I am now embarassed and disgusted


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2004
I hope I don't offend anyone, but what the h#//, if I do offend you, you suck and shouldn't be allowed to breath anyway.<br />The other day our small town of 1100 was visited in the early morning by some disgusting excuses for human beings. These poeple were delivering racial junk to all houses in town. There were 3 different fliers they delivered, all speaking of white supremecy or some garbage like that. I won't go into details of everything written, but they definately made me ashamed to be of the same race as them. <br />Our department made it as fast as we could around town pickcing these up and throwing them away just so people wouldn't have to see the stupidity of others, but some of course made it to the people.<br />My deputies wanted to find out who did it and arrest them. The problem is they did nothing wrong except littering. We could stick them with a $100 fine for every peice they threw out, but what judge would convict and face the publicity exposure this hate group would make this out to be.<br />There are still direct descendants and I have a feeling active members of KKK in this area, but they do not come out from behind their sheets. They keep their stupidity to themselves, and keep the sheets on the bed during the day. <br />I think that they are now calling themselves the National Alliance or some crap like that. I guess they are the new group to watch for. from what I can see out of the Intel bullitens, every time these groups get into trouble or do something stupid they change their name. <br />There, I am done. If I have offended anyone here who holds similar beliefs, all I can say is stay out of my town and we will be fine. It is the American way to be free and able to express your feelings and opinions, but keep that hate filled garbage out of my yard. These morons need to wake up and look at the real world around them. :mad:


Aug 19, 2001
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

All I can say is get the book "Journey of man" . It is a new book that traces the migration of all current peoples as decendents of Africans that left Africa some 40000 yrs ago, based on genetic studies of the male Y chromosome and the mitochondrial dna that is past though the females. We're all Africans and modern humans with cultural differences that are difficult to reconcile in our melting pot, understandably. Gotta move past this junk. Attitudes expressed in this thread will be evidence that we are doing so, as I already know that most of you see this similarly to me and DD... .


May 2, 2003
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

Do they think they (KKK or whatever they call themselves now) will rally support by doing this? Someone need to explain to them that this is 2004, not 1904. <br /><br />Conscript the buggers, pick a hot zone and drop um off.<br /><br />Aldo


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

I work with one. He pretty much keeps that fact under wraps and does not disgus it. But on many ocasions, the hatered and resentment he feels blurts-out in some crude comment or another.<br />I have had my dealings with KKK, and they are scarey people. The real kicker is, thier core requires a strong love of this country, and strict family values. It's what they are trying to protect, in thier twisted way. I have had several try to recruit me,until they found out my core belif holds that all men are created equal , and (now that I'm a Christian) equal in the eyes of God.<br />They're a twisted lot, with the same amount of twist as "insurgients", only with different targets.<br />I share your anger and concern, DD. And Aldo's sugjestion sounds like the best way to deal with them..;<br />Suit-up the entire lot of them, and drop them over Faluja and say, "You want to protect and preserve America? Here's where you need to be. ---- go go go go go!"


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Oct 10, 2004
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

If their leaflets or letters say the kind of things that I can imagine they do, wouldn't this be "hate speach" ? If this was placed in the mailbox or on the property of a minority wouldn't this be a hate crime ? Isn't this supressing someone's civil rights ? In other words doesn't this become a serious or possibly a federal crime that would carry severe penalties ?<br />I also have to ask, why is it that when a white man walks down the street by himself, and a group of minorities, yell things like "hey cracker...better get back to your side of town" is that tolerated and nothing done about it??<br />All of this stupid stuff needs to stop!!<br />We are all Americans, and there are people out there that want to kill all of us, we need to unite, not fight.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 31, 2003
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

Deputydawg,<br /><br />If they were handing out the fliers check your local ordinances to see if they need a peddlers or canvassing permit issued by the City or whatever the local governing authority is. <br /><br />Language can be written into the ordinance making it a misdemeanor if it is violated and thus arrestable if it is not already written into it.<br /><br />They can not place the fliers in mailboxes unless they have postage on them... another offense.


Oct 29, 2002
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

DD these hate groups are everywhere. Small towns ,big towns. They learn a lot of hate in the prisons and take it outside with them.<br />They join in prison for the status or protection of a certain group.<br />In texas when those two or three guys dragged that black man to death that was an act of a hate gang and its roots aren't hard to trace.<br />The groups are on a membership drive all the time.<br />As for the KKK i wouldn't be to concerned about them.There are other groups that are far worse then them and they disguise them selves under the name of Christianity.<br />Our country isn't the only one that is affected by these types of people.<br />Look at africa, they have a civil war going on and people get killed while sleeping. Mostly old people and women children the ones who can't fight back


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

hello<br /> alas that is a draw back to a free society. howerver much I detest it I signed some papers years ago that stated I may have to die to defend some scums right to free speech. as long as it espouses opinions and not threats to life or property I will defend their right to spew the crapola. however its like the TV, when I dont like it I study it for any threat to me and discard it. its always wise to know what and why your fighting before the fight.<br />growing up in the deep south I found some fanatical people of all races.a trip through the live gas chamber or a live gernade excercise tends to make race less an issue and character more so.<br /> good luck and sorry ya had to deal with the trash.<br />ps if you really want to read some trash read some of the rev louis farrakans books. I did and that is as scary as anything the kkk or others have written


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2004
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

After I posted I read our local paper. A women published a letter to the editor, and showed the true definition of the word ignorant! She started by saying how these people are terrible racist and wrong in their beliefs. She ended by saying that she is not racist, BUT what these people made her think. She said that after reading what they wrote, if she meets a black man walking down the street she will probably now cross the street so she doesn't have to meet him. <br />Unfortunately there is nothing legal we can do. It would not be a hate crime if delivered to a minority, because free speech is not a crime. The best would be littering. They are placing these papers in the mail box, which is a violation of law, but not in my jurisdiction. The postal inspector has to deal with that one.<br />This doesn't surprise me, it just makes me mad. I know racism is still alive on both sides. I grew up on the Rosebud Indian reservation in South Dakota. being one of the only white kids there, I was the minority.


Oct 6, 2003
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

Moving to Indiana several years ago from NY, I was blown away by the biggotry in this area. The first meeting I attended at the plant I was working at was focused on discrimination on the back shifts. It was a menonite minister supervising second shift that was content to use terms such as boy, blackie and so on. I didn't think the heartland was this backwards. A small section of this town called Waynedale was a hardline KKK home, and much still rings out there now. Somebody somewhere needs to bring these morons up to speed. At least in NY, they treat everyone the same. Rudely.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

I never understood why people will be obsessed with hate. Takes up a lot of energy, something I would rather save for fun things.<br /><br />What was their point of the flyers? Were they recruiting, or intimidation?<br /><br />It just shows their ignorance as they will accomplish neither. The Klan no longer runs anything, they have lost all thier power.<br /><br />Ken

Terry H

Lieutenant Commander
Sep 25, 2001
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

deputydawg, we put up with a large stronghold of these folks for many years, I'm sure you know. I think they chose this place because we are not very diverse, just middle class white folks here. They were even able to get parade permits and parade their hate and threats in public. They made folks uncomfortable and angry, and even, in some cases afeard. People across the country thought we were harboring these haters, but we just could not rid ourselves of them. <br />The feds got involved and really screwed it up. They attacked an individual in his hideaway...you might look up "Ruby Ridge" to find info on that incident. What finally broke their back was their physical attack on an old woman and her child, she prolly yelled the wrong thing at the wrong time, and she likely got hurt, but she sued.<br />A partial jury awarded her a large settlement, of which she took their property and everything else she could get. Put them out of business, so now they may still be around, I don't know, but at least they are quiet. You kmight look up "white supremecy", and "Ruby Ridge". Good luck handling these scum. JasonJ lives near that area and might have more details...just a thought :)


Oct 13, 2004
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

I was born in Georgia, taught to hate blacks, remember the black/white restrooms, black/white water fountains, remember the integration fo blacks into our white chsools when I was in fifth grade, the race riots EVEN in Elementary school!!! Fights every day, and police escorts for black students arriving to our schools. <br /><br />I was in the military in my early 20's before I learned that black people are as human as I am, and that God loves tehm as much as He loves me. It really did take God to remove the deep hatred I had grown up with. <br /><br />I knew of many people in teh KKK, and as mentioned before, all tehir philosophy was not bad. A man (white) in our neighborhood (if you can call the nearest neighbor 1/2 mile away a neighborhood) was a drunk, and would come home and beat his precious church going wife weekly. This went on a WHILE, and then soomeone foudn out. The little lady had managed to keep it quiet for a long time. Unfortunately for the man and firtunately for the wife, a group of the KKK met him one Friday night upon his return from drinking, and taught him it was not gentlemanly to hit a lady under any circumstances. He not only quit beating her, he quit drinking. After he recovered from HIS beating, that is.<br /><br />But, yes, they did spread hatemongering, violence against blacks, and if anyone was unfortunate to discover them during a secret meeting in the woods, sometimes even death, be they black or white.<br /><br />Not long ago, here in Idaho, a woman and her son were driving along a highway, and accidentally turned into the wrong driveway to turn around. Some men chased them and even shot at them. Turns out they were from the Aryan Nation, Skinheads they call them. The woman was awarded the entire acreage in court and they were disbanded from their area. The man who was head of the Aryan Nations died recently of old age.<br /><br />They are in every part of the country, small and large cities, I believe, adn some target the Asian population, some the blacks, and some even whites who sympathize with mnorities.<br /><br />The worst part of it all, is some of them do it in the "name of God"...but they don't even know His name!!!<br /><br />I hate to even hear Deputy Dawg, that it is happening in your town. As if there weren't enough terrorists already loose in this world.


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

Welcome to my world. My area was a prolific Aryan Nations wasteland. When the Aryan Nations' leader Richard Butler and his ilk lost their headquarters, property, and all their money after a lawsuit filed by people that were shot at by their guards, they all but dissapeared. Richard Butler's death not too long ago was the icing on the cake. There has not been any hate literature of any kind ever since.


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

When I lived in Milwaukee the place I hung out in (bar)at one point started getting visited by these morons. The funny thing is these guys were preaching how they were the superior race and how all the other races were less then them but they were the biggest idiots I may have ever met. My guess is that not a one of them made it out of highshool and if they were lucky 10% worked. They wwere scum and somehow in their little and damaged minds came to the conclusion they were better then others. hmmmmmmmmm..... some peoples children. Its whats on the inside of a man that determines his metal. There is preduduce on both sides that I have seen but its always by the ignorant and foolish.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 9, 2004
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

i have always been taught to look at peoples actions to form an opinoin not the color of your skin. Never understood how the color of mine or your skin can make ethier on of us a better person. These people are in the same group as the fundelmentlist in the Middle East. It's sad to me to think we come so far in a lot of areas but this one some people still have troble with.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2004
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

I know too first hand about some of the KKK and their doings. They are pretty underground here, but are around. About 6 years ago I worked a sexual assault case involving a members son and a neighbors father. I was taken aside one evening by "someone". he told me, and this is the first I have ever repeated it, that I had a deadline to get this guy arrested and jailed. The plan was for about 10 men to bring at least 2 guns each and fill his trailer house with lead. They found an old cystern to dump the body in. Even if investigated who would know the fatal shot, so they would all walk if charged. I didn't believe him at first, but after a while I found they were serious. I ended up finding more victims of this man, they gave me a few extra weeks. He was arrested on the deadline date......Later died in prison.<br /><br />The biggest racism I remember from childhood is Russle Means and the AIM (American Indian Movement). I lived close enough to Pine Ridge and Wounded Knee to have lived through it all. Armed members of the movement stopping cars on the highway, all kinds of violence. It was definately not what is portrayed on television these days. <br />I have studied Ruby Ridge and case files on it, among other hate groups. It has been out there a long time, and will always be, but it still makes me sick to see it thrown all over my town.<br />The KKK used to back as recent as the 70's burn crosses on the bluffs south of town, but these days they are a small club together with their own beliefs and feelings.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Nov 28, 2003
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

The first morning we woke up in Texas we decided to take a little drive around town to see the area. As we approached one of the busiest intersections in Pasadena, Tx. I couldn't believe my eyes. There was a little building with several different flags flying and on each end of the porch stood a klansman armed with an M-16. I felt like I had went through a time warp into an earlier time. A few years later I went by the building and noticed that it was boarded up and falling apart. I don't know if they moved, went underground or just disbanded. The pure hate filled ignorance of some people is downright scary.

one more cast

May 6, 2002
Re: I am now embarassed and disgusted

I just don't understand how some people think they are better then other people. Where ,when, how,or why did they learn to act like that?