I Got Busted!


Jul 4, 2004
Re: I Got Busted!

On a VERY serious note a local fireman was electrocuted on a roof top sign here after a building was inspected and signed off as safe following a fire

The poor guy was electrouted removing fire department equipment the next day :(



May 17, 2001
Re: I Got Busted!

Kwas, Permits are only needed during installation and contruction of new fixtures. At least that is the way it is done in this area. No permit is needed for repair, upgrade, or preventive maintenance on fixtures already intalled under a permit.

In the larger cities their ordinances maybe more strict while the smaller townships and villages don't. Heck some of these places don't even have a police force and depend on the county sheriff for law enforcement. So if the small village can't pay a police officer, it sure doesn't have the money for an inspector and his staff for enforcement. The places that doesn't have codes/permits rely on neighboring counties that do have codes to issue the permits and inspections. That way all new construction conforms to the standards set to make sure everything is safe.

Codes/Permits are a pain, but they are there not just for proper operation, but to make sure it is safe and not going to get anyone hurt if something fails.

For residential properties, the owner can install his own electric, gas, and water utilites, BUT it is state (and maybe federal) law all sewer taps be done by a state licenesed sewer tappers. The homeowner does need to pull a permit for contruction of a new house or an addition. This is not neccessarily to see if it is done right as well as getting the new addition put on the records to raise more money for property taxes.

Several years ago, a major tax levy failed. Since then the township has slacked off on lots of attention to things needed to be done for the public such as our streets and roads. They claim there is absolutly no money available to even patch the pot holes or even put new painted stripes on the road. It all boils down to politics and money. Many residents of this area want the townships codes and permits abandoned and have that authority put onto the counties reponsibility. That would be more simpler for me since just one license is all that I would need to perform my work at the stores.

Not worried about raining on the parade, its been raining here anyway for the last week or so.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 13, 2004
Re: I Got Busted!

SS, All I am saying is that there is a reason for licensing and permiting that is not always about money. Where I live one is required to get a permit to hold a garage sale, THAT is all about money. 8)


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: I Got Busted!

Mayfloat, any new news on this issue? Has your employer brought the big hammer down yet?

I wanna see these local bureacratic egotists get slammed. Building code departments are notorious for having a large numbers of them. Regulations in the public interest are one thing. Petty revenue generating regulations are another.


May 17, 2001
Re: I Got Busted!

No word as of yet Boom. There is going to be a special meeting with the council and the owners. Like any legal situation, it can't be done in days, but weeks or months.

A tad bit of research on my part shows that they are mostly intrested in the insurance coverage of the company performing the work. This is just in case someone would get electrocuted, or the sign fall down and kill someone. It just doesn't make sense to require a license to work on the sign while it doesn't for the lot lights. The light lights can or could be just as dangerous as the sign itself.

For right now, they are just having me do the lot lights. Actually, I'm fine by that. With just a one man show working on those large panels in the sign is a pain. I always get worred about a gust of wind ripping them out of my hands. Those panels cost in the hundreds plus the cost of the damage if they would hit someone on the ground. All in all, I do prefer to have someone else do it.

I will post when I hear an update.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: I Got Busted!

Penny ante tyrants Mayfloat. That's the term that I was searching for. Tell your boss to go get em.