Hurricane Charlie ate my Well


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 5, 2002
Although my house survived hurricane Charlie, my utility shed and well equipment met their demise from portions of a very old oak tree. I was able to rescue most of the equipment and it should need only minor parts replaced.<br /><br />The though part I cannot figure out is the well pipe coming up from the ground. I have a steel pipe sticking about 1 foot out of the ground that has a PVC fitting on it that used to have a 1 1/2 inch PVC pipe sticking out. The PVC got snapped off when the tree fell on it. I was able to remove the PVC fitting from the pipe, but there is a pvc pipe within the steel pipe that is broken at the top. I cannot pull the PVC out. I assume I need to replace that pipe so I can put a fitting back on and re-pipe everything. <br /><br />Is this something a normal person can do, or do I need to call a well repair service/plumber to get this back.<br /><br />It's not a huge priority because my lame electric company still doesn't have power restored to my street.<br /><br />Thanks for any help!


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Hurricane Charlie ate my Well

Some questions, Scooch..<br />What is the diameter of the casing (the outer pipe)?<br />Do you have a submersable pump, or above-ground pump?<br />If you can get a saw inside,to cut the 1.5" squarely, then you only need to glue a coupling to it .<br />I feel your pain, bro, We lost our well 2 months ago,(draw-down of the water table due to developement in the area), and had to get another drilled.<br />The storm toppled a slash pine, and it crashed-into the ground, straddling my well,project boat,ande house by 15 feet on each side!<br />I was worried I'd have to go thru all that again.<br />Pointer94 is our resident pump whiz from Wisconsin.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 5, 2002
Re: Hurricane Charlie ate my Well

The pump is a jet pump that is mounted outside the well. Sine the PVC pipe is 1.5" and the steel pipe is not much wider, I would have to guess 2" in diamater.<br /><br />Now that I removed the screw on part from the steel pipe, I have about 1" sticking up from the steel pipe to work with.<br /><br />I wish I only lost 1 tree. Took me and my neigbor 3 hours to clear my driveway so I could get out, and me and 2 guys probably about 12 hours to get most of the stuff cut up and moved up front. I still have guge pieces of my oak tree out back. But, I'd still be happy to get my electricity back as well as my water.... :)


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Hurricane Charlie ate my Well

I can relate. I have a back yard full of pine tree. For all I care, and given the rest of our cleanup woes, that puppy can just lay there until the temps are in the 70's as opposed to upper 90's.<br />The piece you describe on the top is a cap to keep the well casing sealed. It's a little odd that you cannot pull-up the suction pipe. Usually, they fall into the well (losing the well in most cases, in the process).<br />This is why I asked, too. If you can't budge it, that's not exactly a bad thing. It has a foot valve on the bottom of the suction pipe, that might have leather seals that are grabbing the walls. Also, sometimes rust will grab it down there. At least it hasn't fallen-in.<br />Since you now have 1" of clean suction pipe above the casing, you should be fine with a coupling. But you must reseal the casing,or critters will get into the well. You might be able to find someone with a 2" pipe cutter, and cut a couple inches of the casing off,allowing you to re-use the casing cap. But when those cutters get that big, they are way too expensive for a one-time use. Wish I had one. A hacksaw or die cutter would werk, but the risk of going too deep and nicking the PVC is high.<br /><br />I'm not a well guy, but have just gone thru all of this myself (which is how I know about it).<br />I'm in irrigation tho. Kissimmee is way up there, but if you get in a jam, let me know before Saturday, and me and the olady and dawg will day-trip up there. It's easy to work with PVC. Just be sure to prime the conections (using the cleaner) first. The purple stuff werks best. And the Blue glue looks like hell on the finished pipe, but werks best.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 5, 2002
Re: Hurricane Charlie ate my Well

Thanks for the info 12Footer. I'm going to call a plumber who helped me out a few months ago and see if he can fix the pipe up. I'm actually supposed to leave for vacation on Saturday, so if I can't get it fixed up the next day or two, it will sit for a few weeks.<br /><br />Now I wish the dang rain would stop so the creek in the back yard would go back down..... (and yes, power would be nice too)


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Hurricane Charlie ate my Well

Hey scooch-2<br /><br />Just caught the thread, this should be a piece of cake. Any chance you can e-mail a pic. This should be a 20 buck fix. This sounds like a 2" packer style jet. Please provide pump make and model number and I bet we can have you in water by the weekend... ;)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 5, 2002
Re: Hurricane Charlie ate my Well

I'll snap a digital pic tonight when I get home and try and get it posted.<br /><br />The pump is a Goulds pump (I think the HP is 1). I'll verify the specifics tonight as well. This could be the one - JS Plus <br /><br />Thanks!


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Hurricane Charlie ate my Well

Cool, If that is a shallow well jet pump then your job gets even easier. I'll look on the sight tonight for your pics or you can send them to and we can almost assuradly get you going again!!!!!


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Hurricane Charlie ate my Well

There's da man!
Pointer94 got me pointed to a local well driller who got me back in the saddle. <br />One more thing, Scooch. Be sure to diisconnect the power from the pump, lest the power come back on,and running the pump dry. It'll burn up quickly. You proly allreay knew that, but wanted to mention it in the event, you didn't.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 5, 2002
Re: Hurricane Charlie ate my Well

Pointer94 I figured it out. I stood and stared at all the PVC stuff at home depot and came up with a plan. I put a coupling on the 1 1/2 in PVC inner pipe and extended it by 12". I put a connector on the threaded steel pipe and then extended the outer pipe up 6". I could then put a reducing coupling between the two pipes and used the pretty blue cement to make it all work. I wired up the pump and voila, I am pumping water. <br /><br />I still have to pipe all of my stuff back together and then hook the lines back up to the house. I should be able to do that in a few hours tomorrow afternoon. <br /><br />I even got my power back today (my high speed internet is still down, but I can deal with that one).


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Hurricane Charlie ate my Well

Scootch,<br /><br />Great to hear you got things going your way!! If you have any problems I will keep watching this tread for a couple of days. Enjoy a good shower and maybe a little a/c now that the power is back. <br /><br />Here's hoping you good folks in FL can get back to life as usual ASAP!!! :) :)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 5, 2002
Re: Hurricane Charlie ate my Well

I left work early and put afew more hours into the well this afternoon. I was able to get everything back together and hooked up and working!!!! All my connections seem to be holding and the pump is working well.<br /><br />Thanks to Pointer94 and 12footer for the help! If your ever in the area and want to go fishing on West Lake Toho, let me know :)


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Hurricane Charlie ate my Well

Hey Scooch, does that offer go for other iboaters? Am planning on coming to your fair town in November!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 5, 2002
Re: Hurricane Charlie ate my Well

Absolutely. But the guest needs to buy the bait....<br /><br />As long as no other hurricanes and mess with my house, well, or boat we're in good shape.