I have done all that the search will tell me 77 6hp evinrude bogs down full throttle

Sep 5, 2008
Hi guys
Yes I am new but yes I have spent the last 3 days searching through posts, that are very similar to the prob Im having. I have done all the tests you guys suggested except for 1. pulling plug leads off when it begins to die, I did try this but **** myself and nearly tipped the boat. So please dont ask me to try it again.

The problem is intermittent, what happens is sometimes she will pull full throttle but then bogs down and slowly but surely shell be revving but the motion of the ocean slows down, i then back her off and she might pick up or she might not.she only sometimes reaches full throttle with the speed she did last trip. And without that little bit of extra power she wont plane ( She is behind a 12 flat punt, tinnie )

She has had new plugs new fuel pump kit carby pulled down twice( and its clean enough to eat off, new fuel lines brand new fuel line from tank to motor including bulb, which stays full when the problem occurs, head pulled off and inspected, compression test 75psi or whatever with hand pull equal in both cylin new water pump. thats all i can think of for now

So big picture is she breaks down under load, but intermittently and doesnt seem to be missing, its just that she slowly bogs down and ends up with full throttle being equivalent to 1/2-3/4 speed. Could it be coils. its the only thing left ?? Thanks for any help


Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Yes, it could be coils.

Are you sure your fuel tank is vented and the primer bulb doesn't go flat?
Sep 5, 2008
Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Thanks for the reply and yep lm sure the tank is vented, l even opened the fill lid and the bulb stays full, which l checked when she strated to bog down and even tried to pump it, but it was solid and didnt effect the running.
As I said l do realise its a common Q but l am sure all other bases are covered. l am just not sure how coils work or how they may effect the motor.will buy new ones and let you know, thanks for confirming that coils may do this.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

clairfy this "The problem is intermittent, what happens is sometimes she will pull full throttle but then bogs down and slowly but surely shell be revving but the motion of the ocean slows down, i then back her off and she might pick up or she might not." are you saying she is turning full rpms, but going nowhere? or that the rpms are slowing also? this makes a big difference.
Sep 5, 2008
Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Sorry mate the revs slowly die also. and she will not stall but it ends up as l said running at about 1/2 throttle, its like the throttle is slowly being turned back by itself? but it doesnt missfire or shudder or anything. And she is a real pain to get started.
thanks for your reply and any help if you can


Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Time to pull the flywheel and have a look.
Sep 5, 2008
Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Thanks DJ but just 1 Q. what in the heck am i looking for??
my hope was coils but anyway! Ill pull it off and awiat your commands!
Sep 5, 2008
Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Okay flywheel off and undid the magnet thingy and the other thingy with a metal strip through it now l have no bloody idea ?? And lm guessing l shouldnt have undone them but oh well!:confused:


Vice Admiral
Jun 18, 2006
Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Okay flywheel off and undid the magnet thingy and the other thingy with a metal strip through it now l have no bloody idea ?? And lm guessing l shouldnt have undone them but oh well!:confused:

I need this clarified also. You undid the magnet thingy and other thingy? Huh? Can you post photos? That would help a heckuva lot.


Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

1. Look for cracks in the coils outside covering.

2. A good time to replace points and condensers. Set them to .020"

Tip: Do one point set at a time so that it is easier to remember where things go.;)
Sep 5, 2008
Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

l am trying to upload but need to work out how to resize/minimise the sze of the pic
Sep 5, 2008
Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Heres the pics of the motor with fly wheel off geen thingy and white thingy on top and coil packs at back



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  • DSC00332.JPG
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Jan 4, 2006
Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Your engine look more like a 78 or 79 than a 74 (no points ans condensers), what is the model number ?
Sep 5, 2008
Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

6704m ... the spazz at the boat shop here reckons its a 74, but that might help me understand y i cant find points, anyway let me know what year it is please. if you can from the no above. I ordered all the parts i fixed useing it and as i said i only presumed it was a 74 as l was told recently


Jan 4, 2006
Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

It's a 1977
Sep 5, 2008
Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

cool thanks for the conformation Patate, maybe now these other poor buggers ive stuffed up might be able to help me a little easier :confused:
Sep 5, 2008
Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Sep 5, 2008
Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Sep 5, 2008
Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

hi guys sorry bout the bumpin just didnt want to lose the post
As you can see and will have read l was off the mark with the year of my motor. Which will explain why youve had so much trouble with help. Anyways now thats all sorted, and l have worked out she is electric ignition and points with a coil pack as well. Any idea on what to look at first or what you think may be the most likely culprit. Coils? Power pack? Or the point things under the fly wheel?
Thanks again for the help


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 11, 2008
Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

Re: I have done all that the search will tell me 74 6hp evinrude bogs down full throt

have you inspected your points?

are they set correctly?

are the contact surfaces smooth or bumpy and burnt looking?

are there any cracks in the coils?

are any of the magnets in the flywheel loose or missing?

do all of the wires look like they are connected good with no corrosion?

do the wires look crystalized(burnt or dark in color with corrosion at contact)?