I got chills tonight . . .


Aug 1, 2006
Re: I got chills tonight . . .

Forget it.... logic is lost on Willy, he hates Bush. :p


Nov 30, 2006
Re: I got chills tonight . . .

Agree QC, don't know about chills, but thought it was a fairly good address. I also admire Nancy P., even though there are very few things she does politically that I like. I just admire raw political skill and talent and she clearly has that. She also is a classy lookin' old gal. That all said: (hope I don't drive the conservatives over the edge here); have any of the Libs/Dems/Independents on this forum really thought things out? I hope you are all aware of American History that should hopefully bind us all, to some degree: as Americans. Do you know how difficult it was for George Washington to win the Revolutionary War? Back in those days about 30% were with George W, (Washington not Walker) and 30% were with King George, and there were 40% in the middle. Can you imagine what the outcome would have been if they acted like the modern media and or Libs or Democrats. What if every ackomplishment of the very capable enemy were labeled G Washingtons' incompetence, stupidity,...pick the word here? Would we ever have become a country? How about old Abe Lincoln, lots of incompetence, stupidity, etc. to go around if you wanted to break this country up in the mid ninteenth century. His 'polls' were so low he was assassinated! Are all you Dems and Libs proud of the failure we had when the Democrats cut off our Veitnam ally in the mid 70s? That is not long ago. They were rewarded with massive majorities and a Presidency with actual results that I wish you would carefully examine. Can we win a real war post Veitnam? Very good question to ponder. Some truly anti war folks will not fight under any circumstances. I don't understand that point of view very well, but I know the genuine sentiment exists and has existed through history. How do Democrats define honor? Those who voted for the war before deciding there was more to gain from back stabing, (most of them) are the real pukes here. They are allowed a free pass by the current Libs and Democrats to revise history and blame it all of one person: Bush, say they are 'sorry' and be as popular as ever. Scum bags: especially those who let them off. Actually Hillary, (another who I don't like), has far more class then the rest. I know it is likely a cold political calculation, but at least she is not a treacherious as the other Liberal Dems, (and some Repubs) that flip flop. Sorry for the rant, Respectfully JR


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: I got chills tonight . . .

"And what is our national debt? 8.6 trillion? What is our GDP? over 12 trillion?"

Okay, convince Corporate America to pay down on the debt. It's their Patriotic Duty! They don't even have to pay it all at once. A trillion a year is all we ask. Cessna gonna pay their fair share? Big oil? Our health care system? Insurance companies? Drug companies? Show me just one willing to pay down their fair share. You Can't! They Won't! They're all elbow-deep in the cookie jar going for the shoulder. That old argument you Neocons keep pulling out of your butts is nothing but BS, and nobody but a Neocon believes it! Has one red cent been paid down during any Republican administration since Reagan started it? BAH!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: I got chills tonight . . .

Thanks JR. I almost didn't use the word chills, because I knew some would giggle at that. Anyway, I chose chills because of the things I posted, not Bushes speech per se, but moments within the whole thing. I love when our country looks good. Unanimous applause at Pelosi's introduction made us look good, chills. Honoring immigrant, unanimous applause made us look good, chills. Honoring war hero, unanimous applause, chills . . .

I am reading "1776" which is an historical account of that year. General Washington had his hands full, not just Congress, but loyalist citizens too. He made some HUGE mistakes, especially the initial defense of New York. What he (they) eventually accomplished is simply amazing, and the room full of applauding Congressmen is his (their) legacy and another huge reason I got chills . . .


Nov 30, 2006
Re: I got chills tonight . . .

QC said:
Thanks JR. I almost didn't use the word chills, because I knew some would giggle at that. Anyway, I chose chills because of the things I posted, not Bushes speech per se, but moments within the whole thing. I love when our country looks good. Unanimous applause at Pelosi's introduction made us look good, chills. Honoring immigrant, unanimous applause made us look good, chills. Honoring war hero, unanimous applause, chills . . .

I am reading "1776" which is an historical account of that year. General Washington had his hands full, not just Congress, but loyalist citizens too. He made some HUGE mistakes, especially the initial defense of New York. What he (they) eventually accomplished is simply amazing, and the room full of applauding Congressmen is his (their) legacy and another huge reason I got chills . . .

As I stated QC it was a very good speech. I wish our country would listen to his words and use some logic and ponder the challanges we now face. I don't know why Democrats seem to always side with our enemies, (since WW2). They use nearly the exact same language, hang out with 'em, and seem to want this great country that gives them all they own to go away. The commies knew how to beat us, (that is why John Kerry is honored in the North Vietnamise shrine to their victory over the USA). Bagdad Jim McDermott hangs with Sadam and denounces our country and wins landslides every time here in Seattle. I fear OBL has our number too. It is very hard to win with "the enemy from within". Respectfully JR


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: I got chills tonight . . .

Sorry OMR, seeems that those on the left have lost logic. It causes them migrains because the have to think of an answer to tough questions, and they just can't do it. It's easier to blame someone than to come up with a solution.


Re: I got chills tonight . . .

They think if they ignore it, it will go away.

The American (citizen) public has ignored it and it enboldens them.

Since they can't get citizens energized to vote they'll find a way to let the illegals, felons and dead people do so.