i knew 'they' were tracking me

veritas honus

Lieutenant Commander
Jun 13, 2010
Re: i knew 'they' were tracking me

Make yourself a good tinfoil hat. Reynolds wrap... Don't settle for the cheap stuff.;)


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: i knew 'they' were tracking me

Ziggy - Onstar just called and ask you park on the other side of your driveway!!! :eek: :D


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: i knew 'they' were tracking me

It's all about generating revenue and leveraging information. Just think about the ability to generate income from a product you've already sold.


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Re: i knew 'they' were tracking me

Ziggy - Onstar just called and ask you park on the other side of your driveway!!! :eek: :D

I will never forget the day I encountered "street level view" on Google maps. I had left the page up on our computer after using it to get some directions. When we got home, I sat down to see how bad the rain we were getting was going to be ... the map page was still up, and I noticed "street level view." I thought, "I wonder how they do that?"

When I clicked on it, I got a perfect image of our house - no kidding, the cars were parked in the driveway just like I had them at the moment & it must have been raining the day the "Google car" came through.

I made the kids open the front door and wave :facepalm: just to make sure. It was some where between - "that's so cool" and "holy crud they're watching me!"

greenbush future

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 28, 2009
Re: i knew 'they' were tracking me

GPS manufactures along with on-star and other auto manufacture's are working on a deal to monitor and sell your driving habits to your insurance company or any other agency willing to pay for it. You would be surprised at the amount of information electronic device's store about the user rather it be internet, cell phones, cars, etc.. I personally have had to generate reports three times on stored readings (direction / speed / brake info / steering angles / etc ) from cars that were involved in accidents..

Most are so unaware of all the ?data? that is collected from their movement, purchases, logins, websites, and everything else that touches a computer screen. This data is cleansed, formatted and sold, to the highest bidder over and over to anyone who wants to ?target market?. It is without a doubt the hottest thing in Information Technologies right now. I have several IT consultants that do nothing but this ?data crunching?, Credit card companies, mortgage, banking, and every other business vertical around is either buying or selling your personal data. Any you agree to this every time you buy sell or conduct an online anything. Be careful people, this is real.

PS clear your "cookies" out on your PC every day!!


Jul 9, 2010
Re: i knew 'they' were tracking me

They put chips in pets as we speak. Us next? Not as long as I'm breathing. Mark of the Beast? Big brother is here and has been for awhile....... Didn't they want to implant a chip that contained our medical history/records?

Pet chips are like the medical record chips that they are proposing for humans. They contain owner info, and records, and only are active when they pass the wand over them (much like a chip in a immobilizer car key). No ability to track by GPS as far as I'm aware. :)


Jul 9, 2010
Re: i knew 'they' were tracking me

. And I agree - the day they want to force me to wear a chip ... I'll be lockin' and loadin' next to CheapboatKev.

They force me to do anything, I'll join you guys.
We need to set up a meeting to figure out what calibers we share. Ammo is damn expensive now! :D


Jun 24, 2006
Re: i knew 'they' were tracking me

I think you can clear your cookies every 5 minutes and they'll still get you.


I have been using Tectan fishing line for about 15 years. It's made in Germany and apparently rarely used in the US since I have personally met only one other person who's ever used it. I always bought it from Cabelas until last year when they quit handling it. This spring I Googled and found it at FishUSA, the only US source. Had a medium heart palpitation on seeing the price and closed the site. I then opened weather underground to check conditions and there, all across the top of the page are ads for Tectan line. Closed the browser, deleted cookies, reopened WU and the ads were gone.

I finally decided I needed that line so I got a bank loan and went to FishUSA and bought a couple of spools. Sure enough, most of the sites I open are now hawking tectan line again.

greenbush future

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 28, 2009
Re: i knew 'they' were tracking me

I think you can clear your cookies every 5 minutes and they'll still get you.


I have been using Tectan fishing line for about 15 years. It's made in Germany and apparently rarely used in the US since I have personally met only one other person who's ever used it. I always bought it from Cabelas until last year when they quit handling it. This spring I Googled and found it at FishUSA, the only US source. Had a medium heart palpitation on seeing the price and closed the site. I then opened weather underground to check conditions and there, all across the top of the page are ads for Tectan line. Closed the browser, deleted cookies, reopened WU and the ads were gone.

I finally decided I needed that line so I got a bank loan and went to FishUSA and bought a couple of spools. Sure enough, most of the sites I open are now hawking tectan line again.
Re Cookie
This is my lame attempt to offer guidance on how to help control, your information being shared, I am not a techie, I merely sell the IT services that allow companies to manage their IT environments. Your example above is right on the mark regarding customized marketing. Be careful people.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 26, 2011
Re: i knew 'they' were tracking me

Have you guys seen Person Of Interest? Great show. It definitely had me thinking again last night.

Cap’n Ray

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 1, 2011
Well, atleast I know there will be four of us refusing the 'gift' of an implant, and offering some lead in exchange for continued relative freedom and privacy :-D
Big brother is here, he's got a LOT of friends helping, and being tracked literally or virtually is pretty much a way of life- at least here in the good 'ole USofA, welcome to technology. I may have to "live with it" but I don't have to like it! Most of us have a limit to what we'll tolerate, I know it's gettin awful close for me!!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 16, 2011
Re: i knew 'they' were tracking me

I found out recently that they have been putting "black boxes" in cars for several years, That information is stored and records things like speeding etc and can be used in court against you. Soon all of the insurance companies will review your "black box history" and use the info to rate your premium...Just wait.


Jul 9, 2010
Re: i knew 'they' were tracking me

I found out recently that they have been putting "black boxes" in cars for several years, That information is stored and records things like speeding etc and can be used in court against you. Soon all of the insurance companies will review your "black box history" and use the info to rate your premium...Just wait.

Black boxes only record data in the event of an air bag deployment. Not day to day use. Your car would have to have one hell of a big hard drive in it to store all the data from years of use.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 10, 2009
Re: i knew 'they' were tracking me

Disable cookies on the computer, disable activeX on the computer, buy an old car (no black box), live on a boat (no property taxes!!).. DONT move to VT (enough flatlanders! ;) ). Working well enough for me. ha

Oh, and I just deleted my facebook account, on NEW allegations that they're mining a bit too much info from you. New thing is that they can potentially track you even after you've logged off and left the site.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 26, 2011
Re: i knew 'they' were tracking me

Well, atleast I know there will be four of us refusing the 'gift' of an implant, and offering some lead in exchange for continued relative freedom and privacy :-D
Big brother is here, he's got a LOT of friends helping, and being tracked literally or virtually is pretty much a way of life- at least here in the good 'ole USofA, welcome to technology. I may have to "live with it" but I don't have to like it! Most of us have a limit to what we'll tolerate, I know it's gettin awful close for me!!

There's 5 of us. I just hadn't commented on that part yet. lol. By the way, I shoot 7.62x39. Cheap, easy to find, and I have alot of it. :D

Summer Fun

Mar 2, 2002
Re: i knew 'they' were tracking me

My anti-tracking hat. :D



Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2010
Re: i knew 'they' were tracking me

Black boxes only record data in the event of an air bag deployment. Not day to day use. Your car would have to have one hell of a big hard drive in it to store all the data from years of use.

And beside that, if the admiral's car had a black box in it the black box would quickly close its eyes.:eek:


Jun 30, 2004
Re: i knew 'they' were tracking me

very interesting responses here. looks like i may not be the only one concerned. this is good i think.

Privacy is a thing of the past, Zig.
it appears to me that Privacy likely is a thing of the past JB, this to me is sad...
Internet, facebook, My Space, Twitter, Smart phones, etc, etc.
i like my annominity, this is why, so far, i don't belong to any of the quoted places and so far i've resisted the smart phone. my guess is that a smart phone will be the only thing available in the near future though. another sign things could be going awry.
As soon as "they" decide it's chip inplant time, thats when the guns are unburied
well cbk. i'm in trouble, i don't own a weapon. however if 'they' do decide it's chip plant time, i may change my tune and decide maybe i do need a weapon.
Just wait till you find out about the tracking devices they implant during a colonoscopy. I'm just sayin'.
following cbk's statement, that made me choke on my coffee. i'd find it real funny except that i'm 51 years old and i've not been in yet to have one of them inspections. now i'm really worried...
Ziggy - Onstar just called and ask you park on the other side of your driveway!!! :eek: :D
ah ha, it would be nice to know 'they' are not infallible. i only have a single, kinda white rock driveway. there is no other side.. :)
It's all about generating revenue and leveraging information.
this is something to be concerned about imho. info is power and money is the ability to buy power.
Most are so unaware of all the ?data? that is collected from their movement, purchases, logins, websites, and everything else that touches a computer screen. This data is cleansed, formatted and sold, to the highest bidder over and over to anyone who wants to ?target market?. It is without a doubt the hottest thing in Information Technologies right now. I have several IT consultants that do nothing but this ?data crunching?, Credit card companies, mortgage, banking, and every other business vertical around is either buying or selling your personal data. Any you agree to this every time you buy sell or conduct an online anything. Be careful people, this is real.
i beleive this. especially when banks and credit card companies send you the opt out plan about shareing info. your auto opted in, but have to go to effort to be opted out? this is wrong. so far, i buy very little on line, some though. i only have log in's for things that i gotta have, you know, like iboats.. ;).... well... more like the other things described actually. scary as ya can't hardly avoid this and be able to operate (conduct business) in this age . as for clearing cookies, i do this daily + at least one avg scan. weather this helps or not i don't know. i guess i go on the assumption it won't hurt to try.
Black boxes only record data in the event of an air bag deployment.
interesting. my bag light is on in my '99 van. i was thinking i should fix this as my mechanic told me that it could prevent deployment when i said i was concerned about deployment w/o an accident. so if it don't deploy, the black box wouldn't be activated.
My anti-tracking hat. :D
very good summer fun. great to see your concerned about your cat too. i'll have to make 2 extra ones now for my feline friends that i have. cats are people too and deserve protection from 'them' too...

now the question is what to do about this? the wheels are already in motion. will people be smart enough to be able to use this tech? with great respect? my fear is not and i'm glad to see others are worried too. the times they are a changin... not necessarily for the better in this case either.