorry Don I didn't mean to offend you or this forum. I was not selling nor advertising for myself. I did post an ad I saw in the newspaper because I did read on this forum that someone was looking for 120hp mercruiser motor parts. Hear I thought I was being kind and helping someone out with a possible lead on parts. I realize this forum does not have a "Trading Post" or "Swap Meet" section that forum readers can exchange parts with each other. As I read through the various sections of this forum I read many posts where people are looking for odd ball or vintage parts. As all boaters know, old and discontinued parts can be difficult to track down and all leads are appreciated. I feel that this would be a very valuable tool for the forum readers to have. I realize that most forums do not allow commercial advertising as this would be extreamly cheap advertising for bussiness usage and not fare to others. However a reader "yard sale" is not a commercial bussiness. If it is possible with the by-laws of the forum, would the forum readers be interested in a trading post type section? What does everyone think?


Jeff Uhlenhopp


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: I saw this in the paper & thought it may help someone

This has come up in other sections of the forum and my feeling is it would be unfair to iBoats since invariably some new, but unused stuff appears that iBoats also carries. Hence that forum would be competing against iBoats. Don't think it will fly. Much of the used stuff can be obtained new through iBoats so again, they would be competing with themselves -- not a good business practice.