Okay, we had a family meeting and decided that we
will keep the Kingfisher! Surprised? :lol:
After our last fishing trip it became very apparent to me that I just didn't have enough room up front while sitting there fishing. And the boat is very "tippy" when any of us move around (especially my big carcass) and we had to discuss options.
First thought was to get a boat with a flatter hull shape and higher deck, especially forward. That would give me maneuvering room and a more stable platform. Something like a bass boat, etc. But my wife said that she wouldn't feel comfortable with such a boat. She said being "in" the boat instead of "on" the boat makes her feel much more secure. She absolutely loves the secure feeling when in the Chieftain. And the boy said he didn't want to have to rebuild yet
another boat!
Next option would be to build a high forward deck in the KF, but that would increase the tippiness, not reduce it at all. So that was out.
Now my thoughts are to move the console and front fishing seat more aft once I install the 50HP Mercury. Can't move the console too far to the rear or I'll end up with a stern heavy boat. My original thought for the 50 was to use the steering cable that came with it on the donor boat and just move the console to match the cable length. But if the console is farther aft then I'll have to spend money on a new cable.
Oh man I love seeing fishing weather that's warm, makes me anxious to get my new boat done before spring breaks here in 5 months.
TM looks nice there, that's the same position I have mine on my SN. I have a suggestion on your TM, spin it around so that the prop is hanging over the side of the boat that way if you accidentally hit the on button the prop will just spin rather than bang into the bow deck.
Good tip on the TM orientation! During the reconfiguration it was disconnected from the battery but I'll be sure to keep the prop overboard when stowed from now on.