Hunting versus Fishing?


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Re: Hunting versus Fishing?

What a tournament that would be. I can see it now, on TV!!!!No weigh in # of confirmed hits would win.I bet a guide service would be booked for years!Please use steel or other non lead shot though.

There is a guy that is already running a guide service going after these fish, they use bowfishing set ups, he said he is booked full and in advance..


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 30, 2011
Re: Hunting versus Fishing?

I've been an avid hunter since I was a small boy. I raised hounds hunted small game and deer. I just don't care to kill things like I used to even though I enjoy the flavor of well prepared game. I mainly only hunt deer now but take my son small game hunting. The sport of deer hunting will be totally ruined in the neer future. IMO it is already. The horn porn took over the sport. Providing a little extra meat for the table and helping with crop damage / population control is all gone now. It's all big buck this & that. Yes I like to hunt trophy whitetails and let all the small bucks walk BUT I shoot for my limit of anterless and don't consider shooting does "unmanly" or what not.

I'm about done with the whole thing myself.
My passion for fishing is still as strong now as it was when I was a kid.