I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 10, 2005
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

Next time I am out I will be keeping a close eye out for this fella. I boat on the IL river not the best place but it gets the job done. I will get his Hull ID. It may be to late now to do anything but it is worth a shot. Thanks every one. Also my boys lip is healing good. It still hurts him to eat but all in all it is getting better.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 4, 2006
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

I sure would be mad as hell too, but this guy will get what is coming to him sooner or later. You did what was right at the time, not letting your family see you loose your cool....a invaluable lesson for your son. We have twin 4 year old boys, and they pick up everything you say and do at that age. I am sure you are not the only boater this looser has done this to. Like I said, he will get what is coming to him, and it won't have to be you that will have to give it to him. Not everyone can keep their cool like you did.


May 20, 2007
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

I wish I would have had that kind of patience. I would have done something stupid long before my mind starting taking back over.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

excerpt from my local fishing board, June 25 of this year:
...I took my boy & girl out to Hubbard yesterday morning to do some catfishing in a quite cove. ...After a few hours, a guy pulling a wakeboarder drove into the cove & kept on driving all around us!
He is looking back at the guy on the board & not watching or even looking to see were I was.
I jumped to the front of the boat jerking my son by the arm with me & dove onto my daughter. I was trying to get all of us out of the boat but, did not make it. He hit the back of my motor & knocked all of us to the floor hard & spun the boat around 180 degrees & instantly filled the boat with water!!! My kids have cuts & bruises & I broke my wrist. They are scared of going out in the boat now! The guy never stopped!!!!! WTF???
I did not get any numbers or even a make & model
I did report it to the police who then notified the Game Warden. They said without a description, not much could be done

From his sketchy description of the boat (white with some blue, and a wakeboard tower) and the damage it took from a maroon aluminum boat, another forum member called the GW on a boat he saw at a ramp on another lake 2 weeks later. The boat owner (who wasn't on board when it happened) convinced the driver (his son) to confess and identify his companions. Two men and a woman in their early twenties were arrested. The driver had a court date scheduled for yesterday - haven't heard yet how that came out. Scarey stuff.



Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 6, 2006
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

I commend you Capthook for maintaining your composure and ensuring the safety of your kids during such a traumatic experience. Speaking as a father and a boater your actions are something we can all learn from.

Now, speaking as an insider in a Federal Gov't (Cdn) emergency response organization (Coast Guard) I have to tell you that our organization, and I know most in both our respective countries (US & Can) are run by bean counters. No not professional sailors, career officers or otherwise, but the spindly necked pocket liner bean counting accountants, risk managers and management trainees w/o a lick of operational experience. That being said you have to understand what they see (usually we tell them different but they don't listen because they've never been trained to listen) sorry, I digress, what they see are numbers on a spreadsheet or a nice neat pie chart. Every incident that gets reported via our national reporting system to either the local authorities, Provincial or Federal police gets consolidated and reported. These events are classified for their type and extent injury, loss of life, property damage/loss etc. The bean counters I referred to earlier will use these statistics to assign resources to the front line responders to keep them, in touch, with their jurisdictions. So the short of it is you "should" report this event to the appropriate authorities so there is a record, even if nothing comes out of it. If you don't report it the numbers get skewed and the bean counters don't know enough to read between the lines on the spreadsheet (even though we tell them they should).

I know a lot of us (most probably) just turn a blind eye to events such as this or take matters into their own hands (which can go awry quickly). I guess it's apathy that leads us away from reporting it but does that really do any of us any good in the long run? Probably not 'cause the bean counters won't give the front line responders 'nuff gas & stuff to keep themselves out on the water where "WE" all know they should be!

So simply report the event, even if well after the fact, you'd have some sort of record of treatment for your son to substantiate your side of the story. Get a copy of the report for your records. Hopefully if we all finally say "We've Had Enough" of these freakin' idiots on the water and drive up the incident reports the bean counters will asign more resources to help ensure our safety on the waterways. Well, we can dream/hope anyways.

If that doesn't work I know a couple of big strappin' fellas who'd just luv to take that jerk behind the boathouse for a lil' hmmmmm? friendly chat!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 10, 2005
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

I am normally not the one to keep my cool. But I have been getting better with time,???? and maybe age as well. "Can't swing the twins like I used to HAHA". I will say something to the CP and get a report made. I am glad that I did not have my youngest one with me. He is going to be turning 1-year-old next month. I did not let me oldest onto the boat until he was able to hold his head up in our pool and could balance himself without assistance. I spend almost every day in the pool with my boys. They always were their life vests in the pool so they get used to them. I proubly will wait until next year before I take the new edition out. Although he is doing quite well, he will be a year and seven months old and I will feel a lot better about him on the boat.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 13, 2007
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

I just saw your thread and gotta say you have alot better control than i do but hope everything is good with your son i am new to boating and only been out on the water about 20 times when i go i find a cove that is empty to let the kids swim and tube but it never fails that someone sees us back there with their big fancy boat and has to come back and "show off" the last time we were there and a guy came threw and through my 7 year old into the side of the boat when his wake hit him but my luck was that the ranger was there watching a bridge for no wake and flew over and caught him but my son is scared to go and swim or even get on the tube now hopefully he will soon calm down and get out and have fun


Jul 4, 2004
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

Good to here your son is on the mend

Here on the coast it is pretty much allways rough enough in small boats that the littel ones need and adult to sure there holding on safely all the time



Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 6, 2006
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

I I proubly will wait until next year before I take the new edition out. Although he is doing quite well, he will be a year and seven months old and I will feel a lot better about him on the boat.

A good rule of thumb for the lil' ones on a boat is "One Hand for the boat and one hand for you". First thing I learned when I went aboard ships was "always watch your feet"! I think boating with your kids is one of the best things for them. Get them involved in something that will last a lifetime and the memories will stay with you forever.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 13, 2007
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

Knotty i have a 2 year old that likes boating but he is scared when i tried to get him to float in the life vest you wouldn't have any ideas to get him more comfortable with trusting them would ya

Nova II 260

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 27, 2006
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

25 years ago, when my little one was afraid of (didn't understand) lifejackets use and water. We put one on him in the neighbors pool. Then when he could no longer touch the bottom but still floated upright, all was "Cool Dad" . I think with the little ones it's a matter of being able to see the bottom.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 13, 2007
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

thanks for the input Nova will have to try more then any other time he loves the water so not sure if it is the lake or the vest but i will keep trying


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 10, 2005
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

I am normally not the one to keep my cool. But I have been getting better with time,???? and maybe age as well. "Can't swing the twins like I used to HAHA". I will say something to the CP and get a report made. I am glad that I did not have my youngest one with me. He is going to be turning 1-year-old next month. I did not let me oldest onto the boat until he was able to hold his head up in our pool and could balance himself without assistance. I spend almost every day in the pool with my boys. They always were their life vests in the pool so they get used to them. I proubly will wait until next year before I take the new edition out. Although he is doing quite well, he will be a year and seven months old and I will feel a lot better about him on the boat.

Thats what I did. I put them in the pool with their vest and got them used to wearing them and understanding how they help them in the water. I even got a vest for our Great Dane Chocolate Lab mix. He is pretty big and often wears out easy any more when we go to the river. But he still laves the water. My wife and I wear our life vest whil on board all the time as well. This just shows the kids that it is not "Uncool" to wear PFD'S. When ever we go bike riding you guessed it helmets on for all of us. I don't really like wearing them all the time but when my son's grow up and start taking the boat out by themselves I can rest a sure that they are "Hopefully" going to be safe. Now if I can just keep from riding wheelies on my quad in front of the kids they might just have a shoot. I can't help myself on a quad. I race so it is in my blood. I have been racing for about 10 years now. My wife gets so made when I do this. But they also see that Dad is wearing all the proper attire while doing so. Not sure where this came from but ohwell. Cheers!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 4, 2006
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

I don't want to get off the subject that this post was about, but swimming lessons did a great deal for my twin boys that are 4 years old. This time last year, they wouldn't even get in the water without me being in the water with them while we were boating. We put them in two swimming classes this spring and early summer and now they are jumping off the back of the boat and going crazy. Life jackets have never been a problem for them, but every kid is different. The only problem we have now is getting them out of the water and back into the boat.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 13, 2007
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

didn't mean to get off subject but thank you guys all for the info and good luck to capt and family if i have any more stupid ?'s i will start a new post and btw capt my wife hates the quads as well cause i am a little careless in front of the kids but always where the appropriate safety gear no matter what i am doing with the exception of my street bike thanx again


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 10, 2005
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

You didn't get off the subject. Don't worry about. cheers.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 6, 2006
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

Knotty i have a 2 year old that likes boating but he is scared when i tried to get him to float in the life vest you wouldn't have any ideas to get him more comfortable with trusting them would ya

Boy or girl? They have swimsuits for girls with floatation built in. Think they're called "Floaties" of all things. I last saw them at Walmart.

I did a boater safety class for a Beaver troup (that's like cubs and brownies combined). We did an on-the-water exercise with life jackets and an aluminum boat. One of the little girls, probably 5 or 6 was afraid with the life jacket on till I put a "Fox 40" on the zipper tab! She was so much having fun blowin' that damn whistle she forgot she was in the water wearing a life jacket. I sent the whistle home with her to show her parents! *evil grin*


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 13, 2007
Re: I Hate Stupid Boaters!!!!!

thanx knotty i have a little boy we are gonna float into a cove thats only 3 feet deep this afternoon and see what happens there maybe he won't be as afraid and i don't have to worry about any stupid boaters that can throw a wake at him to scare him anymore atleast i wouldn/t think i would